The "I'm Going to Get Married Thread"


Well-Known Member
You know what ladies, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Of all the "things" I have wanted in my life the only that I have not had is a loving marriage and by golly I'm claiming it. Anybody wanna stand up with me for what they want, for what they are willing to work for and put good karma, mojo, whatever YOU call it out into the universe?

I hereby stand in faith and claim that I will be married to a wonderful, loving, considerate, kind man who loves God and my yesterday's dirty drawers within 400 days. YUP, I'm putting it out there (as in the universe). Meanwhile I will be working on self, I pledge to:

  • Continue work toward the profile of a Proverbs 31 woman.
  • To keep myself chaste for him that God has chosen (oh, he's out there, we just will wait on God to find one another).
  • Continue to cultivate a positive mind because I do prescribe to some of the things Dr. Dwayne Dwyer mentions in The Power of Intention. And, I do believe we can "have what we say" for the most part (still working on that one, LOL). So, I am saying I am going to have a husband by the end of next year to share the remainer of my life with.
  • To have faith in "the process" . . . the process of letting go and letting God . . . the "process" of knowing and overstanding if God says it is for me to have; no one can take it away. The "it" is whatever I am supposed to have.
One aspect of this that is so exciting for me is watching and seeing what God brings me to for I do believe it is not for me to chase, to cajole, to convince, to pursue. Ultimately, I do believe all I have to do is continue to be me and to work on continuing the journey to being the best of me for life is indeed a journey. I'm excited.

Is there anybody with me . . . is they any lady there who wants to take charge of this area of her life and work with the power of intention, going for what you know girl, claiming that man that God has for YOU?

Speaking a thing into reality . . . . I feel the need to keep before me constantly that which I seek so as to not compromise and/or be fooled should a counterfeit comes along. No, at my age, this is the it for me . . . no games, no mistakes, I have no time for them for the time in the past for such things has been sufficient. Oh glory, hallelujiah I can't wait to see what Yahweh has in store for me, his child.

Anybody wanna stand with me in intention, perhaps encouraging one another as we go about watching this event unfold?
This is a wonderful post. I am, unfortunately, going through a divorce but I stand with you. You WILL have the wonderful and loving man that God has for you. You have a wonderful plan in place. Claim it. Believe it. Receive it. :flowers:

You know, even though I'm going through a divorce, I know that God has the right person for me as well....for all of us who desire it. :yep:
This is a wonderful post. I am, unfortunately, going through a divorce but I stand with you. You WILL have the wonderful and loving man that God has for you. You have a wonderful plan in place. Claim it. Believe it. Receive it. :flowers:

You know, even though I'm going through a divorce, I know that God has the right person for me as well....for all of us who desire it. :yep:

That's right girl, Keep it Positive. It WILL happen for you.:yep:
I'm claiming it. Next year, I will be happily married. I claim this in Jesus name!
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Wow! Great thread OP and the ladies that are claiming it!!! I will keep you all in my prayers! Currently my husband and I are separated but I am believing God is working in us to make us even stronger than before.

Ironically I was listening to "The Power of Intention," today!!! Here's the link: Wayne Dyer - Power of Intention pt 1 (remastered)
I'm claming it. Next year, I will be happily married. I claim this in Jesus name!

Yes, I am claiming this by faith 11/18/2011 I will be married to the love of my life. I am going to step aside and let God move.. I am NOT going to be single 1-1-2012 In Jesus name I pray Amen!
Yes, same here. I've done harder things, this shouldn't be impossible. Although it may seem impossible now. I'll give frequent updates. Right I am in the preparation stage, not in the active stage.
This is a wonderful post. I am, unfortunately, going through a divorce but I stand with you. You WILL have the wonderful and loving man that God has for you. You have a wonderful plan in place. Claim it. Believe it. Receive it. :flowers:

You know, even though I'm going through a divorce, I know that God has the right person for me as well....for all of us who desire it. :yep:

You know, BullGirl, I do believe it "takes a community to ______" they say, "raise a child", but as I read your words it occurred to me the power and strength of numbers, of multi psyche working to make a thing so and my heart was lifted and I thank you for standing in intention with us. And you know what . . . that whole "do unto others thing" or umm "reaping and sowing" . . . humph, how 'bout dis . . . with the attitude that you have-not hating though going through what you are now and apparently had to in order to get to the point of having to suffer through a divorce . . . Lord God please give my sister strength, courage and tenacity to stand strong and know YOU love her in this trial, this demonic event. Help her to know the Devil is a liar and you are the source of all truth, Amen (was compelled to pray, Sis); anywho . . . the attitude that you are carrying is so unselfishly godly. And, if we truly attract that which we are . . . stand firm girl and let's see the reality of what we seek.
I'm claming it. Next year, I will be happily married. I claim this in Jesus name!

Amen, Zora, amen. Shooot, I want to be invited to some of these weddings yaw'll . . :lol: I looooove a good wedding. Check out how I envision mine . . . they say "seeing is believing" and we need to see that which we seek clearly as if it has already happened . . .er aaa, isn't that called FAITH? K, I love water, moved to Florida to be near some . . . so how 'bout a
(beach) ceremony???? Take ya shoes off, wear some white linen or gauze and ladies let's just look purrrty, feminine AND be comfortable.

Get this, I am a Notary Public and here in Florida I have the power to perform marriage ceremonies (dang, I forgot about that). If anyone in our circle lives in FL, I gotcha when you say, "I do".

K, so back to my dream . . . yeah, the beach . . .uh huh. As far as the ladies who will agree to stand with me (and yup I am formerly asking my daughters and ALL OF YOU, right now) . . . .I say wear what ya wanna . . . it's going to be about the love in the place, not the garments. Oooh, our hair will be all condished, moisturized, and looookin' good from what we learn here and stuff. Mmm Mmm mm I shudder (in excitement) with my vision of my special day. That man just DON'T KNOW how wonderful his life is going to be, none of that devilish drama, no ahh huh, simply a woman who is going to
the heck outta him (spiritually and by-God physically too, amen). But wait, don't wanna get ahead of myself there . . .back to the ceremony, the
thing is blowing my mind (in a good way, I am truly excited). Wonder how long my hair will be by then? giggles :lol:
Wow! Great thread OP and the ladies that are claiming it!!! I will keep you all in my prayers! Currently my husband and I are separated but I am believing God is working in us to make us even stronger than before.

Ironically I was listening to "The Power of Intention," today!!! Here's the link: Wayne Dyer - Power of Intention pt 1 (remastered)

Hi Lucie (said with accent like Rickie Riccardo)!!! Hey, what does "OP" mean? Who is "OP"?

Thank you, thank you, for that link. I MUST get the book because I've heard the, Public TV discourse. I need to be constantly reminded that what I think and what comes out of my mouth have power. For some reason, grrrrr, I just want to keep jumping back to negative thinking and it needs to STOP, seriously.

Oh, and that old Satanic Devil that has touched your marriage . . . girrllll, don't you just wanna spit in his face and kick him in the gutt? Stay close to scripture, prayer and meditation (on what it is you want; i.e., if you want to preserve the marriage). You know the details, etc. talk to God and your husband (if you want to keep him) about that which you desire and keep it moving claiming in Jesus' name. You've got to know it is God's will that husbands and wives LOVE EACH OTHER and stand in the face of all adversity. Marriage is not easy and Paul (or somebody) said there would be tribulation in the flesh when one marries. But, oh by golly, I say it is worth it to have the love of one's life, to strive together through this life that we now have . . . it is OH so worth it. And Satan is the tearer up of relationships. WE have to stand firm TOGETHER, and fight to keep what is ours. So, though I know it's only in a cyber sense, I stand with you with whatever you choose regarding this man and your marriage, Lucie. Humph, ya read/ya heard about the power of a praying woman??? Yeah, boie, I can stand here and pray and God can get to you waaaay quicker than I can via Holy Spirit, amen.
Yes, I am claiming this by faith 11/18/2011 I will be married to the love of my life. I am going to step aside and let God move.. I am NOT going to be single 1-1-2012 In Jesus name I pray Amen!

OOhhhhh weee, (I'm squealing with excitement), WORK IT, girl. I just wonder what our names will be (oh yeah, I thoroughly plan to take my husband's name). There will be no hyphenating, etc. I'll be Mrs. Lovin' Locks _____! (I may have my last name as a middle name, but I won't hyphenate, I'm too lazy. Been there done that).
Yes, same here. I've done harder things, this shouldn't be impossible. Although it may seem impossible now. I'll give frequent updates. Right I am in the preparation stage, not in the active stage.

LL, I like that attitude. YES. That's how we need to be thinking. So, my sister you prep on, we'll be right here for ya and I'll tell you what . . . seeing as how this forum was down recently (why do I always fiend for it when it's down???? :look:) some of us MAY want to exchange email addresses and possibly as this forges ahead closer to our realities some may want to exchange telephone numbers. This is truly going to be a journey, it will be spiritual, it will be crazy at times, there WILL BE tears along the way. THAT'S when sisterhood needs to step in after and along with prayer and meditation to stay the course. I don't know about you, but I know I will want encouragement along the way in the form of a real voice. So, anybody that wants to get more personal for this goal with me, simply PM me 'cause I've got a sign on my life that says, "Girlfriends wanted, All decent women may apply" oh yeah.

I moved here to FL not knowing anybody (well close in proximity) and I found I underestimated how much I would miss my friends, my support network back in Ohio. So, it is without embarrassment that I state what I said above in offering the hand of friendship and support as we move forward to realizing this goal in our lives oh and I'd be remiss to not state, the women in my life have LOOONG outlived any man that I've had . . . touche (of course, that's not counting the one God is preparing me for; this one will be HIS choice and not that of my own).
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Good luck, ladies. Just be careful about putting dates. God doesn't tend to operate like that. Let Him do it in HIS time. Not yours. It will be much better if you do it that way. :)
(I may have my last name as a middle name, but I won't hyphenate, I'm too lazy. Been there done that).

This is what I did :yep: No hyphen, I made my maiden name my middle name--I didn't have a middle name, so I thought it appropriate.

BTW, I wish you ladies all the best!!
Good luck, ladies. Just be careful about putting dates. God doesn't tend to operate like that. Let Him do it in HIS time. Not yours. It will be much better if you do it that way. :)

Hey Girl . . I'm thinking how I want to respond here . . . ummm (big word, eh). Well, first, you are absolutely correct in your words.

When I wrote this yesterday, girrrls, I was writing from the heart, you know. Umm, I just, well, maybe I am coming more from a place of positivity, gettin' myself together, learning to love God more, and saying 400 days was a metaphor, if you will, for say if it did not happen in that amount of time I would not abandon my goals, thoughts, wants and desires (though I firmly believe it will happen in the time I say; if that makes sense). I've done such time frame things before; BUT, I did not involve God. So, I can't help but think and remember what I've learned in scripture about prayer, being specific in our prayers and praying for things that are within God's will for us.

I am so glad you have wished us well. We'll need all the positive energy that is available in the universe.
Hey Girl . . I'm thinking how I want to respond here . . . ummm (big word, eh). Well, first, you are absolutely correct in your words.

When I wrote this yesterday, girrrls, I was writing from the heart, you know. Umm, I just, well, maybe I am coming more from a place of positivity, gettin' myself together, learning to love God more, and saying 400 days was a metaphor, if you will, for say if it did not happen in that amount of time I would not abandon my goals, thoughts, wants and desires (though I firmly believe it will happen in the time I say; if that makes sense). I've done such time frame things before; BUT, I did not involve God. So, I can't help but think and remember what I've learned in scripture about prayer, being specific in our prayers and praying for things that are within God's will for us.

I am so glad you have wished us well. We'll need all the positive energy that is available in the universe.

If you are already in a relationship, then it makes sense that you would have a time frame. However, in scripture we are taught that we are on God's time. We are at His will. We are to be specific in our prayers, but not so specific that we tell God WHEN He should bring it to pass. Marriage is not something that should be put in a box like that. In the past with things that you said came to pass in the time frame you specified, there may have been different circumstances that would not be applicable to a marriage petition.

I say this from a place of experience. Back in 2005 I was doing this in reference to a relationship I was in. I even went so far as to say that I was GOING to be married by the time I was 28. God put me in my place. I didn't want to hear it, but He let me know that I am not the one to determine the time in which things will come to pass. He also let me know that HE knows what is best for me, and that includes WHEN to bring something to pass in my life because I might not be ready for it when I want it. Thank God He put me in my place. I realized then that I wasn't ready for marriage at that time. He had some other things in store for me that would have been hindered by what I wanted WHEN I wanted it.

So I'm not saying this to start a debate or bring negativity, but I feel in my spirit that it needs to be said. If you want marriage, then pray the prayer of faith, let God know what kind of characteristics you want, and keep it moving. Don't dwell on it. Forget about it. Then if it is in His will for you, it will happen when you least expect it and when God has decided you are ready.
If you are already in a relationship, then it makes sense that you would have a time frame. However, in scripture we are taught that we are on God's time. We are at His will. We are to be specific in our prayers, but not so specific that we tell God WHEN He should bring it to pass. Marriage is not something that should be put in a box like that. In the past with things that you said came to pass in the time frame you specified, there may have been different circumstances that would not be applicable to a marriage petition.

I say this from a place of experience. Back in 2005 I was doing this in reference to a relationship I was in. I even went so far as to say that I was GOING to be married by the time I was 28. God put me in my place. I didn't want to hear it, but He let me know that I am not the one to determine the time in which things will come to pass. He also let me know that HE knows what is best for me, and that includes WHEN to bring something to pass in my life because I might not be ready for it when I want it. Thank God He put me in my place. I realized then that I wasn't ready for marriage at that time. He had some other things in store for me that would have been hindered by what I wanted WHEN I wanted it.

So I'm not saying this to start a debate or bring negativity, but I feel in my spirit that it needs to be said. If you want marriage, then pray the prayer of faith, let God know what kind of characteristics you want, and keep it moving. Don't dwell on it. Forget about it. Then if it is in His will for you, it will happen when you least expect it and when God has decided you are ready.

True, true. I agree that God does do everything in His own time and it took me a long time to realize that. Sometimes I forget and still tell Him when I want things and I'm always disappointed when I don't get what I want in MY TIME. So I do think that it is best not to put a time limit on it.

So is it okay to ask for specific characteristics? Or are we limiting God if we do that also?
I know I'm getting married very soon. I don't know when or how and I don't really care. But I know exactly what DH is like. Don't get me started. You all should see the stuff I keep putting on my vision board about him. But suffice to say that he's got a beautiful spirit and he has eyes only for me. Our connection can only be described as incredible. I get more and more excited as the days go by. And my engagement ring is gorgeous!
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You know, BullGirl, I do believe it "takes a community to ______" they say, "raise a child", but as I read your words it occurred to me the power and strength of numbers, of multi psyche working to make a thing so and my heart was lifted and I thank you for standing in intention with us. And you know what . . . that whole "do unto others thing" or umm "reaping and sowing" . . . humph, how 'bout dis . . . with the attitude that you have-not hating though going through what you are now and apparently had to in order to get to the point of having to suffer through a divorce . . . Lord God please give my sister strength, courage and tenacity to stand strong and know YOU love her in this trial, this demonic event. Help her to know the Devil is a liar and you are the source of all truth, Amen (was compelled to pray, Sis); anywho . . . the attitude that you are carrying is so unselfishly godly. And, if we truly attract that which we are . . . stand firm girl and let's see the reality of what we seek.

You will never know what your words mean to me. I am sitting here crying right now. I honestly needed this. I do know that God has the right person for me. I am just stepping aside and letting him do His work. Though divorce is a horrible trial, I know that God will get me through this storm. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Lovinlocks. Thank you for this wonderful thread. You are a true inspiration. Thank you, thank you, thank you.