Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2015-2016 Challenge!

My hair is shedding a lot. I applied the garlic treatment but not sure what it will do since my shedding is probably due to internal changes; stress, mild depression, iron deficiency, diet, etc. I've been keeping it protected months at a time until I can gain my control again. I surely don't want to have to cut off more after chopping 4 inches to MBL. Because if I have to Ive decided to cut it all off in a pixie cut. I've always imagined me in a pixie cut anyway. :)
My hair is shedding a lot. I applied the garlic treatment but not sure what it will do since my shedding is probably due to internal changes; stress, mild depression, iron deficiency, diet, etc. I've been keeping it protected months at a time until I can gain my control again. I surely don't want to have to cut off more after chopping 4 inches to MBL. Because if I have to Ive decided to cut it all off in a pixie cut. I've always imagined me in a pixie cut anyway. :)

Keep hanging in there Sis. All will be well.


And I know you have a mean pixie wig. Pull that out and rock it for a while.
My hair is starting to feel too moisturized and soft.. as in almost but not quite mushy. I just did a protein treatment at the beginning of the month and it usually keeps my hair balanced for 4-6 weeks and it's already starting to feel like I need another one not even 2 weeks in. So I'll be eliminating my midweek deep conditioning/co-cleansing and going back to washing once a week. I can also eliminate another product from my regimen (Curl junkie Curl rehab). So once I have used up what's in my stash, I will not be repurchasing.
IMG_8152.JPG I straightened my hair this week. The longest layer is now lower-back length. My hair is curled in this pic and my hair is cut in a V so it's hard to see the actual length but I'm happy with this progress. I just need to get more fullness at the bottom. I can't deal with all this hair straight. It's been two days and I want my curls back already.
@Joigirl, your hair hair is killin' it straight. Just like when it's curly. :gorgeous: Thank you for the hair porn!

Thank you! I really appreciate that. It's been a labor of love and I thank all your lovely ladies for sharing your experiences. I had no idea how to properly care for my hair before joining this forum and other natural hair groups. We encourage one another
I tried Qhemet's A&O HC last night for the first time. I really like the texture and my hair feels nice and soft. I've been looking for a good moisturizer. This might be it. I'll know more after I use the whole bottle. I got a couple from Darcy's to try too but I only want to test one at a time before I choose my staple.
My hair is shedding a lot. I applied the garlic treatment but not sure what it will do since my shedding is probably due to internal changes; stress, mild depression, iron deficiency, diet, etc. I've been keeping it protected months at a time until I can gain my control again. I surely don't want to have to cut off more after chopping 4 inches to MBL. Because if I have to Ive decided to cut it all off in a pixie cut. I've always imagined me in a pixie cut anyway. :)

I'm in the same boat. After having my son last year, my hair shed, then stopped for a few months when I starting eating healthier and exercising. Then all of the sudden early this year, it start shedding like crazy. Sometimes in small clumps. My hair still grows (getting closer to tailbone), but it feesl unhealthy and my ends definitely need help. A friend suggested doing a hair detox (Bentonite clay+ACV) since if I feel like my internal health is not an issue, then the hair/scalp itself may have too much buildup of toxins. Its been a while since I last did a clay rinse, but it made my hair feel nice and healthy before, hope it can do its magic again. gonna do it tomorrow.
Love all the pics of healthy hair in here! Great work ladies! While I've been lurking :look:over the past month or more I have:
  • Trimmed about 1.5 inches. Started off dusting then said the heck with it and went to cutting. It was necessary, my hair feels so much better now and is less tangly at the ends
  • Did a length check. I'm still at waist length even with the trim :cup:This is really encouraging. Even though I won't make hip this year I know I was getting there!
  • Tried Komaza's new Supermane Cuticle Repair. It's a balancing DC made to be used overnight. I've only used it once but so far I like it. My hair came out feeling just that - balanced - like I'd done a protein treatment followed by a moisture D.C. The only thing I didn't like was that it seems like I had to use a lot...like half the bottle for full coverage :confused: So, um, I need to do better next time! (And buy some more :D)
  • Made progress on my temple issue by leaving the area alone when twisting, washing the area more often and oil massaging, eating/drinking right, and keeping my stress level low (that last bit is key - see the next bullet). The hair is slowly but surely coming back. Sooo happy about this!!
  • Come to realize that in addition to my temples thinning a bit I also went through a major shed this past year. I saw it in my hands, every time I detangled, but honestly wasn't paying attention until now. The last two to three times I've detangled I've seen probably a quarter of the shed hair - in total - that was getting in one session before. At first I was bummed about it, but that didn't last long. My hair is healthy, I'm paying attention now and doing the right things - it'll bounce back in no time! My husband insists this shed is all in my head because he can't tell...
  • Last week I started using the Komaza Bountiful Mane for in between wash scalp care.
That about sums it up. Will post in the new thread by week end with my stats.
  • Tried Komaza's new Supermane Cuticle Repair. It's a balancing DC made to be used overnight. I've only used it once but so far I like it. My hair came out feeling just that - balanced - like I'd done a protein treatment followed by a moisture D.C. The only thing I didn't like was that it seems like I had to use a lot...like half the bottle for full coverage :confused: So, um, I need to do better next time! (And buy some more :D
A few days later I'm on the fence as to whether a repurchase of the Supermane Cuticle Repair will happen. Usually after a wash and DC session I let my hair air dry with no product and it's still relatively soft 2 days later when I'm ready to retwist it. This time however my hair was much drier than usual. If I'd put something on it I'm sure it'd be fine but that's not what I do, less product let's my hair dry faster and retain movement.

So, I'd give it B for performance. I liked the initial feel immediately after the treatment. Of course, given this review is only after one use I'd say the jury is still out. I need to use it a few times to have a solid opinion.
Spent all day (literally) on my hair just so I can go on a 3-4 week hair vacation. I washed, deep conditioned and installed mini braids. I did them on wet hair so they are hitting around mid back length. I braided down until the last 3 or so inches then rolled those ends on my magnetic rollers because I like to keep my ends stretched. I keep trying to attach pics but it's not uploading. I'll try again later and if it's still not working, I'll just add to my Tumblr.

I cross wrapped them for bed and will continue to do that nightly to keep the roller set ends straight/stretched.
Spent all day (literally) on my hair just so I can go on a 3-4 week hair vacation. I washed, deep conditioned and installed mini braids. I did them on wet hair so they are hitting around mid back length. I braided down until the last 3 or so inches then rolled those ends on my magnetic rollers because I like to keep my ends stretched. I keep trying to attach pics but it's not uploading. I'll try again later and if it's still not working, I'll just add to my Tumblr.

I cross wrapped them for bed and will continue to do that nightly to keep the roller set ends straight/stretched.

You are brave, Sis! Braids for me= Armageddon! :nono:
Spent all day (literally) on my hair just so I can go on a 3-4 week hair vacation. I washed, deep conditioned and installed mini braids. I did them on wet hair so they are hitting around mid back length. I braided down until the last 3 or so inches then rolled those ends on my magnetic rollers because I like to keep my ends stretched. I keep trying to attach pics but it's not uploading. I'll try again later and if it's still not working, I'll just add to my Tumblr.

I cross wrapped them for bed and will continue to do that nightly to keep the roller set ends straight/stretched.
Can'twait to see the pics.
I love braids. I've been rocking them since summer. The key for them not being disastrous for me is not braiding to the ends. Tangle city. LOL

I still cant upload here so I put the pics on my Tumblr


They are a bit scalpy to me but I imagine they would be even worse on dry hair so I'mma just rock with it. :lachen:
They look great @lulu97 plus after about a week it probably won't look as scalpy
They look great @lulu97 plus after about a week it probably won't look as scalpy

Thank you!

These mini braids haven't even been in a full day and I have already gotten so many compliments. Went to a social events board meeting this morning and I feel like I spent half the meeting talmbout these braids. Stopped by the grocery store on the way home and another natural and I got into a conversation about hair. I haven't talked about hair this much IRL in a long time.
Spent all day (literally) on my hair just so I can go on a 3-4 week hair vacation. I washed, deep conditioned and installed mini braids. I did them on wet hair so they are hitting around mid back length.

What's your braiding process on wet hair? Is it better for your hair or easier on the hair? I've had mini braids done before but it was on blow dried hair. I was considering getting mini braids again soon and want to know which way is better for retention.
What's your braiding process on wet hair? Is it better for your hair or easier on the hair? I've had mini braids done before but it was on blow dried hair. I was considering getting mini braids again soon and want to know which way is better for retention.

@PinkDiamond Hey Sis! This was my first time doing them so I'm not sure if doing them on wet versues dry hair makes a huge difference with retention. I do know for my hair, I prefer my ends to be stretched at all times so I made sure not to braid all the way to the ends. (I believe that makes a difference in my retention rate...stretched versus non-stretched ends)

For the braiding part, I kinda just winged it. I tried to leave a little give at the roots so I can start doing styles right away. Honestly I really just didn't know what I was doing. :lachen:I just let my intuition lead me and did what I felt was right taking in consideration my hair stats.

1) It's silky & frizz prone (so I braided tight and on wet hair)
2) I don't use gel in my hair (another reason I braided on wet hair, since I figured I'd get better hold)
3) My ends stay trying to love on each other as @MileHighDiva likes to say so I made sure to stretch them with rollers.
4) My hair holds moisture very well so I do not plan on washing them the entire time they are in. I will moisturize my ends as needed.

I have no clue if any of this helped. :lachen:I am a newbie to the mini braid world but I must say I absolutely love them. I was a hardcore roller setter for the past 13 years but with my length these days...a sister just aint got the time or energy for that anymore. I can see myself alternating between braids that turn into braidouts for one month and mini braids for one month and be content.
Well I'm definitely not Hip Length anymore! :cry: I just finished flat ironing my hair. I had to trim a lot off. I also cut a bang.

I guess I'm back at Waist. Idk. I'm so discouraged. But anyway here's some pics.


Thanks you guys.

I gotta get out of this rut. I've been in a funk for two weeks now.

Going to my psychologist today to adjust my meds. But I wanna figure out why I had to cut so much off. Like...I had so much scraggly raggedy ends...fairy knots galore!

I need to tweak my regimen and my diet, etc. Like right now I'm in bed but I feel bad for it...this is late for me...but it's also that *time*...I feel so emotionally soggy. I missed two assignments that were due last night and I've been snapping on ppl at work.

I just wanna hide in a cave.