Homosexuality and Old Testament v. New Testament Law?

Okay, I'm having a problem with something.

It is often said that we are under the "new testament law" and that the laws in the Old Testament no longer apply.

For instance in Old Testament law...I was not allowed to eat shrimp :nono: or wear clothes made of mixed fabrics, etc.

There are a lot of laws in leviticus that the Israelites were called to follows.

Today if a christian wants to eat a pork chop they'll remind people that although the old testament prohibited it, we are no longer under the old testament law.

I've heard:

NOW here is my dilemma.

If you believe that we are not under old testament law and that old testament law was abolished:

How do I explain to homosexuals WHY being homosexual is STILL wrong since the command to refrain from it was discusssed in Leviticus which is an old testament book and we are under new testament law?

I need a direct answer as direct as possible, please.

In case the first post got jacked...here goes again...darn! But gentiles were never under Jewish law so the prohibition against eating pork didn't apply to them. First century christians were Jews and there developed a schism between them. In later times, gentiles entered the new Jewish sect of "christians" and things were changed. Noachide (how Noah worshipped) laws apply to gentiles.

Regarding homosexuality, it's not a sin to be a homosexual. It is a sin to commit sodomy between men. The desire and orientation remains in the person but acting it out is the sin.
I ain't washing nobody's feet:grin:. That was done because they wore sandals and would step in dung because of all of the animals out and about. As a show of hospitality the host would wash their guests feet. It was a tradition. Jesus did it to teach us to do unto others as we would have Jesus do unto us.

LOLOL. I went to Mass with a friend of mine and the priest was the first to wash feet in the little basin. He then asked others to come forward. I didn't because I had crusty ashy stank foot that day lololol!

Spiritual discussion and study is healthy. It's important not to label it as being prideful and puffed up or supposedly focused on performing acts of the law. It's important not to make assumptions as to people's relationship with Christians and whether or not people are constantly looking from guidance from the Lord. As Christians, we really should be focus on loving God and living up to the light that we have. We have to keep searching and sharing what we have found. Jesus has set that example. Let's be careful not to discourage people in discussion and study. That's a big reason why we have the Christian forum!
To go further, it healthy to really look deep into the text. I am taking a class on the New Testament. You find out some things that will ruffle some people's feathers. We are actually studying the formation of the early Christian church now

If you really want to get into the NT, look into the lives of Paul, Peter, etc. As we learned, we do not have written text from Jesus himself. Its important to study about the people who wrote, their lives, point of view, in order to understand why they wrote the things they wrote

There are so many aspects to studying the NT but I will stop there