Summer Challenge Bi Weekly Check #5

Since I jioned the site my hair has stopped breaking and I am really seeing some length,but I am very happy that it is stronger,because if there is no strength I usually just cut my hair when all I needed was a protein conditioner so now I will definately keep you guys posted about future progress.
My challenge has been going well. I got a touchup on July 5th (10 weeks since my last one). My hair is growing, I am reducing breakage, yay! I'm staying postive. I stopped taking biotin because of the breakouts. The products are the same. I tried Kiehl's silk groom and their shine lite groom, both were nice. Happy hair growing everyone.

PS. I wished all 90+ people who joined this challenge in the beginning were posting their updates, it would keep everyone encouraged etc.
I had a touchup July 19th.My hair has been growing well.It is now touching the top of my shirt in the back.(first time ever!!)The front looks like bangs because it is growing out from previous bad breakage.My hair has gotten thicker and longer and it has a nice effect since I have a natural blonde streak that has gotten longer and it just makes me look like I have had nice highlites done.
I can't wait til my streak grows long enought to be seen in a pony.I just think that would look cool.

I am also on PP Biotin.No itch yet.(Keeping figers crosssed)