The Getting To Know You Game!!!!


New Member
soooo what are some questions that you can ask your date in order to get to know them a bit better??:spinning:

i'll start....

What are some of your pet peaves?

any others???:grin:
This might seem weird to most, but I never make a list of questions. The conversations that I have with men naturally flow to answer any questions that I might have had. I will give some suggestions to add to the topic though...

:giggle: I can't think of any questions that don't sound like part of a script.

Some things you might want to talk about that can be discussed in a flowing conversation..

His family
Lifestyle (Eating habits, living situation, fitness)
How he spends his free time
If you are face to face just let it flow. Actually face to face interactions are easier than over the phone because you can pick up on body language and go from there. If you are talking on the phone you can ask simple things about his family and whether he likes animals or what not. Ask questions about traveling and where he has been. Now if you want the conversation to roll then talk about religion and politics but most people say this is a big no no but sometimes I do it anyway just to see where he stands. I just hope you have someone that can hold a conversation. Nothing like being on a date or on the phone with a guy that is not a conversationalist and the other extreme of being on a date or on the phone with a guy that doesn't know how to shut up! I have had both and it sux!
How much money do you make?
When are you up for a raise?
Pass me your wallet?
Why is there no centurion card?


I suggest just letting things flow. Ask the questions you already have, and LISTEN to the responses he gives because in there will be lots of cues and info for you to use for follow up questions. Dont plan out an interview, that just seems odd and uncomfortable, let convo flow :)
I agree with the other posters about conversations being essential and I definitely like conversations to flow, BuuUUuuut sometimes it is easier to have some questions in the back of my mind just incase we get to those *twiddling thumbs* moments.

Things I like to keep in the back of my mind to ask on a date are:

What are your goals and what motivates you?
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
What are your turn offs in the opposite sex (not
What's the craziest thing you have ever done (answers to this could give you some red flags lol)?

Also there are some questions that if you ask could spark conversations, like asking about his family, his childhood, some of his favorite memories, etc.
Purchase, The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock. It isn't traditional getting to know you questions, but they are question that are very indepth without being invasive. I have been using this book for many years after this older gentlemen brought it out when we were getting to know each other.

Every guy that I have met and ask questions, loved it.