~~TBL 2012 Challenge~~

Vintagecoilylocks - thank you for the birthday wishes and compliment.

NJoy - thank you for the birthday wishes, too!

In UK this weekend and hair is in much better shape -- I bunned it on top of my head and wrapped it in a satin wrap on the plane. I aspire to NJOY's 4 inches in 16 weeks! End of the month is trim time. Will flat iron next weekend and take .25-.5 inches off.

I'm getting ready for summer when I wear my hair curly and co-wash every 3 days. I'd like it to hang further than it every has!
Checking in.

Just measured and found that I've gained 4 inches in 16 wks. I measured from the last time that I indigo'd my hair. I measured the gray portions of 2 different previously indigo'd strands to see how much growth and whether both areas were growing similarly. My last henna/indigo was 11/23/11. That's 16 wks 1 day ago.

I knew the 2" of scraggly bonelax ends cut seemed to grow back fast. :reddancer:

@NJoy that is some awesome growth & retention! :yep: Congrats! Are you still using your sulfur mix or just PS? You have me motivated...I need to get back on my scalp oils & massages!
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@NJoy that is some awesome growth & retention! :yep: Congrats! Are you still using your sulfur mix or just PS? You have me motivated...I need to get back on my scalp oils & massages!

Yep. I'm back on it. Hoping to stay consistent so that I can get these bonelaxed ends trimmed away without losing length.
Soooooooo.... my hair's in twists, which I'm loving right now. But twists always remind me that I need to get rid of these relaxed ends. So I trimmed another inch off of each twist. I know it's probably not the best way to trim and may leave me with a choppy hemline but, the skimpies mock me and I just have to trim some of it off. I'm usually hesistant when I start but, by the 3rd twist, I'm boldly snipping and really njoy'g the feel of my ends (even tho they were in pretty good shape to start with).

So, so far, I've cut 3 inches this year. I plan to neaten up my hemline at the end of the year and maybe in June too.

I hope my hair continues to grow well so that I'll have a nice thick hemline by year's end. :lick:

What's going on with you ladies?
Just got my hair twisted (my mom did them for me). They're on the small side, but not quite mini. I plan to keep these in until the end of the month. I'm going to wait until next month to straighten b/c my mom requested that I wear it straight for mother's day, lol.

I don't have a lot of splits, but I do have a lot of ssks. I'll probably dust sometime soon.
I did a scalp massage with coconut oil last night and my scalp and face started itching. My hair loves coconut oil so, I hope I'm not developing a sensitivity to it. But just in case, I'll stop for now.
I'm still wearing the same twists from my last post. I washed and DC'd them yesterday. I had been neglecting it for the past couple of weeks.

I'll probably leave these in for another week, then wear a twistout for a week. I plan to straighten next month. I think I'm going to try to do it myself. I'm using a 1 in. iron this time instead of my 1 3/4 in. I'm hoping that will make a difference.
I'm still wearing the same twists from my last post. I washed and DC'd them yesterday. I had been neglecting it for the past couple of weeks.

I'll probably leave these in for another week, then wear a twistout for a week. I plan to straighten next month. I think I'm going to try to do it myself. I'm using a 1 in. iron this time instead of my 1 3/4 in. I'm hoping that will make a difference.

I bet your twists look very HairCrush-ish, huh? :lick:
So I hennaed my hair this weekend. What a nightmare! I decided to try the Lush henna bar since you only have to add water. Why would it not come out? There were all these little henna bits in my hair. I didn't think I would ever get it out. I had to condition detangle under running water forever. I'm sure I still have a few little bits in there but the majority at least is out now. But I'm happy with the color. My hair is really dark, and it just made the color pop more. I really like it. Next week, I'm doing my length check and then I'll give myself a much needed trim.
I am wearing my twists in a nice flat bun. It allows me to forget about my hair between washings. The modified TC method I am using has made my 4a hair line more defined. I like it. Not just frizz anymore. It is filling in with a lot of shorties so it was getting messy.

I put my self on a no length check till May first. I was stressing to much over seeing progress on these short layers. :blush: After that I will try to go til mid June. Taking baby steps to trying to be normal about my hair. Happy with the progress this year. Moisture level is up and shedding is way down. I just needed some hope that I could get a resonably fuller head of hair with out a bunch of layers. So onward I go working on a fuller TBL hemline.
NJoy said:
I bet your twists look very HairCrush-ish, huh? :lick:

I don't know about all that, lol. They were small so they looked very full, but I have way more shrinkage than Chime.

I took them out right after my last post, and now I'm wearing a very poofy twistout.
I don't know about all that, lol. They were small so they looked very full, but I have way more shrinkage than Chime.

I took them out right after my last post, and now I'm wearing a very poofy twistout.

I like how you tell us what's going on, it sounds yummy but, no pics. C'mon, mama. Don't be that way. :lick:
Ok ladies, I finally finished my 2 in 2 challenge. Here are the results. I am super happy!! :grin: So here's what's going on with the pictures. Pic 1 is from December. My scraggly tips were about an inch from TBL. I chose not to cut at that time, even though obviously I needed to. Pic 2 is today. My ends are just past TBL. Now, I love, love Feye's trimming method. It is so liberating to cut my own hair. Pic 3 is the first cut towards getting the U shape. Pic 4 you can see the V on the sides. Pic 5 is the second cut to get the U. I think I cut a bit more than I should because I ended up getting more of a straight cut, but I'm still happy. I think I cut about 3.5 inches in total.

I guess you can only upload 5 pictures per post. So continue on...


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And here is my official April update. I think by december I should be able to get a pretty blunt U shaped TBL. I hope everyone else is having success with their journies.


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I've been really busy for the past couple of months and I haven't been DCing and moisturizing like I should. I hope my ends haven't suffered. I'll see when I flat iron in a couple of weeks.
Anyone else transitioning too? This shrinkage is killing me. I'm trying not to watch or pull on my hair while transitioning so, since my hair is dry more often (not daily cowashing while transitioning) shrinkage has my hair looking like it's going backwards. I still see length when I'm m&s but, I still don't know where it's at.

I felt a little anxious tonight and decided to take a peek to make sure that I'm still on track. I'm amazed at how much shrinkage I get. I'm not used to my hair doing this. But, seeing that I am still on track, I feel much better. I've decided I'm gonna have to check from time to time just to keep myself encouraged.

I think with the trimming that I've been doing, my ends don't look as skimpy as I've been thinking. I'm feeling really good about my progress. Stretched, my hair is back at HL, even with the trims. I think flat ironed could give me a bit more. I'm really excited about this year. We still have 8 more months of growth and evening out hemlines. I love it! :reddancer:
I would like to join the challenge. My PS of choice are two strand twists and wearing weaves. I take a break from these every four to five months. Daily regimen while in braids or weaves are daily water spraying of weaves or braids, leave in conditioners, cowashing every two weeks, along with conditioning treatments. I also have protein treatments applied to hair once a month. I will do heat passes three to four times a year when taking a break from braids or weaves. I have started this regimen two years ago and my hair went from SL to MBL in that time. I also take vitamin E and biotin every other day. I eat well and try to exercise 3x's a week (it is not easy, but a necessary evil). I am trying to get pics of my hair in its current state, but I have it in two strand twists now. I will have my stylist take pics when the twists come out. I love this site! I have been a quiet observer since 2008 and gotten a lot of information. I personally can say, I have learned A LOT about my hair and what works. Thank you!
I think I'm officially ready to shave my head guys. Its been an itch that I've been wanting to scratch for too long.

Plus, I stated in another thread, my hair just isnt looking the same any more. It looks so limp to me, like the life has gone from it. My curls that people used to feel the need to come and snap to watch bounce are now poor excused for curls and fall uner waves now. I had a white girl here at work talk about how her hair is when she's on the east cost and compared it to my hair!!! I was like "NOOOOOO!!! I DONT HAVE WHITE GIRL HAIR!!!"

I also think I've lost the love for caring for my hair. I know what works for me, I know what doesnt. And any setbacks are due to shear laziness on my part.

I want to see what its like to start from nothing and work my way out and see exactly what length I truly like my hair at.

I wear my hair in a bun or in a wng. I barely wear my hair straight any more, and when I do I cant wait to go back to my wng. So it only makes sense to have a length that works with my prefered style.

Do I make any sense or is the Indian sun getting to me? (even though its 2:42am here lol)
I think I'm officially ready to shave my head guys. Its been an itch that I've been wanting to scratch for too long.

Plus, I stated in another thread, my hair just isnt looking the same any more. It looks so limp to me, like the life has gone from it. My curls that people used to feel the need to come and snap to watch bounce are now poor excused for curls and fall uner waves now. I had a white girl here at work talk about how her hair is when she's on the east cost and compared it to my hair!!! I was like "NOOOOOO!!! I DONT HAVE WHITE GIRL HAIR!!!"

I also think I've lost the love for caring for my hair. I know what works for me, I know what doesnt. And any setbacks are due to shear laziness on my part.

I want to see what its like to start from nothing and work my way out and see exactly what length I truly like my hair at.

I wear my hair in a bun or in a wng. I barely wear my hair straight any more, and when I do I cant wait to go back to my wng. So it only makes sense to have a length that works with my prefered style.

Do I make any sense or is the Indian sun getting to me? (even though its 2:42am here lol)


Huh? :thud:


Ok. Now that I'm past my initial shock...

If it makes sense to you, that's all that matters. Do what's best for you. (Although, surely you must be going for shock factor with "shaving". :look:)

You definitely have to pay attention to how different lengths look and feel to be able to determine what you really want. It's one of my biggest complaints with my constant ps'g. But....

you can always go the other way. Cut back one goal length and see how that feels. If it's a no go, cut back one more, etc. You don't have to start from square one, do you?

Unless you want the newness or, dare I say, excitement, of starting over.

IDK. I think before you do something so drastic, you should try other options.

I remember years ago, when I wanted to cut my hair into a short, stylist precision cut, my stylist refused and told me, instead, to go try on wigs in the style I think I want. If I like it on me, buy the wig and wear it around for 2 weeks. If I still liked it, bring it and she would cut my hair. This was the best advice ever because I did just that. By day 3, I didn't know what to do with my hair and was tired of it.

All that to say, whatever you decide to do for yourself is cool...eiver hway. But don't be too hasty with your decision. Consider other options first. You can always cut anytime.

Oh, and let me add, I think the weight of longer hair is stretching and turning your curls into waves. IDK. Just a thought.

Hugs either way, drama mama. Always got some shocking opening lines going. :lol: