The Nerve of Boundless Tresses...

ya broke me down... so low... so loooooow!
I'm jumping on the BT train to...
Choo Choo bishes, im joining ya...
Lemme find my credit card! D@MN D@MN D@@@@@@@MN!
Nice & Wavy said:
You will not regret it!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

N&W you crack me up with your 1 liner BT praises. You're like a LHCF commercial.

Boundless won't regret!

Go on and get yourself some Boundless Tresses!!
I will not be able to stretch at ALL!!! That is a good bad thing to say.
I started using this on 3/9 and I have 1 inch of NG already today is 4/9. I started getting growth by the third day of using this. This stuff work!


I'm on the 3rd day too. I was trying to figure out if it was my new growth sweating out from when I went to da club on Sunday :lol: or the BT, but i was ruffling around dem braids and the ripples were so close to the scalp that weren't there before.
godzooki said:
Gal Dangit! I just blew my resolve to not buy another hair related item for the rest of the month! PayPal is seeing more action than my hubby right now! Can't wait to give this a try.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
I ordered BT on Saturday and I went and mixed my own alternative yesterday and Tried it last night and I have a secret I pick at the center of my scalp, Its a habit have not been able to break for the past 5 years like I have this thin close to bald spot anout 1/2 inch area and i will scratch it to death cause it itchy. I know its a nervous thing. ... well I put in some of my mixture in and this morning i had hair sprouting. I checked this morning and I screamed OMG my SO came running thinking someone was killin me in the bathroom. LOL but I do hope BT works for me better. Im excited cannot wait to get it. My alternative consists of JBCO, Sulfur, Kesavardhini oil, 5 drops of WGO and 15 drops of lavender EO to mask the sulfur MY SO kept smelling lavender all night. I also did another batch with peppermint. I have not tried it yet.. Naturallady Im waiting for my order...
Has anyone had trouble ordering from the website using PayPal? The screen will double in some spots and prevent you from typing in the correct password.
cherryhair123 said:
Has anyone had trouble ordering from the website using PayPal? The screen will double in some spots and prevent you from typing in the correct password.

Cherry, I've ordered twice and haven't had any issues with it.
I just started using mine yesturday. I get a feeling on my scalp like a cooling sensation like seabreeze or something. I guess its just getting the scalp ready to do its thing!!! Hay:D
toyztoy said:
I just started using mine yesturday. I get a feeling on my scalp like a cooling sensation like seabreeze or something. I guess its just getting the scalp ready to do its thing!!! Hay:D


You will love the results! Take pictures like I did for before and after so that you can see how quickly this stuff works.;)

I just ordered a bottle. My hair is bra strap length for the most part, but I have serious issues with my nape. I'm hoping that BT will help. :)
I got my BT yesterday. I almost forgot to park properly in the driveway when I saw the box waiting on my steps. It was solid when I opened the box but after around an hour sitting in the house it warmed up I shook it up and got my OIL on. This morning I have the tingly sensation like my hair is about to reach new bounds...:lachen:!!!
I'm so jealous of you all. I had to stop using it and stop baggying until I can find out why my hair is breaking!! Hopefully, I'll get it under control and be able to do BT in the upcoming weeks.
My progress is bittersweet, because tomorrow I will be 8 weeks post relaxer. My new growth is off the chain! I'm not sure that I'll be able to go 15 weeks post this go round. I'm hoping to at least get 3 or more 4 weeks of stretching in. Maybe I should reduce my usage to about 1-2 times per week instead of every other day (sometimes every day in problem areas).
I am right with you. I am not scheduled until May 15th but I may have to tame this hair next week and that will only be 7 weeks for me. But my hair is a hot mess right now. One big Poof! But I am not complaining I wanted to see some more growth....just greedy...just greedy....

Cayenne0622 said:
I'm so jealous of you all. I had to stop using it and stop baggying until I can find out why my hair is breaking!! Hopefully, I'll get it under control and be able to do BT in the upcoming weeks.

baggying and all that excessive oiling did that to me!:eek: i realized after the 2nd time of doing that! :perplexed my ends broke each time
i have been using BT and makes my hair soft too. i get those tingles and little itches also. :)
honeybadgirl said:
baggying and all that excessive oiling did that to me!:eek: i realized after the 2nd time of doing that! :perplexed my ends broke each time
i have been using BT and makes my hair soft too. i get those tingles and little itches also. :)

I can't seem to get my breakage under control now. Once it started, it just won't stop! :( I'm going to give myself a big time henna treatment tonight and clarify my hair and see if I can get this under control. Geez...sigh. I hope I can use my two bottles of BT soon!!!
Cayenne0622 said:
I can't seem to get my breakage under control now. Once it started, it just won't stop! :( I'm going to give myself a big time henna treatment tonight and clarify my hair and see if I can get this under control. Geez...sigh. I hope I can use my two bottles of BT soon!!!

Awwww...have you done a protein treatment? I thought henna was strong enough for me, and I hadn't used Emergencee in about a month. My hair was mad at me! I did an Emergencee treatment over the weekend and my breakage stopped. Can't slip on the reconstructors, even if you henna frequently.
Cayenne0622 said:
I can't seem to get my breakage under control now. Once it started, it just won't stop! :( I'm going to give myself a big time henna treatment tonight and clarify my hair and see if I can get this under control. Geez...sigh. I hope I can use my two bottles of BT soon!!!

i hope you do get it under control because that is a horrible feeling and sight!!!:( i just stopped the oils and did a lot of deeeeeep conditioning. my aveda brought me back!:grin:
preciousjewel76 said:
Awwww...have you done a protein treatment? I thought henna was strong enough for me, and I hadn't used Emergencee in about a month. My hair was mad at me! I did an Emergencee treatment over the weekend and my breakage stopped. Can't slip on the reconstructors, even if you henna frequently.

I hadn't done a true blue protein or henna for a quite a while now so I decided to do a henna treatment (on my head right now) with Aphogee reconstructor conditioner and some moisturizing cons and oils too. If that doesn't stop it, I will be doing Emergencee on Sunday. Thanks for your response!
honeybadgirl said:
i hope you do get it under control because that is a horrible feeling and sight!!!:( i just stopped the oils and did a lot of deeeeeep conditioning. my aveda brought me back!:grin:

Thanks Honey! I wish all of you ladies the best with BT. I'll be back on it shortly!:D
OMGoodness!!!! Where in the WORLD have I been????:confused: You mean to tell me that I have been out of the loop for so long that I am not aware of the hotest thing new thing in topical growth aids?????!!!!!! WHY DIDN'T SOMEBODY TELL ME!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: