I'm popping in to say 'heeeey'.
I am not apart of the challenge. I have LHCF challenge committment issues. However, I have gotten a few messages from a certain someone about my status here (I was surprised to know that anyone here was checking for me
) and I will say that last month I added Care Free Curl Gold to my veggie glycerin/ aloe vera mix and it was meh at first.
Since the weather has gotten warmer here I have been using the cfc as the primary product and adding a little glycerin...wow
. I feel like I've been cheating on my staple products, but this is definitely working for me.
I wear w&g's (even after I swore them off and promised that I would never revisit them) and I love it.
Co-wash with VO5 conditioner a minimum of 4 times a week-push for 6 or 7
Prepoo with VO5 conditioner/EVOO mixture and shampoo with cheapie shampoo 1x a week.
Deep condition with Elasta QP/Lustersilk Shea Butter/ Ors conditioner mixture. My dc usual just consist of putting a plastic cap on and sleeping.
I hate to sit under my dryer.
Daily moisturizing with CFC/vegetable glycerin/aloe vera mixture
I comb once a week. As I am washing out my pre poo I detangle. That's it. The rest of the week I use my fingers.
I baggy every night. I don't seal though. I just spray my distilled water and put my plastic cap on. No need to add product as I have product from my morning moisturizing.
I try to spray my hair a few times a day.
That's it. Thanks Chelz for the threats...erm, I mean messages.
I have to say that when I first tried the juice I hated it
. It was nasty. It took me a couple of times to get it right. I'm heavy handed with product and that's not good with this cfc. I think I have found my stride now though.
HHG ladies!!!