Cool! I may try this sometime this summer.hairsothick I actually got the hilghlights because of my hennaed hair, I read that was the only way to get rid of henna was to bleach the hair. I think that's why my hair turned bright orange after the bleach. I was too chicken to bleach my whole head so I figured I'd start with highlights first and see what happens.
My hair for the weekend:
I finally can do an updo that I Like!
Ok. So I have this really weird patch on the front of my head thats wirey and always frizzy. All the rest of my hair is defined coils, but this patch is just weird! I dont think its 4b because if I look at the individual strands the wave pattern is the same as the rest of my hair, but none of it will clump together with the surrounding strands. erplexed If i load it gel I will get some definition, but the curl pattern is loser than the other sections when i do this or it will just become straight with a slight bend on the end. Has anybody else experienced this??
My first puff. #giggle This was after a drive from ATL to DC, so its looking a mess. I was soooo proud of my little puff. 5 months post BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok. So I have this really weird patch on the front of my head thats wirey and always frizzy. All the rest of my hair is defined coils, but this patch is just weird! I dont think its 4b because if I look at the individual strands the wave pattern is the same as the rest of my hair, but none of it will clump together with the surrounding strands. erplexed If i load it gel I will get some definition, but the curl pattern is loser than the other sections when i do this or it will just become straight with a slight bend on the end. Has anybody else experienced this??
I love it! I hope mine looks as beautiful as yours...
Fab_NikkiThanks!I love this!!!!! You are working it OUT with these styles lady. I can't get my combs like that straight. They always look lopsided.
I'm doing the BC Friday when I get off from work. I can't deal with the two textures any longer. I will post pics! I'm excited!
Of course the stylist bailed on me