Sweet Revenge....


New Member
and it feels so good :grin::grin::grin:. So when I started my hair journey back in April, I became a bit of a PJer, and was slightly hair obsessed. I went out and bought all kinds of oils (EVOO, coconut, JBCO etc) and made so many different potions, that my dad started calling all my products 'snake oils' and he and my mother would tease me about how I was always messing with my hair and blah, blah, blah. Well I have been seeing some really good growth since starting, but it really became apparent after my last relaxer on friday (sorry no pics, on the HYH till Xmas challenge). I mean both my parents jaws dropped when they saw just how long, thick and healthy my hair looked and felt. Now granted its really not that long, just at about a solid SL, but my hair has never been this length before so its very new for not only me but my family too. When they started making comments, I just smiled and said thanks. Of course my dad had to be smart still and say, 'well i guess your snake oils really do work!!!'

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks ladies, my hair has seen some terrible days, but I see good things ahead:drunk:
there's nothing that feels better than making the unsure folks certain!
Congrats on the hair growth and health. Best wishes for continued success in the future.
and it feels so good :grin::grin::grin:. So when I started my hair journey back in April, I became a bit of a PJer, and was slightly hair obsessed. I went out and bought all kinds of oils (EVOO, coconut, JBCO etc) and made so many different potions, that my dad started calling all my products 'snake oils' and he and my mother would tease me about how I was always messing with my hair and blah, blah, blah. Well I have been seeing some really good growth since starting, but it really became apparent after my last relaxer on friday (sorry no pics, on the HYH till Xmas challenge). I mean both my parents jaws dropped when they saw just how long, thick and healthy my hair looked and felt. Now granted its really not that long, just at about a solid SL, but my hair has never been this length before so its very new for not only me but my family too. When they started making comments, I just smiled and said thanks. Of course my dad had to be smart still and say, 'well i guess your snake oils really do work!!!'

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks ladies, my hair has seen some terrible days, but I see good things ahead:drunk:

Congratulations!:grin: I have my mom in shock over the health of my hair too!:yep::yep::yep:
and it feels so good :grin::grin::grin:. So when I started my hair journey back in April, I became a bit of a PJer, and was slightly hair obsessed. I went out and bought all kinds of oils (EVOO, coconut, JBCO etc) and made so many different potions, that my dad started calling all my products 'snake oils' and he and my mother would tease me about how I was always messing with my hair and blah, blah, blah. Well I have been seeing some really good growth since starting, but it really became apparent after my last relaxer on friday (sorry no pics, on the HYH till Xmas challenge). I mean both my parents jaws dropped when they saw just how long, thick and healthy my hair looked and felt. Now granted its really not that long, just at about a solid SL, but my hair has never been this length before so its very new for not only me but my family too. When they started making comments, I just smiled and said thanks. Of course my dad had to be smart still and say, 'well i guess your snake oils really do work!!!'

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks ladies, my hair has seen some terrible days, but I see good things ahead:drunk:

:yep::rofl:The bolded sounds like my daddy. Congratulations on your progress. Sometimes you've gotta be a little PJ until you find what you work and then stick with it. Soon they'll be asking you for some of your "snake oil" if they haven't already.
and it feels so good :grin::grin::grin:. So when I started my hair journey back in April, I became a bit of a PJer, and was slightly hair obsessed. I went out and bought all kinds of oils (EVOO, coconut, JBCO etc) and made so many different potions, that my dad started calling all my products 'snake oils' and he and my mother would tease me about how I was always messing with my hair and blah, blah, blah. Well I have been seeing some really good growth since starting, but it really became apparent after my last relaxer on friday (sorry no pics, on the HYH till Xmas challenge). I mean both my parents jaws dropped when they saw just how long, thick and healthy my hair looked and felt. Now granted its really not that long, just at about a solid SL, but my hair has never been this length before so its very new for not only me but my family too. When they started making comments, I just smiled and said thanks. Of course my dad had to be smart still and say, 'well i guess your snake oils really do work!!!'

Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks ladies, my hair has seen some terrible days, but I see good things ahead:drunk:

That is so funny? :lachen::lachen: You know Dad's not going to bite his tongue!
Congratulations on your progress. Just keep it up, and you will reach your goal. :up:
Don't it feel good? Last year I did the BC and one day I went in Walmart and the cashier and another employee were laughing at my hair. At the time I was very self conscious of it myself so I just paid for my items and left.

Well here it is one year later and the cashier hair is still jacked up and mine is almost at shoulder length, healthy and shiney.:lachen:
Congratulations! I just love stories like this :grin:. In fact I can't wait to be able to tell one myself. Keep up the great work!:dance7:
I know the feeling...my mother and everyone else was always doubting my ability to take care of my hair after my freshman year when it got very short and very thin...NOW, people are always trying to paw it an my mother is constantly talking about how much it has grown and how thick it is. :grin: