the only chemicals i want in my hair..Venting!!!..


Well-Known Member
I only want the chem. from my relaxer (once every 4 months) in my hair... Im getting pissed off looking at all these products saying they are safe and natural.. yet i cant even pronounce half the CRAP in it!!!!! Im really about to only use baking soda, water and olive oil in my hair!!! LOL.. Just venting Ladies..
Wow, thats.......confusing:look: lol The chemical you put in your hair is easily 1000x more powerful then whatever chemicals are present in these synthetic products. So if you're willing to put that on your head.....why draw the line at product chemicals......yea like I said color me confused:look:
Wow, thats.......confusing:look: lol The chemical you put in your hair is easily 1000x more powerful then whatever chemicals are present in these synthetic products. So if you're willing to put that on your head.....why draw the line at product chemicals......yea like I said color me confused:look:
I second that motion.... You can use all natural products, but if your really peeved about chemicals you may consider going natural.
Wow, thats.......confusing:look: lol The chemical you put in your hair is easily 1000x more powerful then whatever chemicals are present in these synthetic products. So if you're willing to put that on your head.....why draw the line at product chemicals......yea like I said color me confused:look:

Why yes it is LOL :look: Any chemical in a product could not be nearly as bad as a relaxer. Maybe time for a transition :poke:
If you're willing to put a caustic chemical upon your head...a chemical so strong that it can mess with the hair that hasn't even grown from your scalp yet, then I don't see what's wrong with a little polyquaternium and ethylhexyl stearate :spinning:.
I's great that you want to use all natural products, but really, if you feel so strongly about it that it deserves its own rant, then then maybe you should just go straight-up natural. :lachen:
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^^^I agree with the may be time for you to take rest from the chems found in relaxers too^^^^

Its funny I didn't start thinking about what was actually in products until started to consider the "natural" way...after I looked at my products I looked at my diet and I changed that too...

You may be well on your way to the nappy/natural side with your thinking...

honEstly the relaxers That I have been getting since I was young didn't cause the damage. The excess styling and cleansing products produced the most damage. So IMO using naturals ingredients not only is great but it enhances the beauty and apperance of my hair.
Who cares why she wants natural products and wants to still relax? It's her head and her wants don't need to make sense to any of you.

The point was these natural products perpetratin'. I know what you mean. Like the Body Shop. They don't explicitly say that they're organic, or even natural, but they're marketed that way. You get the "key ingredients" - all the good, natural stuff. But when you read the entire label, there are the parabens, alcohols, sulfates, etc. I HATE that.
I understand what you are saying. That is why when looking for 'natural' products you should really look for organic. There is no regulation/rules for what companies can call natural, whether it be hair, skin, or food products. But you cannot call something organic, and it not be. They do put rules/regulations on that. I too am relaxed, and use lots of organic things in my hair. And my hair thanks me for it.
Who cares why she wants natural products and wants to still relax? It's her head and her wants don't need to make sense to any of you.

The point was these natural products perpetratin'. I know what you mean. Like the Body Shop. They don't explicitly say that they're organic, or even natural, but they're marketed that way. You get the "key ingredients" - all the good, natural stuff. But when you read the entire label, there are the parabens, alcohols, sulfates, etc. I HATE that.
I don't care, but it's hard not to see the irony in complaining about chemicals in your hair products when your relaxer is at least 10X worse :look:

As for the so-called natural products... I'm frustrated by the lack of transparency but this "natural" and "organic" trend is a cash cow right now... And I expect every hair company to jump on it.
Who cares why she wants natural products and wants to still relax? It's her head and her wants don't need to make sense to any of you.

The point was these natural products perpetratin'. I know what you mean. Like the Body Shop. They don't explicitly say that they're organic, or even natural, but they're marketed that way. You get the "key ingredients" - all the good, natural stuff. But when you read the entire label, there are the parabens, alcohols, sulfates, etc. I HATE that.
And let the church say AMEN!!!! lol
Girl if you don't want chemicals in your hair, then stay out of the beauty aisle. If it's mass produced, then it's going to have chemicals.

If you want all natural...go to the grocery store. Stick with natural oils (coconut, olive, avocado, wheat germ, etc), eggs, coconut milk, aloe vera, glycerine, bananas, avocado, etc. etc. Just do your research and figure out what things can give you the results you want.

The problem is, with relaxed hair you have specific protein needs that may not be met by natural products. I was saying this in another thread but eggs are just not going to give the same result that something with hydrolyzed protein will, like aphogee 2 min. So keep that in mind.
I see post like this all the time and in the spirit of accuracy felt the need to add:

"Everything in the known universe that’s made up of matter is a chemical. Water is a chemical (H2O). Air is a chemical (mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc). In fact, every bit of material that makes up all human beings is a chemical. We’re walking blobs of proteins, polysaccharides, amino acids, enzymes and more.

The only things that are not chemicals are things like magnetism, light, electricity, radio waves, empty space, and maybe dark matter & energy."

The Chemical Free Cosmetic Myth

Carry on...
I see post like this all the time and in the spirit of accuracy felt the need to add:

"Everything in the known universe that’s made up of matter is a chemical. Water is a chemical (H2O). Air is a chemical (mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc). In fact, every bit of material that makes up all human beings is a chemical. We’re walking blobs of proteins, polysaccharides, amino acids, enzymes and more.

The only things that are not chemicals are things like magnetism, light, electricity, radio waves, empty space, and maybe dark matter & energy."

The Chemical Free Cosmetic Myth

Carry on...

This reminds me I need to be more specific when I talk/type. I know I mean made in a lab synthetic chemicals...but of course everyone doesn't know that.
Well i guess if you look at this way: Why keep piling on even more bad stuff? :look: If you have a relaxer, you probably want to be even a little more careful with what else you put on it since the hair is already so compromised. Just because you eat a Big Mac doesn't mean you may as well have fries & soda with it, and a milkshake for dessert. :look: It piles on.

But not all chemicals are bad. You do want the proteins and the conditioning agents. :yep: