Super Grow Out Challenge **Update Month 6**


Hair Coach
Hi Ladies! :wave:

It's time to check in for the SGO challenge. How is everyone doing? I hope you all are staying consistent with your routines.

As you all know I am currently in tree braids. I am so ready to take these things out and they have only been in 3 weeks. I have been using straight up MTG on my hair for as long as I have had the braids and they are starting to look a hot mess already. I don't know if I can make these braids last 6-8 weeks. My newgrowth is getting so thick!!
Hi DSD. I have not updated in a while but I'm still in. I'm currently doing an unofficial bun challenge. I'm not sure how long I will wear my bun but so far, it's been 2 weeks straight. I've been using curl activator too. My ends stay wet all day while tucked under my phony bun so, I it can be almost considered the baggie challenge even though I don't use a baggie..

I haven't seen much progress but my hair does seem to be healthier. It seems as if my growth rate has slowed down so that's a little disappointing. Oh well, this challenge was about retaining length instead of speeding up growth anyways.
Well, my hair has finally hit my shoulders again. I still have breakage so I plan to chop 2-3 inches when I can bear to. December or January I'm thinking.
I have been crazy busy with kids and the rest of life, however I am maintaining protective styling (mostly) and sleeping on satin.
No more stylists!
im doing well i relaxed on wednesday and gained 2 inches so im happy .From dec-may i have had sooo many setbacks but now i fell that i'm finally on track and hopefully with mtg i'll gain the 3 inches i desperately need by october/november:)
Im checking in I am doing fine hair is a UMMM....Well its going. I am in 2 braids right now my hair is doing something with this MTG but I am going to slack on it a little bit b/c hair is becoming UNRULY.........all and all its going cant wait until another six months to see what happens.
I'm still going :grin:. I relaxed my hair on June 12 and gained about 3" of new growth after 21 weeks. I trimmed 0.5". I took pics and everything, but don't really wanna show anyone 'cos my relaxer don't look too hot. My hair looks frizzy for some reason.

Based on my last two touch ups this is what I learnt:
12 weeks is not enough time (didn't have enough growth)
21 weeks is too long (too much growth)
14 - 16 weeks may be the perfect stretch

I'm currently on a daily conditioner wash regime. Have been since June 16. It happened by accident really. I shampooed once since then with CON, but I won't use any shampoo until I get braids again (late July). Then I plan on shampooing once each week and rinsing daily with water only or very very diluted conditioners. I'm being ambitious and hoping that I'll get and maintain 4" of additional growth by December 25. :look:

Oh yeah, I started my personal 60-day carrot juice challenge 3 days ago. My goal is to drink 8 oz freshly juiced, straight or in combination, organic carrot juice everyday.
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Right now I am 23 weeks post relaxer, I quit transitioning 2 weeks ago and decided to just stretch to 28 weeks. I had changed my regimen to fit my new growth, so my regimen may be subject to change. All I know so far is that I'm planning on getting a new deep conditioner and maybe a new moisturizer for when the time to relax comes. But anyway, I am in cornrows right now, and plan on getting some type of braids again next week. I dont know how long my hair is because it has been so long since I have had a relaxer and my hair never gets really straight from flat ironing. I guess I wont have a real update until August 2/3, when I relax.
Nothing much new to report here. I have become a little lazy with my regimen but I still wash at least once a week. I have been using MTG about 1-2 times a week and am starting to see some growth. Its been about 2 months since my last touch-up and I have decided to make a second attempt at TRANSITIONING! Wish me luck....:p
Well according to what my friend are saying.... my hair is growing quite nicely. I cant see it for whatever reasons. I am just at 4 weeks post relaxer and you would think I was at 8! I am still taking my vitamins and HF37 almost everyday. Since I have so much new growth now, I dont mind taking them everyday. I wont touch up again until around my B-day which will be in Aug.
Hopefully I will be at bra strap to where I can see it with my own eyes. Some people tell me I am already at bra strap.........(thinking about what Mona told me).... Ummm....
mrslee said:
Well according to what my friend are saying.... my hair is growing quite nicely. I cant see it for whatever reasons. I am just at 4 weeks post relaxer and you would think I was at 8! I am still taking my vitamins and HF37 almost everyday. Since I have so much new growth now, I dont mind taking them everyday. I wont touch up again until around my B-day which will be in Aug.
Hopefully I will be at bra strap to where I can see it with my own eyes. Some people tell me I am already at bra strap.........(thinking about what Mona told me).... Ummm....[/QUOTE]

I'm just sayin doe.....if you are not confirmed bsl by August....summin ain't just ain'
Still wearing braids. I'm 14 weeks post relaxer. I'll probably do a retouch with phyto with the next couple of weeks.
I'm doing good. I have a little over 26 inches. I haven't straightened it with a flat iron because I work out so it gets sweated out anyway. But it's very thick, and it's starting to look long to me.
I relaxed last week, after about 12 weeks. I kind of prefer to wait longer, so I think I'll do that next time.
Doing well. Not much to report as it's the same ol same ol every week. But I have learned how to deep condition without ending up with a ratty bird's nest. I've found that if I use heat, my newgrowth gets matted (hair is soft, but still...) but if I just apply the conditioner, two plastic caps, and a towel, and let it sit for a few hours (I took a nap) then my hair and newgrowth are very soft yet strong. I'll be doing this weekly (if not bi-weekly) with keraphix/humectress as long as time permits.
Wow I cant believe its been 6 months...well i havent had my hair straightened since May and i had a mini trim...since then ive had my hair in a bun and right now im currently sporting a sew in weave, which i plan to take out in the beginning of August....Today was my first day using MTG and im hoping for some good results :)....
hope all is well with everyone!!
Hi Everyone, :wave:

I'm checking in. ;) I am still wearing my protective style which is five braids swept up into a bun. I have not put any heat in my hair since January 2005. I am trying to hold off until December 2005. :p Consequently, I am trying to hold off on my trim until then, too. I am used to going six (6) months without a trim. I have never had the confidence in the health in my hair to try to go for longer. :look:

I tried the COW method and my hair responded really well to it. :grin: Therefore, I have tweaked my regime a bit and have refined it with the cow. I have replaced my regular gold colored castor oil with black castor oil. I stretched the very back of my hair and it looks like I am getting a little bit more of length. That part grows the fastest. I can't "see" :confused: what the rest of my hair is doing in terms of length. I can tell that the strands of my hair look and feel very strong. I am going to continue to strive for a no heat/no press/no blowdry regime until December 2005 so I won't feel compelled to trim my hair. November 2005 will be my two year hair anniversary which I define as when I discovered and joined this hair board. :grin:
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Just checking in. I've been doing good except these last 2 days. I'll shampoo tomorrow and then be back on track.
I need to update...I've been doing okay.
Jan-May I wore Braids
June- I wore a Bun or Phony Pony
July- I sew in a weave yesterday and plan to keep that in until I relax in August.

As far as length is concerned, it's been a slow process. It's trying to do something but the truth will be told in august.
I'm doing well. Now that I've been natural long enough to have a handle on what my hair loves and hates, I've gotten serious about trying to achieve length. I'm doing daily washes with Jason poos and cons. I was planning to shampoo only once a week, but lately I've been doing it whenever I feel like it, which averages to about twice per week. The other days I just con wash.

I'm on the No Product Challenge now, so I have given up my beloved Giovanni leave-in and jojoba oil for a while, and won't be doing any experiments with gels or other styling products any time soon. The only other thing I use besides shampoo and conditioner is Hairever vitamin tonic. I've added some essential oils to it and apply it directly to my scalp after every wash.

Now that my regimen is pretty solid I'm going to be focusing on health from the inside out. I'm currently looking at multivitamins for general health--I really think it would be easier for me if I only take 1 or two pills per day. I still have some biotin left, so maybe if I had a really complete one-a-day type multi, I could just take an extra 1mg of biotin for good measure until I run out.
I'm also going to be trying my darndest to drink plenty of water. And finally, I need to find some way to exercise that won't make me miserable. I might need to hop on over to the health and fitness forum for help...
nothing new to report. still continuing with washing 2-3x a week with good results. Im just abut due for a light trim which i will probably do next week. overall my growth is slow but steady.
Doing the same thing pretty much. I relaxed early June, the roots are getting thick again. Im using BBD stretch, MTG and essential oil mixture. I think i am going to go with another sewin for the next month or do the baggie challenge. Im not sure as of yet.
Since it’s the summer time I’ve just added condition washes to my nonexistent routine. I’ve never done these before so I’m looking for great results. So far I’ve been doing them every day, but will switch to every 2 days from now on. Since doing condition washes the pj in me has kicked in as well (:cool:) due to the fact that I’m trying to experiment with new styles to do while my hair is wet, and also because I’ve been buying various cheap conditioners to see which ones detangle my hair with ease and leave it feeling moisturized. So far, VO5 Nourishing Oasis has worked really well on my hair by incorporating both aspects that I expect in a conditioner! :)

As far as length --- my hair is growing, however, it’s growing slowly. :ohwell: To keep my mind off the rate at which my hair is growing I planned to get cornrows but I have too many events on my platter this month which call for a more “elegant” hairstyle. In place of cornrows I’ve been experimenting more with different styles. So far I’ve tried a braidout, and plan to experiment with twistouts and maybe even a roller set. As long as the style involves no heat I’m all for it.

I expect my hair to soar this summer because of these condition washes. It already feels more moisturized. :clap: I remember when I increased my washing last year around September/October my hair grew 2 inches in like a month and a half so I'm starting early on washes and cutting out the poo. :grin: Wish me luck and happy hair growing to you ladies! :antlers:

***BTW, DSD, your tree braids are looking really good!! :D Since you're about to take them down I hope you took pictures of the newgrowth you're recieving from using MTG because I want to see just how well this stuff works. I had to discontinue my use of it because it didn't agree with me, however, what works for one person doesn't work for another and it sounds like it's working for you! ;)***
I'm doing quite well. I'm about an inch or less from my waistline (when stretched), which is my goal before I do the BC. It's hard to tell w. all this new growth though but I do know that my hair IS steadily growing so that's good. :yep:
I gained some length but its all gone now. I went for my touch up yesterday and the lady siad my hair was very underprocessed. Sheasked what relaxer I was using i tod her motions. She then told me that i need to switch to affirm. She based my entired head and said that she was going to do a corrector relaxer on my whole head. So this is where all the qquestions begin. Ia sked her why i ned one, she said because I have a lot of breakage that is caused by different levels of processing. She said someareas were straight and some were really just wavy. Long story short, she did the realxer and "trimmed" a lot of hair off that she said was damaged ends. Look at my album. I can still put it in a pony tail so I am not too upset. Irts just a huge difference from my last touchup. She said to come back in a weekfor a protein treatment, I can do that my D$%^ self! Super grow out set back right here. CAn you tell I'm a little vex right now?
YummyC said:
I gained some length but its all gone now. I went for my touch up yesterday and the lady siad my hair was very underprocessed. Sheasked what relaxer I was using i tod her motions. She then told me that i need to switch to affirm. She based my entired head and said that she was going to do a corrector relaxer on my whole head. So this is where all the qquestions begin. Ia sked her why i ned one, she said because I have a lot of breakage that is caused by different levels of processing. She said someareas were straight and some were really just wavy. Long story short, she did the realxer and "trimmed" a lot of hair off that she said was damaged ends. Look at my album. I can still put it in a pony tail so I am not too upset. Irts just a huge difference from my last touchup. She said to come back in a weekfor a protein treatment, I can do that my D$%^ self! Super grow out set back right here. CAn you tell I'm a little vex right now?
I can't stand stylist like that that think they know it all.
Hey DSD!:wave: Checkin in....
-I had small braids from Jan- mid-March, pencil sized braids from mid-March - end of April, weave from then to now. Just took the weave out and felt my hair for the third time since January.
-I have 2" of growth. I had some slow growth periods. I cant wait to handle my hair after I stop wearing protective styles. My relaxed ends look so limp compared to my roots. I was thinking about going natural and transitioning but my hair is very thick with no defintition, so I will be relaxing, but not until September. From the looks of my hair I need to relax now but I'm gonna hold out.
-I havent been following a strict regimine besides taking my vitamins( biotin, b, hair/skin multi), oiling my scalp with sulfur 8, and carrot oil.
-I plan on getting my hair cornrowed in the front and weaved in the back as my protective style until Sept. I really want the front of my hair to grow. Everywhere else seems fine. I remember using WGO one summer when I had cornrows in and the front of my hair grew sooo well. I havent bought much products because of the protective styles. But I think less is more. I will buy WGO and use it until the end of the summer.
I've substituted my sew ins for half wigs (which I absolutely LOVE) as my protective style. I rinse or condition wash at least 3-4 times a week and wash once a week, using the cow method. My hair is growing nicely, I should be at brastrap before the planned date. I haven't straigtened my hair in forever, so I'm going by the stretched length.