The Nerve of Boundless Tresses...

Nice & Wavy said:
Royal Glory....girl let me tell you, BT has given me incredible growth....I'm pushing it on anyone I can that wants\need growth. All I have to say is: IT WORKS!

Okay, okay. Where can I get it?
Ya'll are killing me and my wallet. I promised myself yesterday that I wasn't going to order anymore products until May, and now I'm just itching to click on the link and order some of the miracle grow for the hair. When will this madness stop.....oh yeah, when I get a full head of healthy APL (maybe):lol:
Hey, ya'll! :wave:

I working like a mad woman! :lachen:I dont want you to have to wait too long to get your orders so I am working double time. I take little breaks to answer e-mails and such but believe me.........I'M WORKIN"! :lachen:

Thanks everybody!
naturallady said:
Hey, ya'll! :wave:

I working like a mad woman! :lachen:I dont want you to have to wait too long to get your orders so I am working double time. I take little breaks to answer e-mails and such but believe me.........I'M WORKIN"! :lachen:

Thanks everybody!

Girl, I know that's right! I've seen on other hair boards about BT and how its working for people there and its blowing up!!!!!!!!!!! I'm just so glad I got a head start so people can see the progress and buy, buy, buy!!!! you can see I'm one of BT's biggest fan!!!!!!!!
Last Night I applied some BT to my Daughters scalp and Oh My Gosh she had instant softness and shine her waves were looking so pretty and she says it smells good so I will continue to use it with her and me.

This is a great Product and it is very Light!
I will not be able to stretch at ALL!!! That is a good bad thing to say.
I started using this on 3/9 and I have 1 inch of NG already today is 4/9. I started getting growth by the third day of using this. This stuff work!

I went ahead and ordered two bottles late last week. *Sigh* I was trying to wait until my other growth stimulants were used up first but every time I viewed this forum someone was raving about it in threads or individual I just broke down and ordered some anyway, lol.
naturallady said:
Hey, ya'll! :wave:

I working like a mad woman! :lachen:I dont want you to have to wait too long to get your orders so I am working double time. I take little breaks to answer e-mails and such but believe me.........I'M WORKIN"! :lachen:

Thanks everybody!


:whip::whip: I needs my stuff!! :wasntme:
I must say...I'm on the bandwagon as well. :p
I just ordered 2 bottles. I like the fact that its natural and made for a human. I never trusted or used MTG. Forget dat!
Sounds as if the smell is actually nice. Can't wait to get my supply.

I give in. I said that I wasn't going to order anything else since I have products stashed in containers under both of my bathrooms sinks. I'm a PJ and I can't take it anymore!!!!

I NEED A HIT!!!:eek:

(Exits thread and orders BT):censored:
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Yes ladies it does work. NL is definitely doing her thang. Be patient about the order when you get it you will forget about the wait time.
I love these BT posts!!!! Gets me so excited!!!! I cant wait for my BT to arrive in the mail!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:
you all KILL absolutely murder me...i was TRYING to hold off until june to get my hands on i think i'mma place an order the first week of may so that it's at my house by the time i get back to the states!!! :mad: curse you all for reviving the PJ in me!!! ::shakes fist:: :p
Girrrl what are you using that has made your hair so shiny and thick?? :eek: Inquiring minds wanna know:D

rootdeep said:
I placed my order on Saturday night and I'm excited!!!!
Hey, ladies!

I ordered my Boundless Tresses on 4/2/07 and received it on 4/6/07; what is happening with these orders; that ain't right?! :eek:
Hey, ladies!

I ordered my Boundless Tresses on 4/2/07 and received it on 4/6/07; what is happening with these orders; that ain't right?! :eek:
Gal Dangit! I just blew my resolve to not buy another hair related item for the rest of the month! PayPal is seeing more action than my hubby right now! Can't wait to give this a try.
godzooki said:
Gal Dangit! I just blew my resolve to not buy another hair related item for the rest of the month! PayPal is seeing more action than my hubby right now! Can't wait to give this a try.

:lachen: Girl, you crazy!!!:lol: