The Law vs. Salvation


New Member
Ladies my Pastor preached a wonderful word last night! It answered so many of my questions. I LOVE THAT GUY!!!!! Awesome man of God. Anyways... here's my notes:

The topic was The Law vs. Salvation (I think.)

  • The Law is convicting
    • Jesus didn't come to earth to end the law, He came to fulfill it
    • The law (the Bible) can't save us, it can only convict us
    • Nobody can keep the law, because all of us have sinned
  • The Law was given to us as an example
    • The Bible is a reflection of God's perfect character
    • We are supposed to use this reflection to walk with God and to be like God even though we can never BE GOD
      • Just my thought... To all the bible haters... God knows we can never BE Him. He just wants us to try our best. Therefore there is no room to despise the law. :look:
  • The savior SAVED US BY GRACE
    • We are saved from conviction of the law through the blood sacrifice of Christ.
    • We are saved not into LAWLESSNESS but into GODLINESS
      • My thought: This lets us know that while we are pardoned from sin we are not to dwell in it. OW!
  • 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-2
    • Paul talks about the rapture in v. 1
    • Today people say the bible is not trustworthy
  • People think we have advanced passed the Law through social-logical law
    • Behavioral science makes the environment the problem
    • Also takes away the responsibility of man to live not in lawlessness
    • social-logical says that man is not a sinner and man is not guilty
    • The LAW says we are guilty, but people don't want to hear that. This is why when people say that the bible is true and without fault, they start lookin crazy
      • My thought: people are obsessed with being right! Nobody wants to hear that they are wrong! our sin nature keeps us so self-righteous and so fearful of a humble attitude. People's fear of guilt is going to be the end of mankind.
  • Deflections can even occur in the church
    • Pastor cited Genesis 6:4 when the Nephilim were born.
    • My thought: this is so important because believers and critiques of believers are so bent on Christians being "right" and "judgmental" and "thinking they are better." Nobody is Christ so we are all not without fault
Thanks for reading ladies. This message encouraged me so much because when I tell people about Christianity this is all that I want them to understand. And it grieves me that most Christians don't get it yet. We are to be like Christ. We will never be Him. That doesn't mean go willie nillie sinning all over the place, and it doesn't mean that we are to judge.
Cheers! :bighug:
:wave: Hi Summer... thanks for sharing this. Many are reading and receiving. :yep:
You're welcome!!!! I was so encouraged because I started going down that path of questioning the bible and it answered some of my questions.