Cool! Do you ever think about how you would manage it (wash in braids? wear your hair up more often?)
LOL, I think about what I'm gonna do with my MBL-HL hair all the time!
I'm definitely going to be wearing it up most of the time, if for no other reason than updos will protect my hair from the crazies running around. I do plan on wearing it down a fair amount of time point in having all that hair if I can't swang it every now and then.
But when I do wear it down, I'll rarely go silky straight. I'll wear more shrinkage-inducing styles, like knotouts, twistouts, and braidouts, in order to make the length more manageable.
And with washing, I'll have to adopt a simpler regimen. Washing in braids, using fewer steps, less rollersetting and more airdrying. I currently have quite a few steps and I know I won't be doing that when I have more hair. I actually believe that the correlation between simple regimens and long hair is backwards. Everyone says that "long-haired ladies have simple regimens, so simple regimens must be the way to get long hair". I think it's the other way around...that long-haired ladies tend towards simpler reggies because they have so much hair. And I think that they also tend to have their products down pat, because they've been doing the hair thing for longer, so their reggies are more straightforward.
I'm more interested in knowing what reggies took the long-haired ladies on LHCF from shorter lengths to their current length...I believe that would lend more insight to what is really conducive to retention and growth. I hope that made's late here and I should be sleeping.
For the record, I think big ones are low manipulation, low heat, and lots of protective styling.