I Couldn't Take It Anymore!!! I BC'ed!

Ladies, thank you sooo much for all of your kind words. I am extremely happy with this decision, even though I did it on an impulse... lol. I can't wait to finally feel like I'm NOT waiting for something. I've arrived at my goal of being natural! Thank God!
(Sorry about the no makeup in the pics - I know my face looks a hot mess!)

I like it. It's so pretty and thick. when was ur last relaxer? how long have you been transitioning?

Haha. Looks are definitely deceiving. My hair is thicker than it was relaxed, but it definitely is NOT thick. I wish! Relaxer was August 22, 2009 - I couldn't even hold out for a full year! :lachen:

So pretty! Congrats! I thought you were going to hold out for a few more months but I dont blame you - your hair is gorgeous!

I did too! I at least thought I would make it to my original chop date! I was starting to doubt I was going to go past then, but when I washed, I was just like, I'm done with this ridiculous detangling, sectioning, etc. When I DC'ed I only needed a quarter of the product I had been using, and found out that ALL my tangles were from the demarcation line. The comb slipped right through. I couldn't be happier.

:spank: you gave me all the plans yesterday; and you snuck this on me, you could have told your Pahtners first :lachen: We had a month to month plan LOL!

It looks really great. :D :congrats:

Now lets get back to hiding

I KNOW!!!! LOL. All that planning! But I am still going to hide my hair until next August (after I play with it for a few days), so same thing goes with that so we can still be HYH buddies! I still want to keep it protected so it can grow!

You have dimples!!!! I love you :) You and your hair are really cute!

Are you a dimpled girl too? :grin:
Thank you!

OMG I can't believe you!!! All these plans you've been making and you just couldn't fight that urge to BC anymore. I should :spank: you but....I can't b/c I :love: your hair! Congrats on crossing over to the natural side. Your curls look amazing on you! :yep:

Hahaha. I KNOW! I'm sorry guys! It was an impulsive decision! But now I'm in the SL 2010 Challenge with youuuuu! Does that make up for it some? (Even though you're probably already SL with your 3/4" per month self!)
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Hahaha. I KNOW! I'm sorry guys! It was an impulsive decision! But now I'm in the SL 2010 Challenge with youuuuu! Does that make up for it some? (Even though you're probably already SL with your 3/4" per month self!)

Yeah that makes up for it a little bit. Now how you gonna hide those pretty curls?? You know that's gonna be pretty hard to do unless you just rock the wash n go's.

*shhh...I don't want to claim SL just yet. I want to make sure I'm there by December**
Yeah that makes up for it a little bit. Now how you gonna hide those pretty curls?? You know that's gonna be pretty hard to do unless you just rock the wash n go's.

*shhh...I don't want to claim SL just yet. I want to make sure I'm there by December**

I'm going to hide it because for one thing, summer is almost over and it's going to be too cold for me to leave the house with wet or even damp hair (and I'm definitely not using any heat other than my steamer). Plus, being natural was a goal, but it's not my final goal! MBL is my goal, and I have calculated plans of how I am going to make sure I get there. (Just ask JJ... LOL!) But I'm sure I will wear it out the rest of this week, but then it's right back to the challenge! But I'm definitely going to wear it out every now and then, but probably not until springtime.
^^Well I'm happy that you accomplished one of your goals. How far along into your transition were you anyway?
Congratulations! You look so happy and I can see why: your hair looks uber healthy and beautiful, and your darling babyface with those dimples is so adorable. :) I couldn't keep a smile off my face looking at your pics. Very excited/happy for you!
Congratulations! You look so happy and I can see why: your hair looks uber healthy and beautiful, and your darling babyface with those dimples is so adorable. :) I couldn't keep a smile off my face looking at your pics. Very excited/happy for you!

Awwww. Thank you so much. I truly am very happy.
ALL my tangles were from the demarcation line. The comb slipped right through.

This is so true, the comb just glides right through my new growth until it gets to the line of demarcation then its tangle city. I don't blame you though, I get so tempted sometimes, but I am trying to hold out as long as possible.
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So beautiful! Congratulations on your BC!! Are you dyed, or is that the camera? I see flecks of purple, but it looks really pretty...kinda wondering what color and where it's from... :o
So beautiful! Congratulations on your BC!! Are you dyed, or is that the camera? I see flecks of purple, but it looks really pretty...kinda wondering what color and where it's from... :o
Hahaha! It must be the camera. I have been really careful with not messing with chemicals of any kind since I started my transition because I was terrified of messing with my new growth in anyway, however, my hair gets sun-dyed with these random burgundy highlights in the summer (why I started dying jet black in the first place) so that may be what you're seeing but I think it's probably mostly the camera.
Don't be surprised if my next post is with my jet black hair! Now I don't have to wait to try henna and indigo! So excited! :grin:
Oh, okay!! As far as the sun-dye...my hair is normally a dark brown color, but when I was relaxed, it used to turn auburn if I went in the sun!! Bright orange-red hair is not a good look on me, no ma'am....lol
Ladies, thank you sooo much for all of your kind words. I am extremely happy with this decision, even though I did it on an impulse... lol. I can't wait to finally feel like I'm waiting for something. I've arrived at my goal of being natural! Thank God!
(Sorry about the no makeup in the pics - I know my face looks a hot mess!)

Haha. Looks are definitely deceiving. My hair is thicker than it was relaxed, but it definitely is NOT thick. I wish! Relaxer was August 22, 2010 - I couldn't even hold out for a full year! :lachen:

I did too! I at least thought I would make it to my original chop date! I was starting to doubt I was going to go past then, but when I washed, I was just like, I'm done with this ridiculous detangling, sectioning, etc. When I DC'ed I only needed a quarter of the product I had been using, and found out that ALL my tangles were from the demarcation line. The comb slipped right through. I couldn't be happier.

I KNOW!!!! LOL. All that planning! But I am still going to hide my hair until next August (after I play with it for a few days), so same thing goes with that so we can still be HYH buddies! I still want to keep it protected so it can grow!

Are you a dimpled girl too? :grin:
Thank you!

Hahaha. I KNOW! I'm sorry guys! It was an impulsive decision! But now I'm in the SL 2010 Challenge with youuuuu! Does that make up for it some? (Even though you're probably already SL with your 3/4" per month self!)

U didn't think you were getting away that easy, I had no intentions of letting my HYH buddy go :D :nono:

We have a full calendar of events to complete :lachen:

I didn't want to say it but since everyone else did, YOu still have such a baby face and a voice to match LOL, I don't think you'll be getting away from that until..... along time.
U didn't think you were getting away that easy, I had no intentions of letting my HYH buddy go :D :nono:

We have a full calendar of events to complete :lachen:

I didn't want to say it but since everyone else did, YOu still have such a baby face and a voice to match LOL, I don't think you'll be getting away from that until..... along time.

Hahaha. Way to make me feel better buddy!!!! Lol. And I definitely have to get back under a wig soon... I've manipulated my hair more today than in the past month.
Hahaha. Way to make me feel better buddy!!!! Lol. And I definitely have to get back under a wig soon... I've manipulated my hair more today than in the past month.

Anytime ;)

I will be breaking these braids down either Tuesday or Friday Next week, I might Shoot for Friday Evening when the boys go to football :D -- will be wigging it until then. :D

R U going to braid up or cap it for now?
Thanks so much everyone! Everytime I pass my mirror I get this feeling in my stomach. It's like butterflies. I'm just really happy.
@JJ: I'm gona be wearing a cap. I had a hard enough time flat two-strand twisting on APL hair, let alone this length! Lol. I may try it tomorrow but if I can't get it, I'll just be slicked back in a "bun" - I can hardly wear one. Lol.
oooh please post a pic of your "bun" lol and what is your growth rate? i try to estimate when I can chop by other people's length lol
oh geez, your face looks so pretty natural :yep:

crazy, I will be a year post on the 20th!..I'm going to take your pics and paste my face on them so I can fantasize about me being natural too:lachen:
@Nerd: lol! That is too funny!!! Paste away!
@LFN: It really isn't a bun at all. Lol. A lot of the hair in the front doesn't even reach back into it! It's not impressive at all. I grow at least .5" per month (more when I exercise, but I'm lazy)so I think I could get them all back there comfortably in like 3-4 months. So if I were you, I'd wait until 16 months at least if you want anything that looks remotely like a bun. Lol. (I wear my buns at my nape btw) And I would post a pic but lucky me, the day I wanted to take millions of pics and vids, my freakin laptop won't start up! So I'm taking it to the Apple store tomorrow (mostly because I'm pressed to take pics!) I will definitely post something as soon as I get it serviced.
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