i the only one?

jasmine26 said:
Who can't imagine being longer than BSL as a natural!?!

I can't imagine the time it will take for styling

I can't imagine the time and anguish for detangling

I can't imagine the wash days

When my hair was really short, i always envisioned being a bsl and longer natural, and now that i'm achieving some length i almost DREAD doing my hair. I have to mentally build myself up to do anything with my hair. I hate feeling like this but, i do!! And it has to only get worse with length, right!?! I think reality is sinking in and i don't want to be anything longer than bsl. I think i'm venting because i just finished restyling my hair and it's was so hard and time consuming to do!!!!:(

Jasmine--your hair looks AMAZING! :):) I love it! :):)

Out of curiosity though why can't you wash and go?
I know what you mean Jasmine26. :yep: The only way I can comb my hair is when it has conditioner in it or when I use a leave-in. :( It's only becuase my hair is so thick and curly which is a good thing. :up: But I cannot wait for it to be long.
I am starting to think it will be a hassle. My hair hasn't even gotten back to as thick as it used to be.When it is in an afro OMG its out there! LOL. I am just imagining my stylist trying to straighten out longer the BSL hair..haha. Just trying to comb out that hair would take forever. I think I could handle it though. At first I was thinking of shooting for waist length but how in the world would i manage a waist length fro? It would be outta control!!LOL:lol:
I obsessed and obsessed over long hair until it did reach bsl in the back and then I didn't care anymore. Maybe I wondered if it could get that long and when I got the proof, that was enough. Natural 4a or 4b very long hair is a PIA to handle. I'm super short again and love it. It looks prettier to me now than when I first BC'ed, maybe because it's in better condition. It is so much easier to handle short.
For me the longer the better, my hair is naturally very thick and when short it's a BIG P.I.A to tame, but even now I just CO put in a bun, or braid it up and I'm done. I also want to have some good length for when I wear it naturally curly b/c of shrinkage. I used to have natural hair @ BSL, and I want to grow it out to get back to that length natural and just to see how much I can grow. Besides Nay, IRIS, Flowerhair, and others here have gotten to passed WSL and beyond I'm @ least going to try.
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Honestly, if I have type 2 or type 3 natural hair, I would prolly grow it 4ever. But my type 4b hair is sooo dry and tangles so much that longer than bra strap would cause me a headache. I gonna see how I feel if I reach armpit and evaluate from there
You know what jasmine? As much as I want longer hair like brastrap or even waist length, as time goes on and as my hair grows, I also rethink as to whether I really want my hair that long. I would be satisfied with shoulder length or armpit length, but I'll still aim for having brastrap length or even waist length hair if my hair can grow that long which it never has.
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great points ladies!!

countrygal, i love my giovianni but i might just try that biolage detangling solution, it sounds good!

nursn98, what product are you using for your ends? i've always heard to stay away from products with cones but i'm willing to try them cuz i'm also suffering from really bad knots!!

phonybaloney, i have yet to master the wash n go. Plus, my hair isn't properly shaped, and i, honestly, just don't think i am a wash n go kinda girl :)
OT: this is too funny
All hairs have their stages. Sometimes when you're in a difficult stage you can't imagine things getting better as it grows. But it does. You find a new routine, simpler than the first one, and you "grow" on.
My hair was the most difficult at approx 10 cm (I looked like a MonChichi straight hair sticking out like a cactus), shoulder length (my hair would curl up and tangle so badly before it grew past my shoulders). After my hair grew past my shoulders it's just gotten easier and easier.
nurseN98 said:
I found out that my ends coil around each other really badly if I don't keep them detangled. I was trying to do no-poo and no silicones for about a year but my ends were in terrible shape no matter how much trimming and lubricating I did. Last year AFTER my bc (so between March-Dec. 2005), I "trimmed" 4-5 inches of hair:eek: This year so far I've trimmed about an inch. I've tried so many things, products & I read about silicones smoothing out the cortex so that the hair doesn't snag onto each other and I decided to try it.

So in addition to keeping my hair detangled, I use products w/cones. Since then, i've seen a couple of knots but NOTHING like how my hair usually behaves on no-silicone products. I use milder cones like amodimethicone & dimethicone. My ends are doing so much better now:)

Thanks for the tip nurseN98 i will give it a try;) !

Jasmine26 : I'm armpit again now and yes it's take me forever to wash/detangle/airdry my hair (2 to 3 hours) but since I'm focused on my next goal :Bra strap, it's not a problem yet.
I think that it's the price to pay to have long hair (at least at bra-strap)!
I would like that my hair acts like FlowerHair's : the longer the easier to manage!
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