Tell me I'm wrong..... (LONG)


New Member
There is this dude that is feeling me, but I don't feel the same. Anyway, we met up in Starkville, but I must admit I was pretty rude to him and just killed his ego every chance I had. My fault. My friend felt bad, and invited him to dinner and told me that I need to be more cordial to him because how I was treating him as rude.

I said okay....I will play nice.

He's dead broke. At the mexican restaurant he wouldn't even order water. (Guess he was scared they might charge). He played all of his ringtones at the restaurant (a nice restaurant at that) to see if I wanted to swap. He opened every door, and was really nice, but after talking to him about his future goals it seems like he has plans (to be a teacher) but no motive of getting there

I left Starkville and he followed me back to campus. We watched a movie and parted from there. I txted him a day later, he doesn't respond. Instead he calls me at 3am and tries to talk. (Strike one)
I'm in school. I feel you don't respect me if you call me after 11pm. You prolly don't have anything to say except talking about sex. I'm not feeling it.

He asked me to come see him in Starkville a few days later. (He does not have a car) I say I will. I told him I had meetings yesterday but I would come to starkville @ 6. He never responds so I figure that he's busy or doesn't want to see me. He txts me (doesn't call, txts) to tell me he left Starkville and is in Jackson. (Strike 2)

I told him that common courtesy was to tell me that he was leaving Starkville and going home because what if I had drove 20 minutes to see him and I had found out he was gone? I would have been furious. I told him I must not be on his priority list.

He told me that he has priorities but while I'm badgering him, I'm the one with no priorities. (Strike 3) I'm pissed. I told him I'm not the one to argue and beat a dead horse, but I feel like he's the one with no priorities. I went into my tangent.

-He has two kids. They live in the same town with him. He sees them MAYBE once a month. (He's busy. Baby momma is always workin)
-He just got laid off from both of his jobs (He claims it's cause of the economy, but if you don't show up one day, they WILL fire you)
-He has a prepaid phone that he can't keep one for 2 consecutive months (I told yall i do not like a man who cannot keep hsi phone on. Have responsibility)
-He has YET to enroll back into school (He is 26)
-He is struggling to pay bills (rent, lights, gas)

So I ask him, if he can't take care of his own (kids) how could he ever provide for me? I'm not asking for money or tryna be a gold digger, but this is how I feel. I'm in college, making something of my life and I need a man not a boy that I have to teach to be a man, and I need a man of great caliber and I don't think he is that person for right now. I asked him what if we were in a relationship. What if we did one day have relations and had a child. If he can't take care of the two he has right now, how could he take care of ours? I started hurting his feelings so I told him we'd be better as friends because he's not what I'm looking for right now.

THIS FOOL WENT OFF. I guess I'm just some spoiled trick who is used to "ballers". I make him feel bad, like he doesn't do anything. He tries. His mom told him he would neva be anything in life, and that's exactly how I make him feel. Like he is nothing. He doesn't have money, but he has time. He gives his kids time. I should be proud :look:

Am I wrong to ex his number out my phone?
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Absolutely not!!! As my dad has said, " If a man is 25, 26 years old and has not gotten himself together, he never will"- My Daddy knows men.

Side note, don't feel responsible for how he is feeling about himself, you are not his therapist and it seems like he is projecting his insecurities on you. Girl, Bye! Don't even think twice about this man. You are doing the right thing about being in school. Do not lower your standards trying to be nice. You can't help those who are not willing to help themselves.
im surprise you even dealt with him after dinner. what was the point?

I really felt bad abotu how I treated him earlier. I was being completely rude and I had to apologize. For instance, He was like yeah I got a lot of stuff to do today. I was like ..."Yeah, like pay yo phone bill...womp womp LOL" Point blank I wanted to give him a sincere chance since I blew him off from the first couple times we talked.

And man...I didn't pick up on it, but he shyed from telling me his age. He always said 20 something in our convo. I was thinkin he was 22 or 23. I should have KNOWN he was older cuz he's starting to bald a little :giggle: This ***** finna be 27 in June! :perplexed I saw his license and was like....WTF! lool
It's unfortunate, but you two are not compatible.

You need somebody with a PLAN. He already has two kids and he's not providing for them monetarily. You know there is a court order child support case out on him and if there isn't, the judge can order him to pay retroactively.

He's not worth it. It'll just be debt, debt and MORE debt as time goes by.

You're about something. Find someone with similar goals.
Since you are worried about being rude to him, how about you politely lose his number?
Seriously, this man has nothing to bring to the table-at least nothing you wrote about plus you did say you were not feeling him anyway.
You are not wrong for wanting to just be friends.
Since you are worried about being rude to him, how about you politely lose his number?
Seriously, this man has nothing to bring to the table-at least nothing you wrote about plus you did say you were not feeling him anyway.
You are not wrong for wanting to just be friends.

I think I'm going to gradually pull away from him. Like talk to him once a week or so until he loses my number. *smh* Man, these men these days. They need to come up!
I think I'm going to gradually pull away from him. Like talk to him once a week or so until he loses my number. *smh* Man, these men these days. They need to come up!

gradually pull away? i know da pickings are slim, but dayum. unless ur hard up, i don't understand why u would even waste cell phone minutes, brain power, and energy tryna figure dis guy out.

it's really a no brainer. first of all, for me, a man who is BROKE, has a pre-paid phone, no job, no car, can do nuffin for me. hell, my puddi won't twinge just at da thought.....*sighs*
The only thing you did wrong was entertain him for the times that you did. I can't stand men who blame their problems on the world and everybody else instead of taking a look at THEMSELVES. Besides that, he prob. has too much drama. No you don't have to be rude to him..just simply turn him down and keep it moving.

Get with someone on your level. He is already in a hole and not even tryna climb out of it and all he has is bs excuses.

Girl you better just ignore his phone calls or tell him to f--k off. You don't owe him your kindess or anything really.
Since you are worried about being rude to him, how about you politely lose his number?
Seriously, this man has nothing to bring to the table-at least nothing you wrote about plus you did say you were not feeling him anyway.
You are not wrong for wanting to just be friends.

You don't owe him anything you don't have any ties to him... He can be let go gracefully... Without even hurting his feelings or you being rude... He hasn't even made BF yet... Or did I miss something:look:
I think I'm going to gradually pull away from him. Like talk to him once a week or so until he loses my number. *smh* Man, these men these days. They need to come up!

Just stop talking to him. Don't waste his time (um, minutes) since you know he's not what you want.
I wouldn't have wasted my time explaining to him what I wanted in a man. I wouldn't even want to be friends with him either because he has no respect. Just drop him and move on.
Just stop talking to him. Don't waste his time (um, minutes) since you know he's not what you want.

True. Hm. He isn't my boyfriend, not even a close friend. I guess I could jsut cut off all contact of him. I have no ties to him anyway. I dunno, I just worry about how people feel too much.
There is this dude that is feeling me, but I don't feel the same. Anyway, we met up in Starkville, but I must admit....

The problem is right here. Right in your first sentence...everything after that was a blur to me to be honest.

You knew from jump that you weren't feeling him and yet you STILL went out with him. I blame you.

You can't really complain about what you permitted from him.

He showed you what he was working with right? So anything afterwards is gonna be on YOU.

Not trying to be harsh. We all been just need to know when its YOU.
Well all men don't have money or goals or fancy cars. That does not make them worthless human beings though - that just makes them NOT FOR YOU and what you want. There isn't anything wrong with privately acknowledging that and moving along. No need to break the man down in the process. Just smile, make yourself unavailable and keep it moving.
Well all men don't have money or goals or fancy cars. That does not make them worthless human beings though - that just makes them NOT FOR YOU and what you want. There isn't anything wrong with privately acknowledging that and moving along. No need to break the man down in the process. Just smile, make yourself unavailable and keep it moving.

Maybe not with material things but he is also a deadbeat father. That does make him worthless. He can at least visit the kids. He has no job and sees them once a month?:perplexed

To OP: You owe him nothing. Don't waste you time trying to let him down easy. He knows what's up. He's dang near 30. I assure you this is not his first time in this situation.
I wouldn't waste time trying to be friends with him either. Friends take up your time and need to be worthy of that time. :look:
I wouldn't waste time trying to be friends with him either. Friends take up your time and need to be worthy of that time. :look:

Ditto to this.

I've never understood why when a woman goes out on a bad date and decides they aren't interested in the man, they are advised (or feel on their own) that they have to be friends with him.

You know, there are many people that you don't need to deal with period. If I go on a date with someone and decide that I have zero interest whatsoever in that person, I don't even consider friendship. Not everyone who enters my life has to become a friend.

I just say that it was a bad date, forget the person existed and move on with my life.
SK. It doesn't add up. You're not interested in him, yet you tried to text him, promised to come see him, and was going to drive 20 minutes to get where he was. All of that takes effort, and effort hints at interest. You have to remain consistent. There are a couple of threads floating around about how men misinterpret women's "niceness" or "unwillingness to be mean" as more.

So from the get-go, when you realised you weren't into him, you should have just politely kept it moving and interacted with him on a minimal level (or none at all, if he's not someone you come across in your daily routines.) No you shouldn't have bashed him. But once you apologised sincerely that day, that should have been it. You are not his social worker. Don't let guilt drag you into some entanglement you don't want. (And be less rude in the future to guys you think are not up to your standards.)
Why are you even sitting here contemplating about this? I wouldn't even waste my keystrokes on that fool. NEXT.
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