~~TBL 2012 Challenge~~

Mz.MoMo5235 said:
I think I'm officially ready to shave my head guys. Its been an itch that I've been wanting to scratch for too long.

Hey if you're sure, go for it. It will grow back. I probably would cut back to BSL and then see how I felt, but I don't think it's impossible that I would ever go back to a twa. When I BC'd my hair was 4-5 inches. I've always wondered what it would be like to go shorter. IDK if I'll ever do it though.
See stylist have always refused to cut my hair that short. I've been trying to do this for YEARS you guys lmao and have always been talked out of it. I have been kicked out of barber shops thinking they would do it. I should have known not to ask a straight man to chop my hair off but what ever.

I dont want to do mini chops because I will chicken out again. I feel like this is something I NEED to do. i dont know why. I have always wanted it and I feel like I'm finally at a point in my hair relationship (lol) that I CAN do it. I know my reggie, and know what works, I know how to get it back to here.

But you guys should see me lurk the big chop threads where they take it all off!!! I lose my rabid a$$ mind :lol:

And yes!! The weight and length has ruined my curl pattern!!! To get good curls I have to wash the night before and let my hair dry in a pineapple so there is no weight messing with the curls! THATS NOT A WNG!!! I cant even do real wng's any more.

I think its the right choice. Plus when I get home I can donate my hair. They need more black people hair anyway :)
So I just finished flat ironing my hair (pix tomorrow before the sacrifice lol). And I truly forget how much hair I have sometimes lmao. yall should have seen me swaying my head so my hair sweeps over my booty. I almost changed my mind..... Then I had to wrap it!!! That was a hot mess!!! I dont remember wrapping being this hard!!! And I would jump sometimes thinking something was on my arm when it was kust my hair.

Shrinkage sure can trick your mind!!!
Oh yeah! We luvs da pics. :lick: And yeah, that shrinkage plays serious mind games. can't wait to see your before and after pics. Um, how low are you going, btw? I'm with you in your decicion. I just need to be prepared. :look:
I was supposed to do it today but all parties involved (including my self) slept through it. I didnt wake up til 10min before it was time to be at work lmao

So I'm holding off til my day off so I can get some sleep because between work and the new training they have us doing we're lucky if we get 3hrs of sleep :( So tired!!!!

NJoy - It will be a suprise so I'm not telling you heheheheheeee
21 inches of premium Mz. MoMo hair is packed and ready to be made into a wig. The rest of the hair is on the floor... Well outside now.

I look pretty good bald. But its cold with no hair and the back of my head is flat :lol: But no dents or bald spots from previous injuries :D

Pix are being resized and will post in several minutes
My last pix for you guys here :( See you in a few years when I catch up again lol




Gotta go to my baldy thread to see the final cut lol
Mz.MoMo5235 said:

One of the guys here actually poured some of his drank on the floor for the fallen strands :lol: Yall are crazy

LMAO!!! I'm glad no one is in here with me... its not good to laugh this much at work :D
I just finished flat ironing (I know, I know). I need to trim so I'll do that first and then pics. I think I'm WHIP length now, but idk until after my trim.

I need to start keeping my hair straight more often. These ssks are killing my ends. I don't want to trade ssks for splits though. I normally DC every week, so I would have to cut back some to keep my hair straight longer.

I think I'm going to try straightening every month and see how that goes.
I just finished flat ironing (I know, I know). I need to trim so I'll do that first and then pics. I think I'm WHIP length now, but idk until after my trim.

I need to start keeping my hair straight more often. These ssks are killing my ends. I don't want to trade ssks for splits though. I normally DC every week, so I would have to cut back some to keep my hair straight longer.

I think I'm going to try straightening every month and see how that goes.

FoxxyLocs - I hear ya. I flat iron my hair monthly to reduce the SSK because they are a bigger issue for me than split ends. And when it's not flatironed, I try to keep my hair stretched and twisted.

Cant wait to see your pics!
FoxxyLocs that's the reason I have been wanting to invest in a hooded dryer so I can roller set. I have a strong feeling that if I start rollerseting regularly I'll be able to nip breakage in the but, and hopefully not risk heat damage or splits :D
Yeah I wish I could rollerset, but it just doesn't work for me. Takes forever to dry and always comes out a tangled, poofy mess.

I figured out that my flat iron jobs weren't coming out right because my flat iron was too big. I thought bigger plates would let me flat iron faster, but it just made it harder to get to my roots. I switched to the 1" plates and was able to do 2-3 passes @ 350 and my hair came out almost as straight as at the salon.

I'm not sure if I want to flat iron each time or alternate with blow drying only. Blow drying doesn't really get my ends straight, which is my goal. Maybe I can flat iron on really low heat since I don't need my hair to be super straight.

These ssks are killing me. Even on strands where I don't have knots, the hair is bent at weird angles and it makes my ends look rough. I'm sure part of it is because I haven't been moisturizing and sealing like I should.
Yeah I wish I could rollerset, but it just doesn't work for me. Takes forever to dry and always comes out a tangled, poofy mess.

I figured out that my flat iron jobs weren't coming out right because my flat iron was too big. I thought bigger plates would let me flat iron faster, but it just made it harder to get to my roots. I switched to the 1" plates and was able to do 2-3 passes @ 350 and my hair came out almost as straight as at the salon.

I'm not sure if I want to flat iron each time or alternate with blow drying only. Blow drying doesn't really get my ends straight, which is my goal. Maybe I can flat iron on really low heat since I don't need my hair to be super straight.

These ssks are killing me. Even on strands where I don't have knots, the hair is bent at weird angles and it makes my ends look rough. I'm sure part of it is because I haven't been moisturizing and sealing like I should.

Girl, you and me both.
regina07 said:
FoxxyLocs - I hear ya. I flat iron my hair monthly to reduce the SSK because they are a bigger issue for me than split ends. And when it's not flatironed, I try to keep my hair stretched and twisted.

Cant wait to see your pics!

My ends still tangle with twists. Braids work best, but I hate the way they look. I may just have to suck it up for the weeks that I don't wear my hair straight.

I like buns, but I would have to stretch my hair before I do them, which I haven't been doing. I can't think of a style that I can do myself that will keep my ends under control without heat.
My ends still tangle with twists. Braids work best, but I hate the way they look. I may just have to suck it up for the weeks that I don't wear my hair straight.

I like buns, but I would have to stretch my hair before I do them, which I haven't been doing. I can't think of a style that I can do myself that will keep my ends under control without heat.


Coming out of lurk mode just to ask have you ever tried Curlformers? NJoy seems to like them...I think.

Disclaimer: I am not qualified to give your gorgeous head advice. :look:
Ok.. I'm going to stay hanging out with you guys cause I dont know no one else and I cant find any threads my bald head belongs in :( :lol:

On another note, I'm going to have to buzz my hair again before I leave to the states. It hasnt even been a week and I'm shocked by how it looks. I guess you never really know how fast hair grows til you dont have any.

What I used to do (especially in the winter) is blow dry my hair straight, flat iron just the ends and then bun over night. My hair would stay straight until the next wash day.
nakialovesshoes said:

Coming out of lurk mode just to ask have you ever tried Curlformers? @NJoy seems to like them...I think.

Disclaimer: I am not qualified to give your gorgeous head advice. :look:

I remember NJoy having good results with the curlformers, but they took a long time to put in. I want something quick and easy. Don't be hesitant to post though, we take advice from whoever has good advice, lol.

@Mz.MoMo5235 - That sounds like a good idea. What effect did that have on your ends? I worry about using too much heat and causing splits.

When I got a flexi rod set at the salon, she blow dried first, then used setting lotion and put the rods in. I may try that to reduce my drying time.
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FoxxyLocs I don't have much advice. . I conqured SSK's and splits with lots of moisture and sealing. I believe alot of people have success with oil rinses. Baggy method, and oils and butters for Deep condition and pre poo's are alot of the method' s I have used. 1ballarina mentions using shea butter that reduced her ssk's. Terri Laflesh of tighly curly, I think also conquered them with her method.
Heat will only make them occur more (My observance and experiance) Trimmining will cause splits(My observance and experiance) Wearing hair out and letting it dry out is most likely something one with hair more than APL can not do. 1ballareina wears her hair loose and has been able to acheive a balance. I might could but with TBL hair and my life it would not work. A balance of hair style and regimine will have to be achieved that suits your hair but may not be exactly what you want. I quess that is the choice to be made for extra longer lengths.

None the less you have a nice head of hair and hope you will find the balance you need.
My ends still tangle with twists. Braids work best, but I hate the way they look. I may just have to suck it up for the weeks that I don't wear my hair straight.

I like buns, but I would have to stretch my hair before I do them, which I haven't been doing. I can't think of a style that I can do myself that will keep my ends under control without heat.

Have you tried any of the curlygirl or tightly curly methods. I saw a you tube Mahogany curls I think. I use a modified tightly curly on my self and my daughter. We make sure we seal our ends. Then when at home I occasionally baggy.
@FoxxyLocs I don't have much advice. . I conqured SSK's and splits with lots of moisture and sealing. I believe alot of people have success with oil rinses. Baggy method, and oils and butters for Deep condition and pre poo's are alot of the method' s I have used. 1ballarina mentions using shea butter that reduced her ssk's. Terri Laflesh of tighly curly, I think also conquered them with her method.
Heat will only make them occur more (My observance and experiance) Trimmining will cause splits(My observance and experiance) Wearing hair out and letting it dry out is most likely something one with hair more than APL can not do. 1ballareina wears her hair loose and has been able to acheive a balance. I might could but with TBL hair and my life it would not work. A balance of hair style and regimine will have to be achieved that suits your hair but may not be exactly what you want. I quess that is the choice to be made for extra longer lengths.

None the less you have a nice head of hair and hope you will find the balance you need.

I think for me the biggest issue with heat will be split ends. Once I reach my goal length it won't be as big of a deal because I'll be trimming more frequently anyway.

I'll try more frequent straightening (maybe once a month), and heavier and more consistent sealing. I know baggying and co-washing would probably help too, but I find them to be too much work. :perplexed

Between straightenings, IDK what to do. I guess I could air dry in braids, seal heavily, and bun. Maybe that will keep my ends straight enough not to curl onto each other? I've been PSing all this time, but just PSing isn't enough to keep the SSKs away, so I know I'm not retaining as much as I could. I need to stop being so lazy with my hair.

ETA: Straightening more often will also allow me to assess my ends more frequently. It's easier to dust when my hair is straight.

not the best pic, but i think it's grown since the last one. i did a pretty thorough dusting/S&D on half of it, lol. I'll get to the other half when i have time.

ETA: the pic came out too big, so i changed it to a thumbnail. click to make it bigger.
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not the best pic, but i think it's grown since the last one. i did a pretty through dusting/S&D on half of it, lol. I'll get to the other half when i have time.

ETA: the pic came out too big, so i changed it to a thumbnail. click to make it bigger.

I love it! So thick and healthy. Nice job!
And let me add, I love when pics start flowing in this thread. We're in such a lovely length group. I love to see long-haired pics :love3: (no slight on other lengths tho). But since this is my goal length, I'm very excited to see pics.
I love looking at pics too. It's refreshing to see everyone's progress.

My hair at the last length check (december I think?) was just shy of WL. Now I'm a little below, which is back to the length I was last May before I cut off all the damaged ends. I'm looking forward to finally reaching HL.