Taking Another Man’s Number While Out On A Date With Someone Else


Well-Known Member
So last night I went out with a dude I’ve been talking to for a month or so, we went to a lil rooftop spot and I excused myself to go to the restroom.

They were unisex so there was a rather long line of men and women waiting, there was a guy waiting next to me but I didn’t really pay him any mind.

When I came out he was waiting by the hallway entrance and asked me out, I told him I was there on a date and he told me “I don’t care” :giggle: So I took his number and he insisted I call so he can take me out soon.

I was telling my friend about what happened and she told me I was dead wrong and it was disrespectful. I told her she has misplaced loyalty if she thinks a first date warrants turning down another potential.

What say you?
May the best man win. So long as you are not exclusive, the playground is still open. Men date multiple women all the time till they find the one, lock her in and then drop the others. We women give our exclusivity away too early to men who have not earned it and then we get our feelings hurt when they say "I never asked you to be my woman." If that conversation has not happened yet, you have to keep your options open. It saves you from getting emotionally attached to a man and then going through the emotions of a breakup from a relationship you never had. It sucks big time.
Well, play on, Player!


It would have been disrespectful if Guy #1 caught you, but I don’t think any harm was done. Unless it was a test. In which case you’d dump both guys anyway.


I did try to be as respectful about it as possible so I told old dude move away from the doorway first :look:

If it was a test then I failed....miserably :laugh:
May the best man win. So long as you are not exclusive, the playground is still open. Men date multiple women all the time till they find the one, lock her in and then drop the others. We women give our exclusivity away too early to men who have not earned it and then we get our feelings hurt when they say "I never asked you to be my woman." If that conversation has not happened yet, you have to keep your options open. It saves you from getting emotionally attached to a man and then going through the emotions of a breakup from a relationship you never had. It sucks big time.

That’s exactly what I told her, why would I turn down another potential for a dude I’m just chatting with?

I’ve been guilty of that in the past though but old age has taught me better, I told her I’m not cutting off my side dudes until my wedding day.
Don't hate the player, hate the game.. :lachen:

On a separate note, it's not like he walked up up your table and gave his number while in front of the date so...

Also, if you start dating him, there'll never be an uncomfortable are you seeing other people conversation. Since you met while you were on a date with someone else, that goes without saying. Killed two birds with one stone :p
Don't hate the player, hate the game.. :lachen:

On a separate note, it's not like he walked up up your table and gave his number while in front of the date so...

Also, if you start dating him, there'll never be an uncomfortable are you seeing other people conversation. Since you met while you were on a date with someone else, that goes without saying. Killed two birds with one stone :p

:laugh: I can’t stand when men ask me that mess :rolleyes: like what do you think sir???

Low key if he was fine enough I might’ve still taken the number if he walked up to the table and handed it to me :abducted:.

All’s fair in love and war.
That’s exactly what I told her, why would I turn down another potential for a dude I’m just chatting with?

I’ve been guilty of that in the past though but old age has taught me better, I told her I’m not cutting off my side dudes until my wedding day.

Nothing wrong with what you did. Though I'm curious as to why he didn't ask for your number. Either way get it!

I told my friend the same thing about when I was cutting off my side dudes. He said I wasn't right meanwhile the main reason he proposed to his gf is because his side chick got a bf. That is a story for another day.
Nothing wrong with what you did. Though I'm curious as to why he didn't ask for your number. Either way get it!

I told my friend the same thing about when I was cutting off my side dudes. He said I wasn't right meanwhile the main reason he proposed to his gf is because his side chick got a bf. That is a story for another day.

He did initially but I was hesitant and thrown off by his boldness at first so he was like well just take mine then.

I’m saying!!! I’m tired of cutting off other men for one, it has yet to work out in my favor then I have to start over from scratch :rolleyes: .

Wow :nono: Men are so trifling
I have an answer that differs from the common consensus. I would not have done that for a few reasons. 1). I love my own company so when I spend time with someone it's with the reasonable expectation that the time we spend together is going to be better than the peace or fun I'd have on my own. My time is more valuable than the meal itself so if the guy's company doesn't make giving my time worth it's a "no thanks" 2). I feel like people in general and men specifically look for reasons to devalue you and offer you unacceptable nonsense. When they were able to get at you on a date with someone else most of the time that put you in a "casual" category category with no urgency to come correct. Details like that can be the difference between the guy offering you typical or their best.
I have an answer that differs from the common consensus. I would not have done that for a few reasons. 1). I love my own company so when I spend time with someone it's with the reasonable expectation that the time we spend together is going to be better than the peace or fun I'd have on my own. My time is more valuable than the meal itself so if the guy's company doesn't make giving my time worth it's a "no thanks" 2). I feel like people in general and men specifically look for reasons to devalue you and offer you unacceptable nonsense. When they were able to get at you on a date with someone else most of the time that put you in a "casual" category category with no urgency to come correct. Details like that can be the difference between the guy offering you typical or their best.

I appreciate the change in POV!

To his credit that man didn’t know I was on a date until I told him & he did ask if it was my BF so it seems he had some limits to his boldness.

I do agree with what you’re saying in terms of your time being valuable as well, I get annoyed very easily so more often than not I don’t like to be bothered but I also realize (for me) that it’s not getting me anywhere.