The Jheri Juice Challengeeeeee!!! Lets get our retention on point!!

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I think I overdid it this morning. Why did my brush pop straight out of my hand after I was done misting?
I started juicing with my S-Curl yesterday. I had to re-wash my hair last night though, because I used this deep conditioner over the weekend that has a cone in it and let's just say that it's going back to Sally's. My juice was not penetrating my hair because of that. Today is a different story, the juice feels good. :grin:
I'm loving this! I add my juice (CFC Gold) on dry, flat-ironed hair, then wrap before bed, and the next morning my hair is moisturized, light, and has plenty of movement! Doesn't even feel like I put anything on my hair. Great stuff! Definitely a keeper! This is day three, and still I have light, breezy hair! YAAAAY!!!!!:yay::dance7::happydance::yahoo:
I used CFC Gold this week and my hair is very, very dry. S-curl is one fo my staples, leaves my hair feeling moisturized and very soft. I'm not sure what happened with the CFC Gold, maybe I'm using too much?
I used CFC Gold this week and my hair is very, very dry. S-curl is one fo my staples, leaves my hair feeling moisturized and very soft. I'm not sure what happened with the CFC Gold, maybe I'm using too much?

Yeah same here. The first day was great... the second day, not so much. I didn't even over do it. I just co-washed, slapped some s-curl on, and I'm good to go now. :yep:
I'll join!!! only thing.... I'll have to buy some juice ... and because I have to honor my other challenge... it will be next month

Wow why haven't I seen this thread before, and how did it blow up so fast in 2 days...
Does this mean I'll have to give up my beloved HE LTR?..... yeah right! I guess I'll LTR in the A.M, juice at night.... is that to much moisture ... MEH probably not :grin:
hey I am in, I am using Scurl now and my TWA is sucking up.. can I find this stuff cheaper I mean I need a few bottles.
Does this mean I'll have to give up my beloved HE LTR?..... yeah right! I guess I'll LTR in the A.M, juice at night.... is that to much moisture ... MEH probably not :grin:

I added a few pumps of HE LTR to CFG in a spray bottle. My hair is very moisturized and it smells great!
Ooooweeeee! I may have overdone it with "da Juice" because my itchy spots are itching more than normal. I may have to wash on Wednesdays along with my regular Saturday washes. I definitely cannot wash tonight because tonight is LOST night and any true LOST fan knows that you must concentrate fully on LOST or you’ll be lost. Anyway, I’m happily moisturized, so all is well…
For you ladies that rock twists or maybe buns, try spraying your hair and ends with the S Curl then placing your moisturizing over the hair and ends. The result, totally faboo hair!!!

:grin::grin: im using my trusty heat cap lol. and you know im always up late, talking to youuuu :lachen:. ahah. ok ok, im addicted to lhcf, im addicted to hair period......i need help, and i have a report to type for class lol :lachen:but im here taling about "JUICE" :lachen::lachen:. watching "Everybody hates chris" and wondering why there aint people on that show with jheri curls, since the show is reppin the 80's :rolleyes:

Now thats some BULLLLLLSH**
I never realized that, im realizing damn that show just never talked about something positive about the 80's (regardless if you view jheri curls positive or not ). How could they not show one person with jerry curls!! wait did chris rock even grow up in the 80's. WOuldnt he be like 21 in 1986.
:lachen: Your scalp cant take the juice! That's that growth itch :look:

BTW, I gave up on LOST a lonnng time do you do it?? I got lost before it even started! :grin:

Ooooweeeee! I may have overdone it with "da Juice" because my itchy spots are itching more than normal. I may have to wash on Wednesdays along with my regular Saturday washes. I definitely cannot wash tonight because tonight is LOST night and any true LOST fan knows that you must concentrate fully on LOST or you’ll be lost. Anyway, I’m happily moisturized, so all is well…
I too need my oil but I have never tried "The Juice" so i am going to purchase a bottle and see what it does for my hair...I with you in spirit ladies
A question to the ladies who workout. Is the sweat combine with The Juice effecting your hair? Are you washing your hair after work out and then reapplying The Juice or do you work out daily, apply the juice daily and wait to wash on wash day? The reason I ask, is because right now I'm cowashing or rinsing everyday after I workout and reapplying The Juice but wondered if I'm doing to much?
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