I Couldn't Take It Anymore!!! I BC'ed!

awww congrats! it looks nice...i was one of those ppl who had enough and BC'd in the middle of the night too lol
Congrats, congrats, congrats on your BC! Your hair looks absolutely gorgeous! You havea great length too. I love it! Enjoy your hair at each length because it grows fast!
:spank: you gave me all the plans yesterday; and you snuck this on me, you could have told your Pahtners first :lachen: We had a month to month plan LOL!

It looks really great. :D :congrats:

Now lets get back to hiding
OMG I can't believe you!!! All these plans you've been making and you just couldn't fight that urge to BC anymore. I should :spank: you but....I can't b/c I :love: your hair! Congrats on crossing over to the natural side. Your curls look amazing on you! :yep: