Another two thumbs up for Boundless Tresses

dlewis said:
I wish I had some to send you.:lol:

Thank you :) I know you would. I still have that sulfur I need to use. But I'm waiting until I'm out of my braids (caused MAJOR build up and made my hair a little crunchy when I was MTG, and not wahsing as much as I needed to!) Plus I want NiKKI (lhfcer) to take the pictures of my new growth, from the HYH until April challange! I've gotten '1 1/2 NEW growth :D Cause ive measured it since im in braids, but I'm dying to wear my TWA out. I love it so much, TSUprincess is my hair twin! My hair llooks just like that.
dlewis said:
SummerRain, I see a difference.

I have been using it for about 1.5 weeks also. The only problem is that BT is making my newgrowth so soft and it blends so well with the texlaxed hair that I can't tell how much growth I've had yet. I'll have to take photos of my hair. My brother's GF had about 1/4" in one week. Her growth is amazing (and I have photo's, but I'm not posting until after about one month of growth).

After while Summer you gonna have that hair just a swingin.

I just wanna have full bouncy rollersets like you when I grow up D! I'm fully relaxed and my new growth is coming in much thicker and more corse, thats why the feel of it was so noticeable.
Hidden_Angel said:
if i wasn't so broke (i'd pay for the SHIPPING AND HANDLING) FOR ALL THOSE mtg THAT PEOPLE arn't using :lachen:

Send me your address, I'll ship you a bottle. For real - no jokes. You in college right?
Hidden_Angel said:
Thank you :) I've gotten '1 1/2 NEW growth :D Cause ive measured it since im in braids, but I'm dying to wear my TWA out. I love it so much, TSUprincess is my hair twin! My hair llooks just like that.

1 1/2":eek: that's great. You go girl. You have to tell us what you did.

What does TWA mean?
SummerRain said:
I just wanna have full bouncy rollersets like you when I grow up D! I'm fully relaxed and my new growth is coming in much thicker and more corse, thats why the feel of it was so noticeable.

Summer, you're gonna be more than "that girl", girl you have more than the whole package. And the condition of your hair looks great also. What are you do to it?
dlewis said:
1 1/2":eek: that's great. You go girl. You have to tell us what you did.

What does TWA mean?

Tiny winny Afro? i think ?I always see people use that pharse around here.

I didn't do much the first month I stayed on my vitmans and MN (in which i achieved the most growth) Our oven broke about mid Feburary (i stil live with the folks) so I cann't stay on my strict diet, of no fatty fried foods, just drunk carrot juice,baked fish and chicken, like I wanted but I did try and stay away from the fried foods as much as possiable! and I jogged/walked alot also the first month..

The second month.. wow.. i slacked off majoryly but I C/W atleats once a week

Then March I finally started getting back into the swing of things and got back on my vitmans
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dlewis said:
Summer, you're gonna be more than "that girl", girl you have more than the whole package. And the condition of your hair looks great also. What are you do to it?

I recently (like last week) trimmed nearly 2.5 inches off. I had gained so much growth in the six months since I've been "serious", but my ends were RAG-GED-TY! (I know it isn't spelled like that, but you gotta say it for affect!) And I admit the overall health and shine of my hair took a complete 180. I needed it so bad!

But of course I got hooked on your Amla bandwagon. I do biweekly hot amla oil treatments. Weekly henna treatments, I wash and deepcondish weekly using either my dominican products or the Sunsilk Hairline followed by an ACV rinse. I'm in deep love with the Praital Silk Worm creamy condish as well.
SummerRain said:
Send me your address, I'll ship you a bottle. For real - no jokes. You in college right?
Hold up! I'm in college too!:look:
lolz...Im actually at boarding right now and going to start college in August:D my plan is to use up the big bottle of MTG I have right now ( which is becomming a burden as I keep hearing about BT) and buy BT for college so I won't stink up the college:lachen:
I'm half way done with the MTG bottle so I should be done with it by August. I am going to start using it everyday instead of every other day.
After reading other threads before this one, I had already ordered me a bottle of the scented this morning. Now, after this thread, I'm thinking I should order more!
MsJellie said:
After reading other threads before this one, I had already ordered me a bottle of the scented this morning. Now, after this thread, I'm thinking I should order more!

I understand how you feel. I'd been eyeing this product for awhile now but I had told myself that I wasn't going to buy any more products on the internet (b/c of shipping costs and waiting time). But after hearing a thousand raves for the product I felt like I was getting left behind :(. I love being natural, but with shrinkage it's harder to notice growth (I'm hoping boundless tresses will help with that).

So I ordered a bottle of the scented one today. But after hearing about people buying by the caseload and other sites hitting her up...well, I hope my one bottle will last til past the busy season.

Also, congrats naturallady on your success! :)
dlewis said:
SummerRain, I see a difference.

I have been using it for about 1.5 weeks also. The only problem is that BT is making my newgrowth so soft and it blends so well with the texlaxed hair that I can't tell how much growth I've had yet. I'll have to take photos of my hair. My brother's GF had about 1/4" in one week. Her growth is amazing (and I have photo's, but I'm not posting until after about one month of growth).

After while Summer you gonna have that hair just a swingin.

Girl you better post pics with a ruler on ol girls scalp :lol: We hair growth fiends need to see the true inches photographed and documented.
Hidden_Angel said:
if i wasn't so broke (i'd pay for the SHIPPING AND HANDLING) FOR ALL THOSE mtg THAT PEOPLE arn't using :lachen:

You want it? It's yours, I'll send it, just call it an Easter gift :lol:

Don't worry about the money...anything to help a LHCF sister out. PM me and I'll post it tomorrow before the Easter holiday.
LondonDiva said:
Girl you better post pics with a ruler on ol girls scalp :lol: We hair growth fiends need to see the true inches photographed and documented.

:lol: yea, I know that. She was just relaxer a week before I started doing her hair. And the second time I rollerset her hair the two texture are TOTALLY different. (I mean very kinky and very straight) She said she had been using BT every night. And her hair doesn't normally grow fast.
Wow, BT has really blown up!!!:cool: I am still using it ladies and getting approx an inch a month. My problem is with retention:( I think I need to do an Aphogee treatment. I've switch to ORS products and noticed less breakage thought. BT makes my hair grow like a weed for real! I hope to be brastrap by summer!:cool:

You can check out my album for my growth results. After I finish this bottle I will be testing out Patient1's growth serum. I love the smell of her's. The oils she uses are the bomb!:cool:
Growinpainz said:
summer how often are you using BT?

Every day. Initially I was just using it before bed because the oil would run. Then I started using it in the morning and just massaged it in which worked wonders!
SummerRain said:
I just wanna have full bouncy rollersets like you when I grow up D! I'm fully relaxed and my new growth is coming in much thicker and more corse, thats why the feel of it was so noticeable.

Summer, does it make your hair course?

Priestess said:
I just ordered 2 bottles of the scented BT. How psyched am I? :eyebrows2

I am about to hit up her website. I am so happy, Naturalady's biz is taking off!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin:
imstush said:
Summer, does it make your hair course?

I am about to hit up her website. I am so happy, Naturalady's biz is taking off!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin:

Honestly, it did make my NEW GROWTH coarse. Thats what was so alarming to me, i thought my relaxed ends had fell out, leaving just an afro puff of coarse new growth.

Mind NG is typically average feeling, but this stuff growing out of my scalp right now is like a bush!
SummerRain said:
Honestly, it did make my NEW GROWTH coarse. Thats what was so alarming to me, i thought my relaxed ends had fell out, leaving just an afro puff of coarse new growth.

Mind NG is typically average feeling, but this stuff growing out of my scalp right now is like a bush!

You're the first person I've heard say that. Everyone else seems to experience softer NG.
alexstin said:
You're the first person I've heard say that. Everyone else seems to experience softer NG.

I know. I'm not gonna complain though. Now the REST of my hair is softer than normal since using BT. But my NG,'s more coarse and noticeable. Or perhaps it could be due to the fact that I'm just barely 2weeks post? The feel of the growth that I have on my Boundless Tresses test section is what I'd expect towards the 6week post mark in my relaxer stretch, so maybe this accelerated growth has caused a different feel?

I dunno, I'm just guessing here. But as long as it's growing, I won't complain not nan bit!
alexstin said:
You're the first person I've heard say that. Everyone else seems to experience softer NG.

That's new growth is much softer (if you can call it new growth, I guess because I'm natural, its the hair growing out closest to my scalp).

It's still "bushy" but its soft not course.