Nail Your Regimen Challenge 2016

Hi, @faithVA and @snoop.

Will there be a Nail/Improve Your Regimen 2017 Challenge?

There are SO many challenges. Maybe instead this one could just simply be a thread for documentation, inspiration, and helping folks?

Here's a possible thread-starting post:

Hi, all! Let's keep the regimen-improvement going in 2017! This is not a challenge, but instead a space for documentation, reflection, inspiration, and tip-giving. Please post as OFTEN as is helpful! And, of course, pictures are great documentation, so please share your pics!

1. Describe your hair.
(Natural/texlaxed/relaxed? Healthy/damage? Fine or course strands? Densely dispersed strands? Length? Curl pattern? Color/colored/hennaed? Etc.)

2. What do you feel your hair's needs are?

3. What part of your current regimen work?

4. What do you want from your nailed/improved regimen?
(Fewer steps? Your improved consistency? Better styling? More protective styling? Less manipulation? Improved detangling? Improved setting/twisting/braiding? Better/different products? Greater thickness? Greater length? Less damage? Less time? Lower cost? Etc.)

5. What videos, posts, tips, ideas, etc. are you using in part or whole to design your new/improved regimen? (Delete)

6. What do you feel you need to LEARN or LEARN ABOUT in order to nail/improve your regimen?

7. What steps do you plan to try next? Please do note the product(s) you will use in each step.

8. How long will you trial your new/improved regimen (for two weeks? four weeks?), and how often will you post an update to this thread (weekly? biweekly? monthly?)? (Delete)

9. What LHCF challenges have you joined that support your regimen goals? (Delete)

10. Anything else you would like to share?

Feel free to post as OFTEN as is helpful! Happy regimen nailing, ladies and gentlemen!

Edits made inside the quote....
How about this?

ETA: Oops! We posted near the same time.
Hi, all!

Let's keep the regimen-improvement going in 2017! This is not a challenge, but instead a space for documentation, reflection, inspiration, and tip-giving. Please post as OFTEN as is helpful! And, of course, pictures are great documentation, so please share your pics!

1. Tell us about your hair!
(Natural/texlaxed/relaxed? Healthy/damage? Fine or course strands? Densely dispersed strands? Length? Curl pattern? Color/colored/hennaed? Etc.)

2. What do you feel your hair's needs are?

3. Tell us about your current regimen. (Products, steps/actions/activities, etc.)

4. What are your regimen-improvement goals, if any?
(Fewer steps? Your improved consistency? Better styling? More protective styling? Less manipulation? Improved detangling? Improved setting/twisting/braiding? Better/different products? Greater thickness? Greater length? Less damage? Less time? Lower cost? Etc.)

5. Anything else you would like to share? (Tips? Questions? Links?)
How about this?

ETA: Oops! We posted near the same time.
Hi, all!

Let's keep the regimen-improvement going in 2017! This is not a challenge, but instead a space for documentation, reflection, inspiration, and tip-giving. Please post as OFTEN as is helpful! And, of course, pictures are great documentation, so please share your pics!

1. Tell us about your hair!
(Natural/texlaxed/relaxed? Healthy/damage? Fine or course strands? Densely dispersed strands? Length? Curl pattern? Color/colored/hennaed? Etc.)

2. What do you feel your hair's needs are?

3. Tell us about your current regimen. (Products, steps/actions/activities, etc.)

4. What are your regimen-improvement goals, if any?
(Fewer steps? Your improved consistency? Better styling? More protective styling? Less manipulation? Improved detangling? Improved setting/twisting/braiding? Better/different products? Greater thickness? Greater length? Less damage? Less time? Lower cost? Etc.)

5. Anything else you would like to share? (Tips? Questions? Links?)

For my own curiosity I also like knowing what people find works. But I like the 5!
For my own curiosity I also like knowing what people find works. But I like the 5!

Thanks, @snoop. I'll add "What's working in your regimen?" to the end of #3 so it doesn't seem like yet another question.

@faithVA, you're so loved here, would you create the thread? You wouldn't have to host it because it's not a challenge. I think if you create it, people will come. :smile:

Possible thread title: Share and Discuss Your Hair Regimen 2017 (or sumpin' like that)

Hi, all!

Let's keep the regimen-improvement going in 2017! This is not a challenge, but instead a space for documentation, reflection, inspiration, and tip-giving. Please post as OFTEN as is helpful! And, of course, pictures are great documentation, so please share your pics!

1. Tell us about your hair!
(Natural/texlaxed/relaxed? Healthy/damage? Fine or course strands? Densely dispersed strands? Length? Curl pattern? Color/colored/hennaed? Etc.)

2. What do you feel your hair's needs are?

3. Tell us about your current regimen. (Products, steps/actions/activities, etc.) What's working in your current regimen?

4. What are your regimen-improvement goals, if any?
(Fewer steps? Your improved consistency? Better styling? More protective styling? Less manipulation? Improved detangling? Improved setting/twisting/braiding? Better/different products? Greater thickness? Greater length? Less damage? Less time? Lower cost? Etc.)

5. Anything else you would like to share? (Tips? Questions? Links?)
Thanks, @snoop. I'll add "What's working in your regimen?" to the end of #3 so it doesn't seem like yet another question.

@faithVA, you're so loved here, would you create the thread? You wouldn't have to host it because it's not a challenge. I think if you create it, people will come. :smile:

Possible thread title: Share and Discuss Your Hair Regimen 2017 (or sumpin' like that)

Hi, all!

Let's keep the regimen-improvement going in 2017! This is not a challenge, but instead a space for documentation, reflection, inspiration, and tip-giving. Please post as OFTEN as is helpful! And, of course, pictures are great documentation, so please share your pics!

1. Tell us about your hair!
(Natural/texlaxed/relaxed? Healthy/damage? Fine or course strands? Densely dispersed strands? Length? Curl pattern? Color/colored/hennaed? Etc.)

2. What do you feel your hair's needs are?

3. Tell us about your current regimen. (Products, steps/actions/activities, etc.) What's working in your current regimen?

4. What are your regimen-improvement goals, if any?
(Fewer steps? Your improved consistency? Better styling? More protective styling? Less manipulation? Improved detangling? Improved setting/twisting/braiding? Better/different products? Greater thickness? Greater length? Less damage? Less time? Lower cost? Etc.)

5. Anything else you would like to share? (Tips? Questions? Links?)
Go ahead and set a name for yourself. You have already done most of the work. Just take that next step and start the thread. I will add my post and support you to get it going.