The guy across the street


Well-Known Member
Okay i noticed that this guy always waves and tells me hi when he sees me yeah he is kind of cute anyway thats besides the point.

My block had a block party yesterday it was fun my kids enjoyed themselves but this was the first time we had face to face contact we introduced ourselves to each other and that was cool of course not expecting anything.

So later on at the end of the night i was sitting in the front of my neighbors house he came over and took a seat beside me he then starts to ask if i had a boyfriend and i told him yes. Nosy man prceeded to ask me if a rad car that comes to me is my boyfriends i said yes then the bold man tells me how much he thinks im beautiful and that he knows that i know my guy is not for me and that i deserve better.

So when he said this i said how do you figure that he said because he knows he can tell so i said okay sir whatever you say. The guy now starts to talk about how beautiful my kids are which leads up to him telling me he likes me so i said i didnt notice he told me stop lying cause i know he stares at me all the time lol i did notice.

So we kept speaking and he asked me where my boyfriend was i said he had things to do of course a typical dude oh he shouldve been here with you lol anyway. He shocked me when he turned to me and said you know im looking for a wife so do you mind marrying me and am i willing to have another baby i was shocked like hell then his brother came over got him and went out i was in what the hell just happened moment all of last night

Now ladies what do you think of this
Wow he's bold.:lol: But really are you attracted? Cause attraction can be a will have you like an animal in heat! Be careful. You don't want to get bitten.:lol:
lol its funny i found myself checking him out when i first saw him which was like 2 1/2 months ago. Ive been living on this street for the past 4 1/2 yrs and i never saw him because this is his first time back from school. he is finishing his masters in mechanical engineering and yes i know all this im nosey too. He does seem interesting but this morning i was running to my car to avoid seeing him
That's odd. :lol: If he new all this from afar, why did he wait for the block party to say something.
. Nosy man prceeded to ask me if a rad car that comes to me is my boyfriends i said yes then the bold man tells me how much he thinks im beautiful and that he knows that i know my guy is not for me and that i deserve better.

maybe he saw the car somewhere and saw something? :look:
hmm interesting. do you want to get married?
are things headed in the direction you want it to go w. your bf? cause if noooot.....
Okay i noticed that this guy always waves and tells me hi when he sees me yeah he is kind of cute anyway thats besides the point.

My block had a block party yesterday it was fun my kids enjoyed themselves but this was the first time we had face to face contact we introduced ourselves to each other and that was cool of course not expecting anything.

So later on at the end of the night i was sitting in the front of my neighbors house he came over and took a seat beside me he then starts to ask if i had a boyfriend and i told him yes.This is where the conversation would have ended for me. Nosy man prceeded to ask me if a rad car that comes to me is my boyfriends i said yes then the bold man tells me how much he thinks im beautiful and that he knows that i know my guy is not for me and that i deserve better.

So when he said this i said how do you figure that he said because he knows he can tell so i said okay sir whatever you say. The guy now starts to talk about how beautiful my kids are which leads up to him telling me he likes me so i said i didnt notice he told me stop lying cause i know he stares at me all the time lol i did notice.

So we kept speaking and he asked me where my boyfriend was i said he had things to do of course a typical dude oh he shouldve been here with you lol anyway. He shocked me when he turned to me and said you know im looking for a wife so do you mind marrying me and am i willing to have another baby i was shocked like hell then his brother came over got him and went out i was in what the hell just happened moment all of last night

Now ladies what do you think of this

I think you need to tell him you are not interested and
In the convo i did happen to tell him i dont know him to like him.

The i deserve better part i thought i he might have seen something but oh well who cares a dude will say anything

Whoaaa!!! This brought to mind Norman Bates and Pee Wee Herman at the same time. LOL:lachen:

This was just the laugh I needed! Hopefully you don't have a stalker. Enjoy the attention and leave it alone... unless your boyfriend isn't treating you right. Then it may be worth considering though he sounds intense to say the least.
BLOOOOODY HELL! He's a bit quick! "lets date get to no each other??"....he just got to it with the baby stuff huh?....why didnt he just say "now I know your name lets get it on!"....He is a weird one....I would keep an eye on him....just dodgy to me.
You in NYC? That happens all the time here, to me, my fam, my friends...

I avoid those men, but I've also never found any attractive. I'd probably still avoid like the plague though.