The Jheri Juice Challengeeeeee!!! Lets get our retention on point!!

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Ok..... I might need to sign up for a 12 step program. I co-washed.... slapped on some CFCG.... then *cough cough* misted with s-curl and air-dried. What happened afterward was magical. :love:
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Adora, this thread is so cute! It's taking me back to my days in the 90's when I had a Wave Nuveau (sp). HAHA. I love "da juice". Can't live without it. I'll be watching from the sidelines because I'm awful with challenges. But good luck to everybody. HHG.
I'm in! I'm in braids, and I always use SCurl while I'm in braids; so this works perfectly for me. My braids are always super moisturized when I take them down also from using the juice.
I know my mom has some CFC in her bathroom. Time to go raid... brb.

WOW my mom has 3 unused bottles. She won't miss one :giggle:

I can JUICE now! I'm juicing tonight :superbanana:
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Does Sta Sof fro count? :look: I have some of that around, But I won't be able to go to the store for some jheri juice until tomorrow.
:grin: so sorrry my dear, must have went passed you.

how is your juicing going so far?

Hey Adora... Thanks for adding me... Its going great... very easy! I'm in braids so alls i'm doing is s-curl and braid spray 2x's a day. I don't shampoo my braids just dc with lekair 4 hours every 7 days or so.... rinse, juice, and braid spray. I also add baking soda w/water for my scalp on dc days..
Hey Adora... Thanks for adding me... Its going great... very easy! I'm in braids so alls i'm doing is s-curl and braid spray 2x's a day. I don't shampoo my braids just dc with lekair 4 hours every 7 days or so.... rinse, juice, and braid spray. I also add baking soda w/water for my scalp on dc days..

:yep:wow, this reggie sounds great!!!!! you are definitely going to see retention, theres no doubt about that :nono:
lol if i were you id be like :blush::blush: alll over those bottles :grin:, i go crazy for a bottle of cfc lol.

Ah woman I will! I've never used glycerin during the warmer weather so I'm pretty excited :D
My silly self gave up on it after it made my hair funky 2 cold winters ago lol.

I THINK I'm done for the night. I have a paper to write *sighs* Goodnight all!
Just finished cowashing, going to add a lil juice before bed and then juice it up before work. I'm trying to find a lil 1oz or 2oz spray bottle so I can keep in my desk at work, neva no when I may be faced with a juice emergency
Just co-wash, applied leave in and sprayed the length and ends with s-curl. Twisted it up and airdrying and callin it the night.
Just finished cowashing, going to add a lil juice before bed and then juice it up before work. I'm trying to find a lil 1oz or 2oz spray bottle so I can keep in my desk at work, neva no when I may be faced with a juice emergency


lol spray bottle?? oh noo, the jheri curl really did come back :lachen:
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Just finished cowashing, going to add a lil juice before bed and then juice it up before work. I'm trying to find a lil 1oz or 2oz spray bottle so I can keep in my desk at work, neva no when I may be faced with a juice emergency

Firstborn2 at work-->
:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: im sorry, im sorry :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:alright, alrighttttt, im done..........................:giggle:

You have a ton of hair!!!! It's so beautiful. I jelly:rolleyes:

aww thanks, and i agree with you, its alotttt of hair, i dont want to say this but i will. it took me over an hour to detangle. lol i havent done it in a week thats why, shoot i hate detangling, so i forget about it every chance i get. my hair is actually heavy on my head :look:

im happy tho, i love my nappy hair........yes i said NAPPY
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