Taren Guy needs help...

Areya was actually the name of a website she developed years ago. It stood for


That whole reveal and release video series on her Youtube channel stemmed from that notion.

and all of that was after Ateyaa first blew onto the scene.

curlytwirly06 I don't know if that poster was being sarcastic but there are plenty folks that share that sentiment. For some reason the thought of people being responsible for the choices that they make and reaping what they sow is seen as being "mean" or "a hater".
I donated to @Lucie. Thanks for the box of oranges.


DrC, any time boo! I am getting close to my goal. Just $6,999,997.50 to go! :lol:
TAREN IS NOT A CHILD. Though she has acted very much like one. She needs no more enablers. She has a degree (supposedly) she can get a job like the rest of us. Also she has a baby daddy who keeps posting on the gram how he loves "getting lost with her"and how he settled for his wife who supported him so now he is miserable. Surely he will contribute to his own child's needs . No ones taking food from the baby, if finances are that bad she can breast feed for up to a year and add in solids after that. It's time out for black people excepting this kind of life as legit. Taren can get off YouTube and start a 9-5 like all the other hard working mothers out there. She insults the title.

... I hope this was not sarcasm and I responded to it seriously.... If so please disregard.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: OMG! You guys are killing me today. I can't.
So I went down to LSA and the grandmother who provided the original info on Mike and Taren (the screen caps of them texting each other talking about their sexual activities, wedding photos etc) is talking about the divorce and the "network". Careful strong language ahead:

Y'all called so here I am ladies.
What's this about settling? That's what trash always does!! Now the truth of that psycho's matter is he's still not paid off my god daughter what he owes NOR have they even had ONE COURT DATE concerning settling this matter. Here's the other truth, she was NOT going to settle for a good for nothing idiot who only wanted to sit on his *** and be served like a king and behave like the court Jester!! Come on son! No bills in his name, no contributions to the house. Just a user. SMGDH!!
So if his ****** *** is planning on being married, it'll be a looooonnnggg time from now. See it's this **** rat here that makes me wanna de-nut this louse! You cheat, ok so have many others but you leave an *** load of debt for your wife, get your THOT pregnant and sing this hoes praises to the world like my baby doesn’t exist??? I think NOT! He stays ready to try to tell a story. That's ok boo boo, wanna share a story? I have too many.

Now onto this "campaign" for a TV network. Sounds like a smash n grab scam to me. Where are your folks to donate? Why haven't they put up their own money up first?(Oh wait.. that would mean that had to HAVE money themselves right?) Do they know what it really takes to create a TV network? All this sounds like bills are piling up, baby's due, nobody has insurance so folks need a quick payday. This too shall definitely fail. Y’all go head and donate and then, come back to me because I’ve got this FABULOUS bridge that I’m trying to sell!! XOXO Nana
TAREN IS NOT A CHILD. Though she has acted very much like one. She needs no more enablers. She has a degree (supposedly) she can get a job like the rest of us. Also she has a baby daddy who keeps posting on the gram how he loves "getting lost with her"and how he settled for his wife who supported him so now he is miserable. Surely he will contribute to his own child's needs . No ones taking food from the baby, if finances are that bad she can breast feed for up to a year and add in solids after that. It's time out for black people excepting this kind of life as legit. Taren can get off YouTube and start a 9-5 like all the other hard working mothers out there. She insults the title.

... I hope this was not sarcasm and I responded to it seriously.... If so please disregard.
The more I read about her situation, the more I feel like I'm watching an episode of 16 and Pregnant. How do you make the same mistake 3 soon to be 4 times? Isn't that the definition of insanity? A woman her age should be able to see around corners, "this isn't going to end well" said the blind man. And when her reality check comes (again), this situation will be everyone's fault but hers (again) with that pathetic "Forever the Victim" mentality. She will have learned nothing and find herself in the similar situation a fifth time, and that's a damn shame. :nono:
So I went down to LSA and the grandmother who provided the original info on Mike and Taren (the screen caps of them texting each other talking about their sexual activities, wedding photos etc) is talking about the divorce and the "network". Careful strong language ahead:

Y'all called so here I am ladies.
What's this about settling? That's what trash always does!! Now the truth of that psycho's matter is he's still not paid off my god daughter what he owes NOR have they even had ONE COURT DATE concerning settling this matter. Here's the other truth, she was NOT going to settle for a good for nothing idiot who only wanted to sit on his *** and be served like a king and behave like the court Jester!! Come on son! No bills in his name, no contributions to the house. Just a user. SMGDH!!
So if his ****** *** is planning on being married, it'll be a looooonnnggg time from now. See it's this **** rat here that makes me wanna de-nut this louse! You cheat, ok so have many others but you leave an *** load of debt for your wife, get your THOT pregnant and sing this hoes praises to the world like my baby doesn’t exist??? I think NOT! He stays ready to try to tell a story. That's ok boo boo, wanna share a story? I have too many.

Now onto this "campaign" for a TV network. Sounds like a smash n grab scam to me. Where are your folks to donate? Why haven't they put up their own money up first?(Oh wait.. that would mean that had to HAVE money themselves right?) Do they know what it really takes to create a TV network? All this sounds like bills are piling up, baby's due, nobody has insurance so folks need a quick payday. This too shall definitely fail. Y’all go head and donate and then, come back to me because I’ve got this FABULOUS bridge that I’m trying to sell!! XOXO Nana

Nana be on it boy. I just wish the daughter (ex-wife) all the best. I feel bad for the children involved in this mess. Taren thinking this gone play out in their favor like it did for Leanne Rhymes and her boo hubby but ummmm I think not.

Eta- Leanne and her husband were both married to other people and found love with each other (or that's how they describe it). Divorced their significant others and married each other. Have been happy living in bliss ever since.
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I need to listen to my gut more often. I unfollowed and unsubscribed from her prior to any of that crap happening. She rubbed me the wrong way and I had zero clue why lol.

I got the exact same vibe from her. I unsubscribed shortly after subbing also. No knowledge of her past, something just didn't feel right.
Girl, not only did she knowingly have an affair with a married man and is now pregnant with his baby and he has NOT filed for divorce, she has the gonads to approach his wife and say she really did not care about it because she and the cheating husband were soul mates. Yes you read that right. She also lost custody of all three of her kids because she abandoned them while she went out with a man and the two with autism were caught trying to ride a bus. She left an. 8,6, and 3 year old home alone for a man. It was not the first time. When the police came neighbors (my aunt included) told them how often Taren left the kids by themselves to go out at night and on dates with men. She lost custody. In her younger days Taren worked at a bar and stayed hugged up on all the local drug dealers. I have picture proof of all of this but I am not about to post it. As someone who has seen first hand how broken homes can effect a child, I despise women like her. Then she wants to take her tail on YouTube and preach all this mumbo jumbo and cash in on it.

how do you know so much about somebody else's life?
What happen to the other business she was suppose to be apart of? I put that on her video because I want to know.
Did you all see the funding account asking people for donations to get Taren's tubes tied. Now that's kinda mean.
I saw this on Taren's instagram. People are not taking her bull anymore. I personally don't care for Taren, she was too preachy for a hair channel. She needs to take notes from her other YT friends, stick with one topic or issue. She just needs to settle on one image, she's not the renaissance woman she thinks she is.

Sorry if the pic is too small.
I saw this on Taren's instagram. People are not taking her bull anymore. I personally don't care for Taren, she was too preachy for a hair channel. She needs to take notes from her other YT friends, stick with one topic or issue. She just needs to settle on one image, she's not the renaissance woman she thinks she is.

Sorry if the pic is too small.

On my phone and it's too small to read (I'm rarely ever able to see any pics). Can someone state what's it's saying.

Taren asked: "What would you like to see more of in media today?"


"More positive black women.
Less broken homes.
Less unwed mothers having babies.
More committed men and women. Less home wreckers.
More respect for marriage.
Less unfaithful men and even less women ready to jump on the 'd'.
Less moms not taking care of their kids.
No more women putting parties/traveling/hair/men before their kids.
I want to see hard working, responsible, black women taking care of their families.
I don't know if your channel is into that.

Good question though."

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Very good points. Not sure how I feel about people making an entire blog just to track and criticize one person's every move. But at least the points the author makes are good and not just straight vitriol.

Did you all see the funding account asking people for donations to get Taren's tubes tied. Now that's kinda mean.

I know this is probably a joke, but that's going too far. People need to stick to criticisms and not vicious attacks.

Idk if this is any better, I suck at screenshots.

View attachment 272703

And that screenshot is on point. Two thumbs up to whoever posted that comment. In an age where black women are continuously made to be seen as baby mommas who care more about the D/Hair/Clubs than their children, we need more positive images. Out of all the natural hair bloggers/vloggers out there, why promote the one who represents the very stereotypes others work so hard to disprove and defy?

Taren asked: "What would you like to see more of in media today?"


"More positive black women.
Less broken homes.
Less unwed mothers having babies.
More committed men and women. Less home wreckers.
More respect for marriage.
Less unfaithful men and even less women ready to jump on the 'd'.
Less moms not taking care of their kids.
No more women putting parties/traveling/hair/men before their kids.
I want to see hard working, responsible, black women taking care of their families.
I don't know if your channel is into that.

Good question though."
