Super Grow Out Challenge **Update Month 7**

Hello all!!!

I have really been trifling about my hair lately. I just recently got back on track. I haven't had any major setbacks. I am really loving my CW with vor blueberries & creme. My hair is coming back to life. I reached shoulder length in July. Now its on to collar bone length by the end of the year. Wish me luck. Happy Hair Growing everyone.

DSD- that sew-in weave is lovely!!
jaded_faerie said:
Well not too much to update on.....
Ive been wearing a quick weave for about 3 weeks now....its been 4 months since my last relaxer and still going strong...trying to hold out for 6 months...i think i can do it....i plan on getting braids at the end of the month till October when its time to relax....for some reason i dont feel as though my hair has really been growing...i dont know, it could just be me....i havent seen my hair straight for about 2 months now...but it just feels had a bit of shedding and a little breakage....but i think im doing pretty well...ive been using MTG consistantly for 2 weeks now
It sounds like you are staying consistent and that is the focus of this challenge. Great Job!!

LadyZ said:
I don't know when I checked in last...
I have been consistent with the MTG, and getting some growth and retaining some length....
I am CW's more often, especially around touch up time... and moisture, moisture, moisture....
I knda fell off the wagon on MTG and my vitamin and hair care regimin.. I was on vacation for aover and week and just got wild and crazy... but now I am back to work and back on the band wagon of healthy hair again...
here is my latest progress:

Still growing and retaining:D
I am glad to hear that you are growing and retaining. Sometimes we fall down but we get back up. Nothing wrong with that as long as you don't lose sight of you goal. HHG

Hair2day said:
Hello all!!!

I have really been trifling about my hair lately. I just recently got back on track. I haven't had any major setbacks. I am really loving my CW with vor blueberries & creme. My hair is coming back to life. I reached shoulder length in July. Now its on to collar bone length by the end of the year. Wish me luck. Happy Hair Growing everyone.

DSD- that sew-in weave is lovely!!
Thanks!! :)

Congrats on reaching shoulder length. Keep up the good work!
dontspeakdefeat said:
Girl, you know that you will be making armpit. Last time I looked you were only a couple of inches away! Maybe the hairfairy will hook you up with another of those side by side shots!! ;)

My camera is out of commission right I had to take a snap with cameraphone (see attached)

I should have better pics for a side by side shot in a few weeks...I'll need your eye then!;)


  • August 2005.jpg
    August 2005.jpg
    7.2 KB · Views: 11
MonaLisa said:
My camera is out of commission right I had to take a snap with cameraphone (see attached)

I should have better pics for a side by side shot in a few weeks...I'll need your eye then!;)
Alrighty then!!;)
My hair is doing fine, it could do with a nice trim, but other than that everything is cool.
* I hadn’t forgotten about the challenge, I just could not post due to major computer problems.*
Heeeey ... I didn't see an update post for September or October?? Has this ended prematurely?