Taren Guy's Hairfinity Video


Big Hair, Don't Care

There are a couple problems with this video.

1. Pills do not make your hair grow faster.

2. While vitamins can improve the strength, thickness and elasticity of your hair which in turn can lead to increased length retention; they have no effect on the hair that is already on your head. The vitamins will assist the hair that is growing as it is being formed, not the hair that has already made it out of the follicle.

Her hair has been bleached twice in a two week period and then immersed in salt water on a regular basis.

She needs to stop, drop and deep condition, not buy a vial of vitamins that is all I have to say.

ETA: This post was changed to reflect that Taren edited her statement regarding her growth rate.
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Her hair does seem to grow really fast though so I can't dispute what she said about her hair growing an inch or more per month but I can say that this particular video was irritating to me because it was just a long commercial for Hairfinity.

I don't want to knock anyone's hustle but it seems like some YT'ers have no qualms about trying to push everything and anything onto their audience because these companies are paying them to do it.

I knew it was a commercial OP when she said your #3. She knows that vitamins cannot improve the hair that has been damaged by her use of heat and bleaching. Where is the integrity???!!!
I think Tarens hair may grow 1 to 1 1/2 inches per month
Eta: whelp I was wrong.

I think she should do a 6 month review instead of 3 months

It doesn't bother me that Taren may or may not be paid for her participation in the Hairfinity online challenge. I buy a lot of things based on recommendations from strangers online, celebrites, etc. There are tons of ads on this site but I still subscribe :look:
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She just added a correction to the video that she gets 1-1.5 every two months. So about 1/2" per month, which sounds about right.
She just added a correction to the video that she gets 1-1.5 every two months. So about 1/2" per month, which sounds about right.

I hadn't seen this video but I was going to say,
Taren ain't never grown no 12 inches in a year. Sorry, just no :lol:. Because she has a loose curl pattern (especially after frying it), it looks like she has more length because her shrinkage is minimal and she has a lot of volume.
I am really surprised anybody on here still bothers with Taren. She doesn't show any good judgement when it comes to taking care of her hair and whatever hair knowledge that she does have doesn't mesh with her practices so her being a hair guru is out.

Personally I have never liked her. Not for any hair related reason but when I first started watching her videos I couldn't get over all of that rambling she did. Welp that did it for me and I bounced right on out of her channel. I couldn't even be bothered to be enamored over her hair. Now that I pay more attention to the content of her videos I still don't see why people still get worked up over anything she says or does. With all of those setbacks and big chopping why would anyone would bother taking her seriously? She is just out here to make money off of her hair (texture) and that's about it. Everything else coming out of her mouth is just blather.
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I am really surprised anybody on here still bothers with Taren. She doesn't show any good judgement when it comes to taking care of her hair and whatever hair knowledge that she does have doesn't mesh with her practices so her being a hair guru is out.

Personally I have never liked her. Not for any hair related reason but when I first started watching her videos I couldn't get over all of that rambling she did. Welp that did it for me and I bounced right on out of her channel. I couldn't even be bothered to be enamored over her hair. Now that I pay more attention to the content of her videos I still don't see why people still get worked up over anything she says or does. With all of those setbacks and big chopping why would anyone would bother taking her seriously? She is just out here to make money off of her hair (texture) and that's about it. Everything else coming out of her mouth is just blather.

Wow, what did Taren do to you? You sound real mad...and jealous. :look:
Taren is easy to look at and her sponsors know it. Can't knock the pretty girl hustle.

If you turn on the tv, look at a newspaper, see who's on the runway, etc. this " hustle" has always and will always be the reason. There have been numerous studies on people like looking at pretty things/people. Yes. We all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yada, yada, yada.

I think people stay tuned into Tarens channel because she isn't " perfect" when it comes to her hair. Big chops, setbacks, color, vitamins, combing, brushing, etc. is HER hair life :yep: Her subscriber doesn't want the boring old 3 years to WL channel and that's it.

Oh wait. My fault. Was this a let's bash Taren thread? * FYI. I'm not a subscriber to anyone on YouTube *

Does YouTube mean - Youtupid or You black or half black no money for you. This is only for whites or Asian's to make money :look:
I am really surprised anybody on here still bothers with Taren. She doesn't show any good judgement when it comes to taking care of her hair and whatever hair knowledge that she does have doesn't mesh with her practices so her being a hair guru is out.

I'm wondering this too. I've seen a half of one of her videos when she was blonde and her hair was really dry... But I've looked at plenty of threads where people are "not impressed" or complaining about bad hair practices and wondering how in the world she's still popular :lol:
Wow, what did Taren do to you? You sound real mad...and jealous. :look:

I've watched one video of Tarens, the one posted in this thread. I am in no way jealous and thought exactly what was expressed in all_1_length post. I've seen several comments over the years on Tarens hair journey and just am astonished that she has as many subscribers as she does, but thats just me.

I cant get into the subbing of YT videos. I think I follow 10 people and never go back ,LOL. I like to see the beginning of the video and the end. It is insightful to see live reviews of products before you buy them I guess but I find myself looking more for blog reviews, so I can read them , than video reviews.... I'm starting to ramble... off I go..

She knows what she is doing her channel has been up for a good while now and she is getting more and more work from it

People like haircrush who I loved in the fotki days had so much potential on yt videos yet are beyond boring

Tauren seems to have something to keep people interested

There are a couple problems with this video.

1. Pills do not make your hair grow faster.

2. While vitamins can improve the strength, thickness and elasticity of your hair which in turn can lead to increased length retention; they have no effect on the hair that is already on your head. The vitamins will assist the hair that is growing as it is being formed, not the hair that has already made it out of the follicle.

Her hair has been bleached twice in a two week period and then immersed in salt water on a regular basis.

She needs to stop, drop and deep condition, not buy a vial of vitamins that is all I have to say.

ETA: This post was changed to reflect that Taren edited her statement regarding her growth rate.


What is the rationale behind #1? I don't know about Hairfinity, but biotin definitely makes my hair grow faster (pretty much everywhere) and I've been in this hair game for a while. Deficiency in biotin may explain why this happens. Would you say nutritious foods help with reaching potential max growth rate? Or maybe this is an issue of semantics. Help me understand. :)
I subbed to Taren for her MAC make up tutorials.
-But now, I do agree that her channel lacks integrity.

Just my opinion: Taren use to accept free products and do reviews on them. Then she got tired of it and demanded to be paid for her time and reviews. It seems as though her channel was constantly going through changes. And it did frustrate me because some of her reviews didn't seem honest.

All in all, she's doing what she can to make $$$ off her channel (maybe she should have learned from Kimmay & earned 6 figures as well) and that's fine but she doesn't appeal to me anymore. Unless she does more make up tutorials of course.
She knows what she is doing her channel has been up for a good while now and she is getting more and more work from it

People like haircrush who I loved in the fotki days had so much potential on yt videos yet are beyond boring

Tauren seems to have something to keep people interested

Haircrush is really pretty too but there's def more to it than pretty.
Taren has the personality.
Haircrush is really pretty too but there's def more to it than pretty. Taren has the personality.

Exactly haircrush to me is like a living black barbie she is stunning

But her vids :-/ I un subscribed from her the other day I was quite upset lool but she needs to come better with the vids

Taren is always doing some mess with her hair good or bad she keeps me entertained :yep:
The chance of her deep conditioning to restore those dry, damaged, crispy strands is about as likely as seeing snakes fly.:perplexed

What is the rationale behind #1? I don't know about Hairfinity, but biotin definitely makes my hair grow faster (pretty much everywhere) and I've been in this hair game for a while. Deficiency in biotin may explain why this happens. Would you say nutritious foods help with reaching potential max growth rate? Or maybe this is an issue of semantics. Help me understand. :)


If you have a vitamin deficiency then vitamins can definitely help with hair growth. If you don't however vitamins can have the opposite effect and actually cause hair loss. I am not against vitamins or even the use of them in a hair care regimen. I simply take issue with the specious claims concerning what they can actually do. I actually like Taren and her adventurous approach to life in general as well as her hair. I just wish she was a little less apologetic about it and wouldn't advocate specious methods of addressing her hair issues. Simply put Aussie 3 minute and vitamins will not save your hair after dying your hair four times in a one month period. However I have seen naturals who use heat twice a week on top of coloring manage to have long moisturized hair so I know there is a better way. People, including me, like Taren because she experiments. But I think there is a responsible way to experiment.
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I really don't see what the issue is. I have been using Hairfinity since 2008 (off and on) and when I am consistant I definitely see a difference in the rate and health of my new growth, I grew and retained 3 inches from March-May 2010. I saw a few of her vids years ago and I haven't really seen anymore until this one. She annoyed me then with the "I hate my hair" whiney-attention grabbing videos so I stopped watching. At lest she is not one of the YouTubers to take the vitamin and do a 1 week review talking about "I'm not impressed with this vitamin, it did absolutely nothing for my hair" or "OMG, this vitamin totally does what it claims...I have growth!" umm no :nono: She is going to do a 3 month review, I think that's reasonable. I think she knows that the vitamins will do nothing for the hair that is already damaged, she clearly needs to baby it, TLC and DC like crazy. Otherwise, at least she isn't really whinning anymore, that's a sure way to get a thumbs down....
I'm subscribed to very dew on YouTube. Don't get on it unless I'm looking for something specific. I missed the Taren boat and had to look her up a few months ago. My hair isn't similar to hers so there's no value to me. Similar to mahogany curls. While I think her hair is awesome... My hair is not doing that. Her hair pics are nice to look at though.

As far as hairfinity... They should make a gummie version. I'd actually try it lol.
I'm subbed to Taren, but I would never follow her hair advice. She makes her living off of youtube, so I can't knock her doing what pays the bills.