Taken from sheree of Real ATL housewives. Unsupported husband what would you do?


New Member
In last nights show she said her husband always wanted her to support what he did. He did not support what she did or wanted to do. So she pushed things she wanted to the back burner. She said ("that was my wake up call")

So ladies what would you do if your husband did not support your dreams or career aspirations? He only wanted you to stay home and take care of the kids and him.

Do you still do what you want or push your wants to the back while he builds his career.

Or just leave him period?

Than at the "failed fashion show" He kept saying "she may actually do something, "she may do something". Which proved he had no faith in her while married or something.

So what would you ladies do?
That statement speaks more about him than her capabilities, or lack of..

Seems he may need to have someone under his thumb, and that makes my teeth itch.
I don't watch the show, but if it were me, I would do ME. I'm not married and never have been, but it is very important for women to never loose(?) themselves in a relationship, whether it is marriage, etc. If you do, you are liable to wake up one day, and that same man you married or entered into a relationship with will leave you and then what do you have? NOTHING. A lot of times, we get "comfortable" in relationships, which is cool, but it's important to remain focused on your dreams and aspirations, whatever that may be. It is not an issue of "well, I married him for better or for worse....and he pays the bills and takes care of me, blah blah blah.

We as women do enough as it is. Hold careers, bear children, take care of them and the husband, continuing education, etc. A woman should always have something for herself because as I have mentioned before, at the end of the day, she only has HERSELF.

It is a terrible feeling to wake up one day after the smoke clears and say "I should have done this...or I should have done that."

We cultivate these men, stand by their side, support them career wise, etc...and as soon as they get on their feet, they abandon ship. Some not all.

Bottom line to that show, althought I do not watch it...he's selfish and has another agenda. Trust me on this one.... And if she doesn't realize it now, I guess she'll be on another show....DIVORCE COURT.

Or, I could be wrong....
All I gotta say is what the Purple Gay dude said "What is a fashion show with no fashions?". Nothing! LOL Sheree need to educate herself so she can be a success at something. She cannot blame that man forever. Nows her chance to get and do something for herself and right. She has too much bitterness and her motivation shouldn't be to show anyone but herself what she can do. I don't like Moose face that much and I only saw two episodes. LOL

I snuck and got married young for all the wrong reasons so I can't answer the question. I raised my kid now its all about ME and freedom!
All I gotta say is what the Purple Gay dude said "What is a fashion show with no fashions?". Nothing! LOL Sheree need to educate herself so she can be a success at something. She cannot blame that man forever. Nows her chance to get and do something for herself and right. She has too much bitterness and her motivation shouldn't be to show anyone but herself what she can do. I don't like Moose face that much and I only saw two episodes. LOL

I snuck and got married young for all the wrong reasons so I can't answer the question. I raised my kid now its all about ME and freedom!

That's funny! I do watch the show (I'm a reality show junkie) and I thought he was very condecending. Whether the fashion show flunked or not, I'm sure that wasn't the time for his snide comment. I think he would have found fault no matter what happened.
That's funny! I do watch the show (I'm a reality show junkie) and I thought he was very condecending. Whether the fashion show flunked or not, I'm sure that wasn't the time for his snide comment. I think he would have found fault no matter what happened.
Oh well seems like they both have stankatude and or condescending so they deserved each other.:lachen: He was a crossed eyed mugly fool from that picture in the thread here. :look:
In last nights show she said her husband always wanted her to support what he did. He did not support what she did or wanted to do. So she pushed things she wanted to the back burner. She said ("that was my wake up call")

So ladies what would you do if your husband did not support your dreams or career aspirations? He only wanted you to stay home and take care of the kids and him.

Do you still do what you want or push your wants to the back while he builds his career.

Or just leave him period?

Than at the "failed fashion show" He kept saying "she may actually do something, "she may do something". Which proved he had no faith in her while married or something.

So what would you ladies do?


An unsupportive man will hold you down in life. I *know* this. Some men have their reasons (not wanting wifey to be better than they are in their careers, not caring about wifey's interests, selfish, etc.). Whatever it may be, it is not productive and will always undercut the wife's ambition.

I read something recently where a wife was asking her husband, out of all the people who undermine her in the world, is it unreasonable for her husband not to be one of them. Nope.
I wouldn't leave him, I would just do that dang thang with his money and make him WISH he had faith in me in the first place.
In last nights show she said her husband always wanted her to support what he did. He did not support what she did or wanted to do. So she pushed things she wanted to the back burner. She said ("that was my wake up call")

So ladies what would you do if your husband did not support your dreams or career aspirations? He only wanted you to stay home and take care of the kids and him.

Do you still do what you want or push your wants to the back while he builds his career.

Or just leave him period?

Than at the "failed fashion show" He kept saying "she may actually do something, "she may do something". Which proved he had no faith in her while married or something.

So what would you ladies do?

A) Sheree didn't do her homework. Bob Whitfield does not show signs of being the "NFL player but my wife is amazing" husband that she wanted to try and turn him into. He wants to be the star, and he wants to be reminded of it daily. There are men out there like this, and there are women who love them and they have beautiful relationships that last forever because they have a mutual understanding. Case in point: Dr. Rey from Dr. 90210.

Not to quote Beyonce but:

It's very seldom that you're blessed to find your equal
Still play my part and let you take the lead role
Believe me
I'll follow this could be easy
I'll be the help whenever you need me

The point is you've got to find your equal and know what you want and who you're with before you get married. You need constant affection and attention, then it'd probably be a bad idea to marry a man who's not very affectionate. If you need "me time" you probably shouldn't marry a clingy *** man. And if you're looking for a man to support and partake in your hopes and dreams and support you as much as he is supported, it's probably not a good idea to marry an egotistical NFL athlete who's more interested in how everything effects his "stock".
I interpreted his comment differently. I felt that she may have been "talking" about doing something for YEARS but been slacking. And now she is moving forward. We are only hearing her perspective on their relationship
I interpreted his comment differently. I felt that she may have been "talking" about doing something for YEARS but been slacking. And now she is moving forward. We are only hearing her perspective on their relationship

You know your right. We are only hearing her said. Plus she did do Amazing Race and she owned a boutique. So he must have supported her for that. Unless he always said negative things or something.

But the man out there that do not support there wives is another story.

I guess with men like that the wife should still do her. They should not feel "but i married him".
I would just do that dang thang with his money and make him WISH he had faith in me in the first place.

LOL and thats exactly what she doing! Start a clothing line and get 2/3 of everything he owns. I wouldnt be with any who wouldnt support my dreams as I do theirs. So we wouldnt be married if I knew he felt like that.
If I was married to an unsupportive man I wouldn't have kids with him!

Depending on how important the things I wanted to do were, I would go ahead and do them. Which would mean he would have to change his attitude or the marriage would fail.
I interpreted his comment differently. I felt that she may have been "talking" about doing something for YEARS but been slacking. And now she is moving forward. We are only hearing her perspective on their relationship

I agree, Sheree is so egotistical, that is probably some of why they divorced, their egos clashed too much, leading to other issues. I doubt she was complaining about him being non supportive while spending his money.

But to answer the question as someone else said, I think these are basic traits that you look for when you are dating prior to marriage. There will come a time when you will need ur SO's support and if they don't give it to you how you want, the choice to stay or not is your's to make.

I find support is important to me, so I sought it in my mate. But there are other things people find extremely important in their marriage that I don't. You just have to do you. He might do better in other areas, and I think as long as he is not abusive about things, calling you a loser, saying you will never amount to anything, etc, peoples definition of being supportive varies according to the individual.
You know your right. We are only hearing her said. Plus she did do Amazing Race and she owned a boutique. So he must have supported her for that. Unless he always said negative things or something.

But the man out there that do not support there wives is another story.

I guess with men like that the wife should still do her. They should not feel "but i married him".

You've been on 2 reality tv shows and are trying to start a fashion line because "people like the clothes I wear" (she doesn't draw nor does she sew)?? Sheree wants to be a star. Her husband wants to be a star. Ya'll both can't shine at the same time at all times because there isn't enough light...Sheree needs a man like Nene's - someone with money and connections who's willing to play the background.

And again, there's nothing wrong with that - it's just knowing what you want and finding someone who's compatible with that.

Lisa's husband is a star but he has no problem supporting her attempts at "getting her shine on" in things she enjoys. And you can see it when you watch the two of them together.
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If I was married to an unsupportive man I wouldn't have kids with him!

Depending on how important the things I wanted to do were, I would go ahead and do them. Which would mean he would have to change his attitude or the marriage would fail.

Real talk, Viv - would you even marry an unsupportive man? After six months of dating and him constantly trying to downplay your dreams or not take an active interest like you've asked him to, we'd realize there's a compatibility issue that simply isn't going to work.
In last nights show she said her husband always wanted her to support what he did. He did not support what she did or wanted to do. So she pushed things she wanted to the back burner. She said ("that was my wake up call")

So ladies what would you do if your husband did not support your dreams or career aspirations? He only wanted you to stay home and take care of the kids and him.

Do you still do what you want or push your wants to the back while he builds his career.

Or just leave him period?

Than at the "failed fashion show" He kept saying "she may actually do something, "she may do something". Which proved he had no faith in her while married or something.

So what would you ladies do?
Things like that generally don't pop up out of the blue. IME, women who have found themselves in that situation received signs before they got married, but chose to ignore them for whatever reason. That having been said, I wouldn't marry a man who had those expectations and, if he did happen to do a 360 and become this way after we got married, I'd be out.