Taren Guy needs help...

What kind of woman did she strike you as? I'm curious. Was she filming at the time? How rude was she to your boss? What did she mean by the natural hair business?

My former boss is older. Somewhere in her 50's. She had been doing natural hair for over 30 years and helped create the natural hair license. Taren didn't know anything about that stuff and instead of just learning more about it or her exact role in it she implied that since she didn't know my boss she probably isn't known in the natural hair community in Brooklyn. Silly stuff. I had already stopped following her on social media at that point. I just saw no point. This was during the holiday hair series. I keep confusing it with her salon series. My boss was pretty cool about it but the other stylists were not pleased lmao. I wasn't there that particular day which is so random.

My former boss was recruited by Shea moisture. They seemed to know who she was so go figure. She also created a cosmetology book that is used in natural hair care.
Another reason why this riles me up so. She is literally pimping out the "Black hair movement". You see the things she writes and its all this fake,pretentious philosophical "Look at me I'm conscience crap". Its like she pulled a card directly from MOPTOP Mavens playbook. If anybody recalls she acted the same way and did some of the same things. When things went south come to find out for all her talk she was a video "lady" and was a negligent mother and stayed trying push up on pseduo-celebs for fame. She made false businesses and stole thousands of dollars and then faked a miscarriage. Have you seen moptops instagram now? She is the exact opposite of everything she was trying to preach when she was down for the sistas and natural hair.She recently got her chest done and a nose job. She posted how she was hanging with the rockets and hugged up on one of the players. She stays posted in LA trying to move up. She also does not spend much time with her child who lives with the father and is always posting on how she is traveling the world with different men who "treated her". But we were so seduced by long "good hair" and a pretty face to see her true character. Sound like anyone?

Moptop got s nose job? I noticed her boobs look a little bigger but I haven't seen that other stuff on her IG.
hahaha I am sure she is pissed about this though. She hasn't even raised 1% of what she is asking. The 300 might buy some pampers and milk for awhile.

That's a bag full of delicious products from Target! :lick:
Or 299 cheeseburgers if you want to feed hungry kids LOL
How can you disconnect for a whole weekend when you're suppose to be in the middle of a fundraiser? Like, people spend the whole weekend on social media!

Anyone else thinks she's going to call it quits the end of next week?
How can you disconnect for a whole weekend when you're suppose to be in the middle of a fundraiser? Like, people spend the whole weekend on social media!

Anyone else thinks she's going to call it quits the end of next week?

Nah. Any dollar counts. She will keep it going until September because getting money is the goal. Whether it's 80k or even 2k it's more than what she already has. If she drops her little in between videos it might stir up some more donations because then it would seem like she has a solid plan.

She's not done with her get rich quick schemes.
If she doesnt make her goal, she is going to keep the money or if she does make it she is going to act like the project fell through. Either way, nothing is going to happen with this. I have no faith in Taren.
Only $343 so far. I guess people are on to her scam.

I'm almost certain that Areya was her electricity website name when she was trying to get people to switch energy providers.
Only $343 so far. I guess people are on to her scam.

I'm almost certain that Areya was her electricity website name when she was trying to get people to switch energy providers.

Say what now!?! Really??? An electronic company provider huh? Get out of here with that...I laughed so hard at this!
OMG. The soon to be ex wife responded to someone who posted on her instagram asking her to share with LSA or LHCF the whole truth on mike and Taren and she responded. What a classy classy lady. Pic included of the response.

Her response: Reecie_1 : Thank you all very much for the support, I truly appreciate it. While I would love to comment it's in my best interest to refrain as I'm still in the process of my divorce. However, in due time I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions. Cheers to you and the ladies of LSA:yep:. We as women need to look out for one another so, again, I thank you.


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Naptural85 did that energy company thing too for a year I believe. Moved the family to Baltimore...I think. Went in under Taren. I believe she did one video about it and we didn't see much else. Makes me think it wasn't all Taren said it was.
Back in 2011 Issa Rae went on kickstarter and requested $30,000 for Awkward Black Girl. She exceeded that goal by a little more than $20,000. Taren has the gall to request $80,000 for an unproven concept, and an undefined concept at that?!?! She must really believe her own hype to think any of this is okay.
OMG. The soon to be ex wife responded to someone who posted on her instagram asking her to share with LSA or LHCF the whole truth on mike and Taren and she responded. What a classy classy lady. Pic included of the response.

Her response: Reecie_1 : Thank you all very much for the support, I truly appreciate it. While I would love to comment it's in my best interest to refrain as I'm still in the process of my divorce. However, in due time I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions. Cheers to you and the ladies of LSA:yep:. We as women need to look out for one another so, again, I thank you.

OMG. The soon to be ex wife responded to someone who posted on her instagram asking her to share with LSA or LHCF the whole truth on mike and Taren and she responded. What a classy classy lady. Pic included of the response.

Her response: Reecie_1 : Thank you all very much for the support, I truly appreciate it. While I would love to comment it's in my best interest to refrain as I'm still in the process of my divorce. However, in due time I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions. Cheers to you and the ladies of LSA:yep:. We as women need to look out for one another so, again, I thank you.

Well at least we know now that there is at least some truth to what is being said about the situation for the people that had some doubts.
Ii don't think response proves anything. I also think the ex- wife is posting in this thread to keep it going.

Still not sure why this in the hair forum.
Ii don't think response proves anything. I also think the ex- wife is posting in this thread to keep it going.

Still not sure why this in the hair forum.


I believe it. To much truth to not believe. While there might be a misconception here or there I think this is very true. Taren and Mike did cheat on his wife. They were not divorced or separated. Taren knew he was married. Taren chose to get freaky with a married man. Taren was very rude to the wife and had no apologies. Wife is now filing for divorce. Taren is pregnant. Wife did not know Mike was cheating till she found texts and subsequent pregnancy. Taren said in her vlog that she is no longer ashamed and life "is what it is".:nono: Look up her vlog for when she and mike went on vacation. Its somewhere in the middle.
I am not saying they are not in a relationship.

I think some of the comments about the children bothered me.

I am more inclined to approve of Nicole Murphy's way of doing things. Move on and show that I believe in my worth not airing my dirty laundry.
That can cut both ways. If they ( Taren and this guy) stay together these people will all need to interact because of their children together (ex wife and the guy). How will this help? If he moves on from Taren will she e-expose the new person? If he comes back would she even want him anymore? All the venom against Taren will not save her marriage.

I also blame the married guy more. He knew he was married. It's his responsibility to remain faithful to his vows.

No offense to anyone just my opinion.

Also this thread is not about hair so just thought it belonged in another forum.

I am glad the wife is moving on. Best wishes for her emotional and financial recovery.