Taren Guy needs help...

For those of you that are in the business of donating to YouTube channels, this girly (who's never been involved in any controversy) could use your help. Ijs

For emphasis
:dighole:@Lucie :lachen:

Oranges though? Yo ole cheap behind could have offered other fruits with a higher vitamin c content like Camu Camu, Aronia Berry or Acerola cherries. That's the least you could do considering you are asking for a cool 7 mil.:nono: You need to do better and so does Taren.

While yall are at it here's my pinterest and I'll add my amazon and etsy wishlists in a few. I accept all items on each and please ship UPS OR USPS


As a gift you will get loud, resounding thanks yous:yep:

*Clears throat* Ahem!

I have a GoFundMe account to make my Pinterest a reality. I am asking for $7,000,000. Seven is my lucky number and I deserve it. I will add the link when my site is up. All of the big donors will get special mentions and a box of Florida oranges. Vitamin C is important. Thanks in advance.

ETA: www.dollasmakelucieholla.com

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stupid question but if they (new york state) took custody away from her cant the state take this baby too? or.....how does that work?

I don't have any facts to back this up, just read it on LSA but they are speculating that this is the reason behind her recent move to jersey. Taren posted on Instagram that they were leaving Brooklyn and moving to New Jersey and the LSA ladies said that the move was probably cuz New York State would take the new born since the three other kids have already been taken out of her custody and she has failed multiple psychological exam, again hear say, they are also speculating that this $80,000 is for house/ new baby expenses
I didnt know Taren was like this!!! I read up on her on LSA as well and im shocked. She seems so well put together in her videos. This is a shame.
I don't have any facts to back this up, just read it on LSA but they are speculating that this is the reason behind her recent move to jersey. Taren posted on Instagram that they were leaving Brooklyn and moving to New Jersey and the LSA ladies said that the move was probably cuz New York State would take the new born since the three other kids have already been taken out of her custody and she has failed multiple psychological exam, again hear say, they are also speculating that this $80,000 is for house/ new baby expenses

Yikes!! This does seem like a Bey and Jay on the run type deal. Almost your due date and you packing up moving to another state. I know NJ is close but that could be really stressful unless you just had no other choice. It id also being said that the possibility of this child being taken away might happen as well.
This has gone beyond hair. The venture is not hair related. Shouldn't this be in OT. People can decide if they want to donate. The rest of the salacious gossip belongs in OT. Butt plugs what does that have to do with anything. Plus no one seems to really have receipts beyond what someone said.

No I don't follow Taren. Don't plan to donate. Don't agree with her and the guy cheating.
I'd pay for it and have the judge take his half out of his pay once done. Heck, I might even suck it up and take the lose. What's the lost cost of a divorce compared to the 7 years wasted. I'd be blasting my mary j all the to the court house and back.

I just cant with either of them. I'm usually one to put full blame on the married one for stepping out but Taren out did her self with this.

I paid $350 for my divorce, he wouldn't pay, it was well worth the money spent! Feels just like heaven & a sunny day!!!
*Clears throat* Ahem!

I have a GoFundMe account to make my Pinterest a reality. I am asking for $7,000,000. Seven is my lucky number and I deserve it. I will add the link when my site is up. All of the big donors will get special mentions and a box of Florida oranges. Vitamin C is important. Thanks in advance.

ETA: www.dollasmakelucieholla.com

That website name tho!
*Clears throat* Ahem!

I have a GoFundMe account to make my Pinterest a reality. I am asking for $7,000,000. Seven is my lucky number and I deserve it. I will add the link when my site is up. All of the big donors will get special mentions and a box of Florida oranges. Vitamin C is important. Thanks in advance.

ETA: www.dollasmakelucieholla.com

I can't with you Lucie! I seriously can't. Oranges though? :lachen::lachen:
Well, shes up to $293. That's all I really care about. I need to see how much money this is going to bring it.

It's kind of telling though that so far she only has $293. The event with all of the pictures a few days ago and yet no one has offered up any money? Hmm...
Well, shes up to $293. That's all I really care about. I need to see how much money this is going to bring it. It's kind of telling though that so far she only has $293. The event with all of the pictures a few days ago and yet no one has offered up any money? Hmm...

That's a good point. I mean, Dicky, from Hair Rules could offer up a huge chunk to her with the money he's making.?Though they don't strike me as "friends". More like business partners in some of her other ventures. I'm sure he got a nice big cut from the hair tours he did with her.
Skimmed LSA, and all I got to say is...There was a reason I was always #TeamKimmayTube:lachen:

Folks were dragging kimmaytube name through the mud over her attitude but say what you want she didn't ask ANYBODY for money to back her haircare business.

I bet she is quietly laughing her arse somewhere at all of this.
Folks were dragging kimmaytube name through the mud over her attitude but say what you want she didn't ask ANYBODY for money to back her haircare business. I bet she is quietly laughing her arse somewhere at all of this.

Yep , I think that whole thing was shady from Taren. Kimmy was right all along...
Well dang, I guess the title of this thread is very fitting.

I have nothing to add aside from being annoyed that one day we're talking about how we can get ourselves together as a community to get back black business straight and support one another and next we have two prominent people in the black hair community(owner of Afroveda and now Taren) making bad business/life decisions and asking people for money and/or scamming them to "fix" something.

What's the story on Afroveda? Everytime I try to search threads on my phone now it searches Google instead of the forum. I've never had that problem before.

Is Taren a member here?

*Clears throat* Ahem!

I have a GoFundMe account to make my Pinterest a reality. I am asking for $7,000,000. Seven is my lucky number and I deserve it. I will add the link when my site is up. All of the big donors will get special mentions and a box of Florida oranges. Vitamin C is important. Thanks in advance.

ETA: www.dollasmakelucieholla.com

:lachen: #dead#

:dighole:@Lucie :lachen:

Oranges though? Yo ole cheap behind could have offered other fruits with a higher vitamin c content like Camu Camu, Aronia Berry or Acerola cherries. That's the least you could do considering you are asking for a cool 7 mil.:nono: You need to do better and so does Taren.

While yall are at it here's my pinterest and I'll add my amazon and etsy wishlists in a few. I accept all items on each and please ship UPS OR USPS


As a gift you will get loud, resounding thanks yous:yep:


Plus this....I coded again....LMAO

Well, shes up to $293. That's all I really care about. I need to see how much money this is going to bring it.

It's kind of telling though that so far she only has $293. The event with all of the pictures a few days ago and yet no one has offered up any money? Hmm...

If all this tea keeps spilling all over the place she probably won't end up getting a lot. She mitht be thinking it's better than nothing at this point though.
The ladies over at LSA are dragging Taren through the DIRT child.

She's been deleting comments on instagram of folks asking for a business plan, and blocking people who say anything other than "Congrats!" or "Go girl!"

I have to agree with a lot of the sentiments that outline her lack of a well thought out business plan. Even if her investers are everyday women, they deserve to be informed on exactly how the money will be spent. She's been asking people to "be patient" and telling folks that she will "highlight" or "roll out" her business plan eventually.

She's hustling all the way backwards. Have your stuff together first and stop talking circles aroung these everyday women in hopes that they'll invest blindly.
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The ladies over at LSA are dragging Taren through the DIRT child.

She's been deleting comments on instagram of folks asking for a business plan, and blocking people who say anything other than "Congrats!" or "Go girl!"

I have to agree with a lot of the sentiments that outline her lack of a well thought out business plan. Even if her investers are everyday women, they deserve to be informed on exactly how the money will be spent. She's been asking people to "be patient" and telling folks that she will "highlight" or "roll out" her business plan eventually.

She's hustling all the way backwards. Have your stuff together and stop talking sircles aroung these everyday women in hopes that they'll invest blindly.

It is BRUTAL over there. I almost feel bad for her.

And what's up with these two Big Hair Girls. Does anybody follow these women? Its just weird LOL and they look so ... old. Like Boy George with really dry hair.

she used that name to attract ateya followers. Ateya was really popular at the time. it was no coincidence that the name of her channel only had one letter difference.

areyaa vs ateyaa

Areya was actually the name of a website she developed years ago. It stood for


That whole reveal and release video series on her Youtube channel stemmed from that notion.
ummm so I should be doing the people dem work BUT ......

there is a petition for Unilever to revoke sponsorship of Taren Guy :blush:


Do you think this is going a little too far?

Do we think that all the people on wheeties boxes are pure as the driven snow ?

Do we think that all the clothes and electronics and food and perfumes and jewellery and cars we buy are produced sourced by ethical means?

True shes turned out to be NOT what we would want our young girls to emulate but really !!!! This is boxing food out of the poor unborn child's mouth

the less money she got coming in is the more she gonna be trying to do desperate things to get it.

she gonna be back to staying plastered on drug dealers and possibly turning tricks again (so I read on LSA) for the salvation of this ladys pokie ... please ... this is going too far !!! #savetarenspokie
ummm so I should be doing the people dem work BUT ...... there is a petition for Unilever to revoke sponsorship of Taren Guy :blush: https://www.change.org/petitions/unilever-revocation-of-sponsorship-of-youtube-natural-hair-guru-taren-guy Do you think this is going a little too far? Do we think that all the people on wheeties boxes are pure as the driven snow ? Do we think that all the clothes and electronics and food and perfumes and jewellery and cars we buy are produced sourced by ethical means? True shes turned out to be NOT what we would want our young girls to emulate but really !!!! This is boxing food out of the poor unborn child's mouth the less money she got coming in is the more she gonna be trying to do desperate things to get it. she gonna be back to staying plastered on drug dealers and possibly turning tricks again (so I read on LSA) for the salvation of this ladys pokie ... please ... this is going too far !!! #savetarenspokie

TAREN IS NOT A CHILD. Though she has acted very much like one. She needs no more enablers. She has a degree (supposedly) she can get a job like the rest of us. Also she has a baby daddy who keeps posting on the gram how he loves "getting lost with her"and how he settled for his wife who supported him so now he is miserable. Surely he will contribute to his own child's needs . No ones taking food from the baby, if finances are that bad she can breast feed for up to a year and add in solids after that. It's time out for black people excepting this kind of life as legit. Taren can get off YouTube and start a 9-5 like all the other hard working mothers out there. She insults the title.

... I hope this was not sarcasm and I responded to it seriously.... If so please disregard.