The Minimum Effective Dose: Where will your hair be this time next year?


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
I've been thinking a lot about the concept of the minimum effective dose. The phrase was coined by Tim Ferriss and it is defined as "the smallest dose that will produced a desired outcome". This year I've been able to introduce some new habits that have significantly improved my quality of life and I've done so by changing one small thing at a time. Once I've gotten that one small thing down pat, I've then proceeded to change one other small thing and slowly but surely I'm carving out the life I want fo myself.

So, ladies and gents my question to you is as follows: what is the one small thing you can change on top of what you're currently doing that will bring you closer to the head of hair you want to have this time next year? More specifically what's the one small thing you can change that will SIGNIFICANTLY impact your hair progress?

I'll start, the one small thing that I can change that will significantly impact my hair goals is: remembering to take my vitamins 2x day. As a result of taking my vitamins, I'll automatically drink more water then I normally would, I'll eat less because I'm drinking more water, I'll have more energy because I'll be getting more nutrients, and the quality of hair growing out of my head will improve.

Your turn: The one small thing that I can change that will significantly impact my hair goals is ________________________________________. As a result of (this one small change), the results I will receive are as follows: _________________________________________________________.

P.S. I hope that your having a wonderful holidays season filled with joy, love and laughter.
I never do anything internally solely for my hair but for overall wellness. I like this thread Onhergrind09

The one small thing that I can change that will significantly impact my hair goals is:
Yoga, cardio, and weight training 2-4 times a week.

Doing juice fasts or herbal detoxes 4-8 times a year.

Taking my wholefood supplements consistently.

Getting colonics 6-8 times a year

Continuing to be veggie along with preparing more vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and raw vegan meals and snacks.

Continuing to do hardcore protein treatment every 4-6 weeks, m/s 2-5 times a week, and dusting every 3 months.

As a result of (this one small change), the results I will receive are as follows:

More energy and better sleep.

Feeling more centered and more of a connection with nature and the spiritual realm.

Healthier skin, body and hair

More retention so my hair grows even longer, I would love to be close to or be wsl by the end of this year.

there tons of ways to get in your water intake.....herbal infusions in addition to green/oolong/white teas would be one way. Add fresh lemon and lime to your water. I drink more when mine is room temp as well. If you want juice do 1-2 pts juice to 3-5pts still or sparkling water
Nix08, Start small, make your goal something that you KNOW you can do. For instance I now drink 32oz+ of water a day, but I started out just drinking 1 small cup a day (around 4oz), yea-it wasn't a huge amount but it was better then the 0 oz I was drinking before. Find some way to fit it in your schedule maybe 1st thing in the morning or the last thing you do at night? Do it consistently for 30 days and I think you'll be surprised at how you do it without thinking about it. I hope that helped :)

i hope you stopped with the artificial sweetener girlie including that blasted splenda very toxic and dangerous to our health. you are right though our bodies are mostly water.


here are my fave places/companies to get tea...loose leaf is actually cheaper than most bagged teas and lasts longer:

If you need suggestions in regards to flavors and steeping I can help. I hope to become a certified teamaster this year :)
I like this thread a lot!

The one small thing that I can change that will significantly impact my hair goals is to get at least 20 minutes of cardio in a day.

As a result of (this one small change), the results I will receive are as follows: Doing daily cardio will improve my circulation, stamina, raise my heart rate and burn more calories and fat throughout the day, and make me more fit and healthy overall.

20 minutes isn't a lot, but it is something that isn't overwhelming and I can build on it. I've failed many times in the past with daily cardio because I was trying to do way too much too fast.
Mine is very similar to BraunSugar.

The one small thing that I can change that will significantly impact my hair goals is to continue with my daily 30 minutes of cardio. As a result of (this one small change), the results I will receive are as follows: I will increase blood flow throughout my body which is good for my body as well as my hair.

OT - southerncitygirl - Just in case you'd like one more company for tea, I order my loose tea from Simpson and Vail. I love their teas; they have some very interesting blends. I have been drinking their teas since 2000.
Vintagecoilylocks, I think that's a very powerful small step! Taking my time to detangle has helped me a lot with my length retention. Slowing down some more will be the next small step I take after I've got the first one down.

P.S. Your hair is gorgeous :)
southerncitygirl--oolong is the Been drinking 2-4 cups a day for a couple months and my hair is shooting out my head.

Also recently added rose petal and not it's really taking off. It's also helped to lift my winter blues and anxiety. A LOT. I can tell when I've missed a few days.

I think for the year I will work on excerising, which I HATE. With a passion. Plus I never have time (single mom business owner). I will try to squeeze in 2 days a week at the gym to start. It will help me loose these last 40lbs as well as increase strength from weights, flexibility from stretching and circulation from cardio.
For me it would be keeping my hair more stretched which is why I'm going to start rollersetting via curlformers.

As a result of keeping my hair stretched, I will experience less tangles and knots which will cause me to not be aggravated and rush through detangling which will help prevent more splits and breakage which in turn will help me retain more length.

No more curl defining and shingled styles for me this year.
:wallbash: @southerncitygirl

Is it possible to become an herbal product junkie?

Because that is what you've just done to me! Completely turned me out. :lachen: I went straight to the organic bulk section and my well-controlled junkie did this::angeldevi


these blends are vitamin and mineral rich and with them being in the northwest and you're on the west coast shipping should be reasonable:

hibiscus high
blossoms of health

your babygirl has beautiful hair :)

:look: I have no idea whatchu talking bout? (*scg backs outta thread slowly*)

:lachen: But for real though I need for someone other than myself to be addicted:nono: Its awful, Imma tea/herb addict and ain't no shame in my game.

I need to manifest a wealthy hubby that is handsome, tall, kind, great in bed, and with a wonderful sense of humor in 2013 to supply my habits.:look:

Mountain Rose has great prices and customer service and they custom
blend teas for you as well.

You would love this book:

The skin ailment assailment blend and the skinsational tea are awesome. Mountain Rose would custom blend for ya.
DarkJoy and southerncitygirl, you guys are schooling me! I loooooovvveee teas (I'm currently drinking bamboo tea regularly) and I'm especially into holistic treatments of all kinds. I'll just have to moosey on to those websites, just to "look" :giggle:. of course.
Onhergrind09 this is an awesome thread. Which book of his what this in? I have the four hour work week and I have yet to impliment that.


The one small thing that I can change that will significantly impact my hair goals is working out with sweat included. As a result of (this one small change), the results I will receive are as follows: I will increase my circulation and overall health, which will impact the rate at which my hair grows, I will also drink more water which will also increase the rate at which my hair grows, additionally I will be able to spend more time talking to God which will put me in a positive state of mind which in turn, help me to manifest the type of hair growth that I know is possible.

Did I mention that I love this thread and this concept. . .I think I can definitely apply it to life in general

:look: I have no idea whatchu talking bout? (*scg backs outta thread slowly*)

:lachen: But for real though I need for someone other than myself to be addicted:nono: Its awful, Imma tea/herb addict and ain't no shame in my game.

Mountain Rose has great prices and customer service and they custom
blend teas for you as well.

You would love this book:

The skin ailment assailment blend and the skinsational tea are awesome. Mountain Rose would custom blend for ya.

@DarkJoy and @southerncitygirl, you guys are schooling me! I loooooovvveee teas (I'm currently drinking bamboo tea regularly) and I'm especially into holistic treatments of all kinds. I'll just have to moosey on to those websites, just to "look" :giggle:. of course.

Teas are soooo :lick: Yes, there's a few items in my cart that I went to just "look" at too--thanks to southerncitygirl 's devilry! Now she's gotten you too Onhergrind09! :lol:

I am NOT gonna add some of the powdered herbs to my cart to not do my Ayurvedic hair treatments. No, ma'am:drunk::pinocchio
southerncitygirl--oolong is the Been drinking 2-4 cups a day for a couple months and my hair is shooting out my head.

Also recently added rose petal and not it's really taking off. It's also helped to lift my winter blues and anxiety. A LOT. I can tell when I've missed a few days.

I think for the year I will work on excerising, which I HATE. With a passion. Plus I never have time (single mom business owner). I will try to squeeze in 2 days a week at the gym to start. It will help me loose these last 40lbs as well as increase strength from weights, flexibility from stretching and circulation from cardio.

Maybe just start a mini routine jumping jacks squares one day another Russian twist and crunches it doesn't seem like your taking a whole 30 minutes out your day and just add 5 minutes to it each time
HeChangedMyName, it was from the 4 Hour Body, like you, there's tons in there that I've yet to implement, lol. But, one small habit at a time I'm making progress. I love that you love this thread!, I'm hoping that this concept is something that we all can really take a hold of cause after all it's the culmination of all our ity bity decisions that make up the life we currently have.

there tons of ways to get in your water intake.....herbal infusions in addition to green/oolong/white teas would be one way. Add fresh lemon and lime to your water. I drink more when mine is room temp as well. If you want juice do 1-2 pts juice to 3-5pts still or sparkling water

argh southerncitygirl I didn't see this earlier:nono: That makes me feel SOOO much better...I wasn't sure if adding herbal teas (no sugar) would be considered. I carry moringa powder that I stick in tea bags in my purse and have about 2 cups of that and recently bought rose petal leaves to drink. I don't like cold water - room temp but I much prefer a tea:lick: And don't even try and send me to mountainherbs.whatever:lachen:

Last night I tried the Oolong that I saw you and @DarkJoy chatting about in another thread but added honey and I don't think I liked the taste with honey. DD (age 2 loved it though:look:)
Along with the water intake I'm bringing back scalp massages to get me to my goal...those 2 "little" things would be really good. I've started off good so far. Even when I'm at my desk at work I'm doing them (granted it's only the 4th and I only went back to work yesterday:giggle:)