The Letter.... (LONG)-- Am I Just Cynical?

Please be careful he sounds like a stalker for someone that you just said hi how you're doing ...He seems to know to much about you. I mean how did he find out you're not with your hubby anymore.

Thats creepy
Please be careful he sounds like a stalker for someone that you just said hi how you're doing ...He seems to know to much about you. I mean how did he find out you're not with your hubby anymore.

Thats creepy

I was going to come and type the same thing. I'm guessing maybe your facebook status says "divorced"? He is searching for you, a married woman (as far as he knows), on FB, sending long winded emails, referring to your (ex)husband as 'ole boy. If nothing else, he is disrespecting your marriage (all though it is over, he don't know that, shoot).

Hopefully he will leave you alone after your short and sweet email and your block. Be weary of folks you don't know trying to friend you on FB. Could be him under an alias!!!
I'm with a lot of other people here, this letter was pure bait from either a skilled player or stalker.