The Best Baggy Challenge EVER!!!

Last 2 nights I been baggying with NTM and/or HS14n1. Finna go baggy now using the same stuff.......
Whole head baggying with donnies curl activator, coconut oil, and aloe vera gel. Hair feels great inspite of these HOT temperatures!
Don't know if I ever "officially" joined this challenge, but I've been baggy'ing my ends like clockwork, and I am really beginning to see the fruits of my labors. My ends are split free (..well, for the most part, anyway...), they are thicker and they are stronger. I am retaining ALL my growth!!! :heart: I baggy with my choice of wet or creamy moisturizer, but I am sure to seal it with my Vatika Coconut oil. I love my ends :love: .....I never could say that before.

I part my hair into 4/5 sections and apply treatment, the put it in a twist, then I use a plastic sandwich baggy to drop my twist into. I cannot do whole head baggies as much becasue the heat, makes my scalp itch, but I was determined to still reap the benefits of baggying my hair. This method is a charm for me!!

This challenge is a must for anyone looking to get their ends in the best shape possible. :love2:
Whole head baggied with Alter Ego Impac Garlic condish overnight. My hair feels GREAT today. I think that's my favorite DC.

Can't wait to try ponytail baggying with my JBCO that just arrived yesterday (I'll use up the coconut oil on my skin).
Whole head baggied with Shea moisture and sealed with Castor oil..all I had to do today was spritz with water and finger comb! Loved it!
Hey I'm still baggying ladies! My hair is doing really well with this techique. I will baggy tonight with MTG on the scalp and coconut oil with a little bit of Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1
Same here. I am loving how moist my hair is, even with the extremely hot temperatures outside! Lovin that S-curl activator! Who knew!

I know this has been the only product i have been using and its working wonders for my hair. I love this challenge.

Baggying later today with s-curl.
I'm going to take a little break from baggying. I'm having some issues, and I need to figure out what the cause is.