Texlaxers Support Thread

Hi, NP! I've decided to relax instead of texlax. I like my natural hair, but I can't enjoy it. I've got no styling skills whatsoever.:rolleyes: I know how to take care of my relaxed hair and I've learned how to stretch from my texlaxed days. I've got to meet my hair goal first before I relax though. I have to research lye relaxers now. They seem to have gotten a better rating on the board than no lye. I'll let you know when I tie your record!:grin::wink2:

LOL!!!! Okay! I was the same way, I had no styling skills with my natural hair either, I couldn't afford braids and the Twa style was just getting boring, Plus I had no Patience with the growth, I mean it was growing but I wanted a puff ASAP!!! But right now I am just gonna stay texlaxed for awhile at least I can enjoy some curls & waves.
If I wanted to start texlaxing, would I be able to touch up my new growth with a lye relaxer then run it through my no-lye hair for uniformity?
My Phyto I arrived this week, but I'm seriously considering putting braids in. I'm ready for a little hair break. I was planning to relax on 12/1 after the 2 week club challenge ends, but now I'm thinking I want to wait another 4-5 weeks. I'm either going to relax on 12/1 or put braids in on 12/1. If I put the braids in I'm only keep them for about 4 weeks. I'll so be taking them out shortly after Christmas and texturizing after the first week in January.

I think I'm doing it again... I'm gonna end up at 46 weeks before I know it. *sigh*

I put kinky twists in. I'm taking them out in 3 weeks. :ohwell:
Hi ladies!!!!

I have been stretching my relaxer for the last 41, almost 42 weeks. I want to transition to texlaxed, but I would be doing it myself...:perplexed. I am a little nervous about that....just a little:look:.

Haven't read through the WHOLE thread, but I wanted to know if there is a "fool proof" way of getting it right, or am I gonna have to go through the whole "trial and error" to get it right? I NEED HELP!!!!!
Hi ladies!!!!

I have been stretching my relaxer for the last 41, almost 42 weeks. I want to transition to texlaxed, but I would be doing it myself...:perplexed. I am a little nervous about that....just a little:look:.

Haven't read through the WHOLE thread, but I wanted to know if there is a "fool proof" way of getting it right, or am I gonna have to go through the whole "trial and error" to get it right? I NEED HELP!!!!!

I have been doing this texlaxing without even knowing about you guys and this forum!!!... It started because I got burned at a Salon and I swore I'd never go back.

My problem is breakage... I tried the Cathy H conditioner method; I changed the oils and the amount of pepermint oil. I live in an area that has really hard water so no matter how often I deep condition once my hair dries it like autumn leaves.
I have been doing this texlaxing without even knowing about you guys and this forum!!!... It started because I got burned at a Salon and I swore I'd never go back.

My problem is breakage... I tried the Cathy H conditioner method; I changed the oils and the amount of pepermint oil. I live in an area that has really hard water so no matter how often I deep condition once my hair dries it like autumn leaves.

I also live in an area with hard water :yep: so my husband started us buying spring water JUST to wash my hair with. My hands and feet get so dry from the water, it's crazy. Have you considered this option? I even wash out my texlax this way.
Ok so I read through most of the forum and im seriously considering texlaxing.

My question is has anyone texlaxed on virgin hair, if so did it come out like you wanted? I see a lot of people here texlaxed the new growth from their relaxed hair or they had a relaxer in the past so they know how long the relaxer needs to stay on their hair. I have no idea how long to keep it on, I dont know if my hair is resistant to relaxers and what not...so yea. Im kind of in the dark about how long to keep the relaxer on to get the results I want.
I have to say that i did my first texlaxer this past weekend and I LOVE the way my hair came out. Not too straight but very thick and full, which i love. I plan to cont to texlax in the near future!
Do you guys think it's normal for me to be getting my hair texlaxed every 5-6 weeks? :look:

Hello all. I'm new to this support thread. I'd been texlaxing before joining the board but I didn't realize that it had a name. I texlaxed because my hair is fine and dense and the longer it gets, the thinner (especially when relaxed bone straight). I like for my hair to have a lot of body and fullness. I used to use kiddie relaxers or mild adult relaxers. My hair is very low resistance and I process quickly so I usually wash it out a minute ot two after application is complete.

Currently since my hair is shorter, I have to texlax about every 5-6 weeks. When it gets long enough to bun or pony I'll be able to stretch longer. I can't wait!
I texlaxed at the end of December on virgin hair. I used a test strand in the front because if I overprocessed, I wouldn't mind the hair being straighter than normal there (which is what happened of course). I didn't get the defined spirals I hoped for, but the hair was so much more manageable, I didn't try again. It's been 10 weeks since and although it doesn't look different, my new growth is reminding me why I did it in the first place. The instant tangles are no joke. I'm afraid to break my hair now because of the tangles, so it's braided under a wig until the April touchup.
Hi ladies. I am BCing this weekend and I think at some point I would like to get my hair texlaxed. My question is for those that add oils to their relaxer. What ratio of relaxer to oil do you use?
Ok so I read through most of the forum and im seriously considering texlaxing.

My question is has anyone texlaxed on virgin hair, if so did it come out like you wanted? I see a lot of people here texlaxed the new growth from their relaxed hair or they had a relaxer in the past so they know how long the relaxer needs to stay on their hair. I have no idea how long to keep it on, I dont know if my hair is resistant to relaxers and what not...so yea. Im kind of in the dark about how long to keep the relaxer on to get the results I want.

ditto. i'm all natural and wondering the exact same thing. i want my hair to be thick still but i don't want it to be curly like a lot of ppl want it to be.. i guess i just want it to be wavy or straight/frizzy
bump: unanswered question in the previous post

Hello! I Texlaxed on Virgin hair, and it came out just fine,My hair is softer and shrinkage is minimal and I still have the look of Natural hair, But it depends on what look you are going for, YOU MUST DO A STRAND TEST!!! This will help to determine how curly or wavy you want it. I love my hair this way!!! Make sure you have a timer or keep watching the clock, I leave mine on for about 10 minutes, anything less does nothing.

Good Luck to you!!!!:grin:
ditto. i'm all natural and wondering the exact same thing. i want my hair to be thick still but i don't want it to be curly like a lot of ppl want it to be.. i guess i just want it to be wavy or straight/frizzy

I texlaxed on virgin hair about 2 yrs ago - lots of things have happened to my hair since then, and needless to say I'm back to texlaxing myself.:wallbash:

I used ORS No-Lye in Super - 2 paks actually - and pretty much just glopped it on like a DC - I didn't smooth. I left it on for at least 20 mins, maybe alittle more before rinsing. I did not do a strand test. My hair came out...ripply? Tiny waves with curly ends. I didn't do it intentionally, but decided I liked it. Everyone's hair is different though, so a strand test is a good idea - and not everyone should be using a Super Strength relaxer.
Thank you so much. How much relaxer? Do you know?

Some women probably mix it in their original relaxer container which can be 7-15 oz. I personally add 1 TBS to about 4 oz of relaxer. I like my results; I do have a extra extra sensitive scalp and I have not been burned in a long time. It looks like my little tub of relaxer is going to last me all year too!

Im curious to know which oil or oils are you planning to use? I have tried coconut and this next time I will be using something different. Im thinking about grapeseed or almond...idk yet
I texlaxed on virgin hair about 2 yrs ago - lots of things have happened to my hair since then, and needless to say I'm back to texlaxing myself.

I used ORS No-Lye in Super - 2 paks actually - and pretty much just glopped it on like a DC - I didn't smooth. I left it on for at least 20 mins, maybe alittle more before rinsing. I did not do a strand test. My hair came out...ripply? Tiny waves with curly ends. I didn't do it intentionally, but decided I liked it. Everyone's hair is different though, so a strand test is a good idea - and not everyone should be using a Super Strength relaxer.

I have never done a strand test either, but that is a great suggestion to help decide how curly/wavy to make the hair... I don't play with matches and I don't play with Super Strength for the same reason. :couchfire: :lol: Trust me--I learned a long time ago not to reach for that Super. And I didn't scratch in my head for a few days but my scalp is that sensitive.
I'm transistioning from Phyto to Silk Elements. I did a test section in regular and I'm so glad I didn't do my whole head. It came out way to straight and hasn't reverted at all. :rolleyes: I think I'm going to strand test again before I commit to SE. :yep:
I finally transitioned to texlax in December 2007, and even though I like what it's done for my hair's texturethough - appears thicker. I did find that I had a little more breakage than before but I believe that if I continue, my hair will ultimately adjust especially since I just started using Ayurveda this month. I will continue to watch my hair over the next few months. I decided to stretch longer this time in braids to further reduce manipulation. I am in the Lo-Mani challenge as well anyway. I think it's Sareca that uses an amla tea rinse to spray her braids and I will do the same thing but I will be adding bhringraj and brahmi powders to mine.
[EISANI] Yea yea yea (mic check)...I've been doing this for about 2 yrs now and love it. My processing time is 5-7 minutes max and rarely comb the relaxer thru. I use SE Mega-Silk mild lye relaxer w/shea butter. Pics galore in my Fotki. In my "New Color Showers" or something album, I listed out everything I did. I don't think I'll ever be able to go completely natural, so this is the next best thing for me.

Eisani, your hair is so lovely! I have saved your fotki link in my favorites file. I also don't keep it in longer than 7 minutes.

[SARECA] I think I'm going to start texlaxing more often. I thinking once every 16 weeks will work. I said that last year and never got around to it. I'm doing it next year!

Sareca, you also have a pretty head of hair. It looks like you are planning to texlax soon from your last post about the strand test. I want to know if you are still planning to stretch every 16 weeks this year? are you over 16 weeks as of now? I ask because I am planning to do it for every 16 weeks this year for more health, thickness and length. My stretch has been going fine. I have 4 weeks to go. 16 weeks just seems like forever especially for a person like me who in the past was slapping on a relaxer at 3-4 weeks post. (Im laughing now because when I was younger I never used to read the box instructions or paper instructions which actually say how long to wait between relaxers...I would take out the instructions, remove the attached gloves, and set the instructions back down or even ball it up and throw it in the trash basket saying something stupid like "Jordan shoots ...swoosh--and it's good!" :lol: :rolleyes: )
I relax my hair for about 5-8 minutes from application to rinse. I mix half cholesterol conditioner and half mild relaxer.

Update: As time has passed my relaxing time has grown. Currently, I relax for 25-30minutes from application to rinse. Before, my hair seemed to revert. But, now that its more processed when it bounces back it is still the texture I aimed for. I still use half Silk Elements Mild Lye and half cholesterol conditioner to texturize my hair. I'm guessing that if I used straight relaxer my time would cut in half, but I don't want to mess with a method that works.
My updates: I just did a touch up last week but my hair came out a little too straight. I know it was because I smooth my hair with my fingers. I only did that since my hair is so hard to relax. My total time was 15 mins. Not bad for a self relaxer. I've been using Vitale Olive Oil Relaxer - Regular.
Your puff looks too beautiful.. I think I prefer your hair natural unless you are having a hard time detangling
Thank you. I just don't know what to do with my hair anymore. I can't really wear the styles I want because of work so, I wear braids 98% of the time. I'm so sick of braids.