Texlaxers Support Thread

jade998 said:
Hi Fellow texlaxers,

I am hoping that you will be able to help me.

Once I have washed my hair, and conditioned it, my hair feels soft however, it dries very crispy. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

I decided to write down what I do (I can't even call it a regime, cause I am not consistant) and I if you spot any NO No's Please let me know.

1. Deep conditioning with either Motions silk protein/ ORS replenishing over night
2 Shampoo with CON
3. Rinse and use leave in = 911/ Infusium
4. Moisturizer = ORS Olive Oil lotion

Any help...

I am also looking to use Nexuss... Now this is an expensive range, so any opinions on if this would be a good line to use.

P.S. I know my hair loves Olive Oil/ Honey
And my hair dosen't lay flat...

Maybe you need to use a creamy leave-in. I've found that my hair hates watery leave-ins such as 911 and Infusium. I highly recommend Salerm 21, Lacio Lacio or Nexxus Headress. Also, instead of using the ORS Olive Oil Lotion, maybe you should try using an oil. I love coconut oil but olive oil also works well.
THANKS silkyandsmooth.

The whole Nexxus range seems to be calling me... just so expensive, but would rather invest in this, than some top that I wear once in while, whilst I wear my hair everyday.

I will get the Nexxus leave in (just because that is the only one I can get my hand on in the UK and see if that make a difference)
jade998 said:
THANKS silkyandsmooth.

The whole Nexxus range seems to be calling me... just so expensive, but would rather invest in this, than some top that I wear once in while, whilst I wear my hair everyday.

I will get the Nexxus leave in (just because that is the only one I can get my hand on in the UK and see if that make a difference)
But it's so worth it,my hair loves Nexxus
Maybe you can try lines that have similar ingredients?
My hair just seems to love Nexxus because of the Glycerin so I tried out other products with glycerin and my hair is super soft.
Frizz Ease has a moisturizing DC that gives me similar results like Humectress,for half the money.
jade998 said:
THANKS silkyandsmooth.

The whole Nexxus range seems to be calling me... just so expensive, but would rather invest in this, than some top that I wear once in while, whilst I wear my hair everyday.

I will get the Nexxus leave in (just because that is the only one I can get my hand on in the UK and see if that make a difference)

Sally's has generic Nexxus for $5.99 and I love, love, love Suave Professionals Humectin & Humectress for $4.99. I use them daily I mix in a little V05 for the smell. It's not Nexxus but it very good.
Pixel Lady said:
I texlax for 5 mins (from start to finish) I start in the most resistant area and finish at the least resistant. I do my hairline every other time...I add keratin oil to my relaxer.

This is what my wet hair looks like, when finished...

Your hair is gorgeous, Pixel! I relax my hair for about 5-8 minutes from application to rinse. I mix half cholesterol conditioner and half mild relaxer.
Conditioner, huh? I heard about mixing oil but not conditioner. That sounds very interesting. Does it leave your hair soft and moisturized? Do you think it would work with any conditioner or best with cholesterol? I have a conditioner I would like to use but I'm worried about the different chemicals. Sounds good though.;) :)

nubianqt86 said:
Your hair is gorgeous, Pixel! I relax my hair for about 5-8 minutes from application to rinse. I mix half cholesterol conditioner and half mild relaxer.
OMG:eek: Look at that second hair pic in the siggy! You're hair is so thick and pretty!
jade998 said:
THANKS silkyandsmooth.

The whole Nexxus range seems to be calling me... just so expensive, but would rather invest in this, than some top that I wear once in while, whilst I wear my hair everyday.

I will get the Nexxus leave in (just because that is the only one I can get my hand on in the UK and see if that make a difference)
GeechyGurl said:
Conditioner, huh? I heard about mixing oil but not conditioner. That sounds very interesting. Does it leave your hair soft and moisturized? Do you think it would work with any conditioner or best with cholesterol? I have a conditioner I would like to use but I'm worried about the different chemicals. Sounds good though.;) :)

I did research on the forum and my hair idol used cholesterol conditioner with relaxer, so I figured it was safe. I haven't had any problems and I feel like it dilutes better than an oil would. Cholesterol conditioner is all I have ever used, so I don't know about other kinds. Sorry.
Thanks! You've definitely given me something to think about.:up:

nubianqt86 said:
I did research on the forum and my hair idol used cholesterol conditioner with relaxer, so I figured it was safe. I haven't had any problems and I feel like it dilutes better than an oil would. Cholesterol conditioner is all I have ever used, so I don't know about other kinds. Sorry.
nubianqt86 said:
I did research on the forum and my hair idol used cholesterol conditioner with relaxer, so I figured it was safe. I haven't had any problems and I feel like it dilutes better than an oil would. Cholesterol conditioner is all I have ever used, so I don't know about other kinds. Sorry.

I use regular ole Suave or Vo5 Condi:) or whatever I got at hand.
The last time I texlaxed with just a little oil as a mix and I only left it in for 7-9 minutes and my hair came out almost tooo straight. I was upset of course because I want texlaxed hair not RElaxed hair. So I'm going to stretch for a long time and make sure to underprocess/texlax with conditioner and oil. I should have left well enough alone! I do not want bone straight hair guys. I like my thick almost natural hair.

No negative affects so far, I washed it out fairly quickly. But let's all be careful if we're going for texlaxed and not straight hair. I lost some curl pattern at the roots only that I wanted to keep! (My bf was happy, but I was not pleased)
Updates anyone?

I'm still stretching ladies. It's becoming a little bit more of challenge. Well, at least the styling part. Managing it has been great. I'm thinking about get cornrows going into a ponytail or something low maintenance, easy to put, easy to take out. I want to be able to get it done every two to three weeks. I don't want the hair matting up.

Anyway, if any of you have style suggestions, please let me know.
Ok. I broke down and texlaxed. I couldn't hold out! I was exactly 12 weeks. I'm happy about it though!

I read in another thread about "How do you texlax?" and someone mentioned that they mix conditioner in their relaxer instead of oil. I tried some leftover conditioner (Garnier Fructis) and it came out great! I can't believe how curly my new growth is, it's just relaxed a little bit but has major curls when wet.

The only thing I'll do different is get the best conditioner I can (Aveda, Paul Mitchell, something) and mix it in from now on. I'm also going to try the Silk Elements relaxer instead of the PCJ which is good but I just want to see if there is anything better.

I'm now able to roll my hair with the flexirods and have it come out perfect the next day. I think my limit is going to be 10-12 weeks stretch (at least until I reach bra-strap). I'm going to take some pics of my hair and post it. I don't have a great digital camera but it's good. Thanks for all the tips ladies.
Anyone have anything to add? I'm still dealing with my "fresh" texlax. Everything is great so far. What's up with you?
Ok. I broke down and texlaxed. I couldn't hold out! I was exactly 12 weeks. I'm happy about it though!

I read in another thread about "How do you texlax?" and someone mentioned that they mix conditioner in their relaxer instead of oil. I tried some leftover conditioner (Garnier Fructis) and it came out great! I can't believe how curly my new growth is, it's just relaxed a little bit but has major curls when wet.

The only thing I'll do different is get the best conditioner I can (Aveda, Paul Mitchell, something) and mix it in from now on. I'm also going to try the Silk Elements relaxer instead of the PCJ which is good but I just want to see if there is anything better.

I'm now able to roll my hair with the flexirods and have it come out perfect the next day. I think my limit is going to be 10-12 weeks stretch (at least until I reach bra-strap). I'm going to take some pics of my hair and post it. I don't have a great digital camera but it's good. Thanks for all the tips ladies.

How long did you leave the relaxer in and what type of hair do you have? I won't be texlaxing again for at least 3 months, but I want to do myself next time and am trying to get some tips.
I left the relaxer in approximately 5-7 minutes on each side (this includes applying it). I parted my hair down the middle, and did the left, then rinsed, and the right, then rinsed. I guess I have somewhere between 3c and 4a, I guess, but I don't really use that whack system. My hair is what it t-i-is. I mixed conditioner in the first time (loved it). The next time, I'm mixing conditioner and oil.

I don't want it straight, just loosened alittle. That way if and when I decide to transition to natural, it won't be that much of a difference. It's working out great so far. I got alot of great tips from the texlax threads. Check my original post or the second post for a list of links. HTH

How long did you leave the relaxer in and what type of hair do you have? I won't be texlaxing again for at least 3 months, but I want to do myself next time and am trying to get some tips.
I left the relaxer in approximately 5-7 minutes on each side (this includes applying it). I parted my hair down the middle, and did the left, then rinsed, and the right, then rinsed. I guess I have somewhere between 3c and 4a, I guess, but I don't really use that whack system. My hair is what it t-i-is. I mixed conditioner in the first time (loved it). The next time, I'm mixing conditioner and oil.

I don't want it straight, just loosened alittle. That way if and when I decide to transition to natural, it won't be that much of a difference. It's working out great so far. I got alot of great tips from the texlax threads. Check my original post or the second post for a list of links. HTH

Chile you sound too much like me. I suppose my hair is between 3C-4A, because really neither one seem to fit. I'm not even trying to figure it out anymore :wallbash:

I use keratin oil for this and LOVE it...it seems to have the perfect balance. And I agree...I just loosen mine to, not that much different than my natural hair. I'm seriously thinking of transitioning...
I'll have to look for that. I'd be willing to try something new, one hundred different times until I find the perfect thing. I'll have to look for that. Where did you say you usually get it from, ebay? Thanks.

I get it from a local bss...but I did read where someone said they got it off EBay.

Can't wait for your reviews!
Why Hello world!

I have been underprocessing my hair for years. I find it refreshing to know that there are others who share my DIY passion & satisfaction positive results. I believe that the growth I've achieved this past year is due to strength my hair maintains because it's "fine" strands are no longer being processed bone-straight.

Chemicals: TCB, over a coating/build-up of conditioners

Heat: I limit use of heat to only the weekends when I may wear my hair down. IMO I spare my ends over-processing by just flat-ironing my hair to show of the blunt cut.

Curls: No curling for me unless it's my bangs.

Sweat/Pooing: I work out to a sweat 3-days a week, wear wool caps and/or helments everyday :)wallbash:Uncle Sam). This routine and vitamins has improved the length of my hair, I'm still evaluating the "health" of it, but I am happy.
I find my texlaxed hair hard to deal with, well not so much know that I understand how to deal with it. My current regimen makes the difficult days that use to be, almost non-existent...
I'm thinking about going a little bit straighter. Although I love my curlies, I'm tired of the shrinkage and frizziness. I'm hoping to eliminate some of it. I'd never go bone straight b/c I hated my hair when it was bone straight.
Are there any 4ZZ's that texturize or textlax enough so their hair is a soft 'fro? If So, what's your regimen, and are you happy with the outcome? I know I won't have any curlies if I do it.
Hey it's Lana, and man I just realized that a whole lot of ladies on this board texlax. I found out about texlaxing here. Anyways I'm at 11 weeks post relaxer and I'm really tempted to go ahead and touch it up because I have about a little shy of two inches of new growth. I'm excited to see how long my hair will look. I've noticed that the middle and sides are really showing more length. The back was already there.

Anyways I'll see if I can last another four weeks or not. My plan was to be 15 weeks post before touching up. But that'll be almost 3 inches of new growth. Boy oh boy.:nono:
Wow, first time seeing this thread!

I did my very first self relaxer and after reading this thread I realized I texlaxed and did'nt even know it! I added 2 tbl of olive oil to silk elements, and spritzed my hair with silk amino's, based with vaseline and coated the relaxed ends with vaseline. I thought I had just underprocessed it but I love the results. lots of body, thickness, softness, and while not bone straight, easy to manage. I just did my first shampoo/cond. after my touch up and after airdrying under my scarf, I'm loving the results. not flat and lifeless at all! Wavy and soft! I'm a new texlaxer convert!:yep: