Nail Your Regimen Challenge 2016

So I chickened out of pressing my hair.

I've been playing around with different ways of streaming my hair and finger detangling. Last night I steamed my hair with my daily spritz and then re-twisted using a method that another poster had suggested (where either end of the twist is tight buy the body of the twist is looser). My hair looks so much thicker as a result. I think I might as well start my fall regimen now and I'll keep my hair in twists until spring unless a special occasion arises.

I'm going to trim my ends today as well. They're in desperate need of some TLC.
So on the weekend hi steamed my hair with conditioner, KCKT, and a combo of babassu and hemp oils to do my pre-poo detangling. I'm a bit closer to nailing my regie in that the steaming really does work and that the combo of conditioner, KCKT, and for now any oil is a keeper. I'm finding that the breakage during the detangling session has lessened and I've figured out that if I keep the sections that I haven't yet detangled under the plastic cap to stay warm then they are easier to detangle.

The babassu and help oil combo I think worked really well. I washed on Saturday and moisturized while my hair was still damp. Then put my hair in big twists. On Sunday, I re-twisted after spritzing with my daily. I haven't done anything since and my hair feels good. I'll moisturize tonight, though since I don't want to temp fate.

When I washed I did a protein treatment as well and I didn't think that my hair felt any different than with any other oil but after drying it felt so good! I'll have to try this combo again.

Also, I paid more attention to how I was twisting my hair this time. I generally do Senegalese type twists, but I've noticed that because I usually am hurrying I tend to twist one hand more than the other. This time I paid attention to do both and the twists came out more uniform and my hair looks neater and shiner as a result. I'm curious to find out how they'll stand up to wash day. If it works out well I'll have nailed another part of my regie.
I've started doing my winter regi: Leave my hair in 2 strand twists which I keep in a bun or pony, moisturize frequently (LC), and O with broccoli seed oil on my ends infrequently. This worked really well last year so I think I only have to nail the summer regi.
I've started doing my winter regi: Leave my hair in 2 strand twists which I keep in a bun or pony, moisturize frequently (LC), and O with broccoli seed oil on my ends infrequently. This worked really well last year so I think I only have to nail the summer regi.

I'm doing the same right now, but keeping it up until I reach WL. With this regimen and my non protective style regimen, I've officially nailed my regimens and products. Only thing to do now is let my hair grow.
  1. A few weeks ago I gave myself a protein treatment using 2 Nutress Protein packs (purchased from Sally's).
    • NOTES: Did not harden my hair, but did seem to strengthen it. Also, as a result it does seem that my roots are coily again (and not undefined). So now I need to try something stronger to see if my hair fares even better with a stronger protein treatment or not. I am trying to decided between the Komaza protein treatment and one of the Curl Junkie protein DCs. Komaza's gets STELLAR reviews all over the 'net. Curl Junkie's gets really good reviews, too, but is available for me on the ground.
  2. Friday (or Saturday?) I DC'd with Especially Hair's Moisture Foundation.
    • NOTES: It is a weird product that is scarily overpriced (I have a free sample), but for some reason it is conditioning and hydrating the HECK out of my hair. I left the product in, as its creators say it triples as a DC/leave-in/styler. As a result, so far this week I have had WAAAAAAY fewer tangles and SSKs.
  3. Today (Tuesday), I cowashed my hair with (Annabelle's) PerfectBlends Blue Agave Nectar Cleansing Conditioner.
  4. Still in the shower, I saturated my hair with Kinky Curly Knot Today and ran shower water over it to disperse the product fully through my hair and to try to keep the hair elongated (unshrunken and thus untangled).
  5. Out of the shower, I applied Kinky Curly Curling Custard to my ends first and then to the rest of my hair (not in sections, but making sure every area of my hair got product).
  6. RESULTS: Today's wash and go is hydrated, moisturized, shiny, defined, soft, and not crunchy. It looks good. It feels GREAT. :clap:
So what is the aim? Well, my ULTIMATE goal is to have BSL length hair at minimum. My intermittent goals are to reduce SSKs and tangles, to spend less time and money and energy on my hair, and to love the LOOK of my hair. I should note that I have thanks to God solved the dryness issue. Phew!

All of this means that I might be able to get away with using ONLY the products mentioned above plus my clarifying shampoo and my DCs. Once the Soultanicals products arrive, I will test them to see if they give me better results. If these products continue to work, the only products in my stash that would be hard for me to abandon would be my gels (for variety and backup), my DevaCurl One Condition, my Oyin Hair Dew, my Qhemet Burdock Root Butter Cream, and my The Original Moxie samples. ALL OTHER PRODUCTS could be donated to the women's shelter. (Maybe I'd keep the Bekura Honey Latte Milk for the smell and moisture. :smile:.)
I'm way late to this challenge but I'm still hopeful that I can nail my regimen before January.

Natural - Relaxed – Texturized/Texlaxed - Transitioning: Natural
Current Length: TWA, 2-3 inches
Current Products: My heart isn't set on any of the brands I use to be honest. But I'm set on certain product types.
  • Shea Moisture Conditioning Cleanser (my hair hates shampoo!)
  • Shea Moisture Strengthen, Grow, Restore, Treatment Masque (I have two different types of Shea Moisture deep conditioner I'm just trying to use and get rid of. I'll probably explore a different brand once these two containers are done)
  • Jane Carter Revitalizing Leave-In Conditioner
  • Jamaican Mango & Lime Castor Oil
  • Jane Cater Nourish & Shine
  • Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie
  • Fantasia IC Hair Polish Styling Gel / Jane Carter Wrap & Roll (testing out the jane carter stuff for twist outs / roller sets)
Current Techniques:
  • I cowash, deep condition, moisturize every week.
  • I try out a "style" every Sunday. It usually only lasts for Monday.
  • Every other morning, I wet my hair with water, rub in the curl enhancing smoothie, and then pick out the roots. It's sort of a wash and go, I guess? But it definitely doesn't take as much time as I see girls spending on it in YouTube videos.
What in your regimen are trying to nail:
  • I want to get into a routine of styling my hair for real. I don't think my daily routine is an awesome look. I'd like to figure out a way to do twist outs or roller sets or braids or...something and have it last for more than a day.
What's your starting strategy:
  • I'm going to twist, braid, or roller set my hair every Sunday, testing new technique / products every week to see what works best for me.
Anything else you want to share: Nope!
So after my Monday twistout (it turned out okay but not great) I accidentally came up with a way to make my TWA look neater for all of the other days of the week. If I do the LOC method at night while gently combing through all my hair and then spritz my hair with water in the morning to pick out my roots, most of my tiny little curls become super defined. It looks neat and cute.

I basically learned that putting cream in my hair, including that curl enhancing smoothie I was using every morning, is a disaster move if I have to leave the house any time soon.

I also think my hair is loving these new products - especially the Jane Carter Leave In and the Jamaican Black Castor Oil.

I've used ion's miracle leave in and aphogee moisture rich leave in before and Jane Carter has definitely been the best. I've also used olive oil, aragon oil, and coconut oil before and this has been my fave.

With aloe vera being the second ingredient in my new leave in, I'm debating if I should try creating an aloe vera juice blend to use as my daily leave in or morning hair spritz. I might wait to see how I'm feeling once I'm out of this bottle though.
After I got sick and didn't do my hair for three weeks, I went to a salon. I knew I needed a deep condition and a trim, but the lady cut my hair. I do not trim my hair as well as I can get it done in a salon and my hair really needed it, but I did not need to lose 2.5 inches. I was APL!!! She cut the back in layers which made the style she gave me look nice, but now that my hair is growing out it looks strange. I stopped taking care of it the way that I should because of that incident, but it's time to get it together. My skincare and weight loss are improving, my hair should be on point, too.

Natural - Relaxed – Texturized/Texlaxed - Transitioning: Natural

Current Length
: About two inches from APL in the back, the crown is just past CBL

Current Products
: Mizani Moisturfusion Milk Bath Shampoo, Mizani Moisturefusion Silk Cream Conditioner and Brittle Hair Treatment, Infusium 23 leave-in conditioner, Natural Oasis Herb and Fruit Oil for my scalp, grease for my ends

Current Techniques
: Low manipulation styles. I prefer to keep my hair stretched and use as little direct heat as possible. I plan to use roller sets, rod sets, and the satin scarf drying method to keep my hair stretched. I no longer like how my hair looks in a wash and go and usually wear it in halo twists or plaits.

What in your regimen are trying to nail:
This is pathetic...the whole thing. I need...yeah, just the whole thing.

What's your starting strategy
: Start keeping track of when I cleanse and condition my hair, for one. Deep condition regularly. Keep hair stretched. Continue with my low manipulation styles. Dust ends regularly. Keep track using a calendar.

Anything else you want to share
: I'm hoping that reestablishing a regimen will help me to fall in love with taking care of my hair again.
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Progress update: I'm ready to chill out about my hair. :smile: I think my hair is just typically going to be tangly: It's fine and 4a and hipo.

1. Henna treatments seem to help: Hair is stronger and very defined after them. I'll aim to do them once a month, near the 24th.
2. This wash-and-go process and night-time routine are great!:
a. (optional): Wash with VO5 clarifying poo or with Naturalicious clay wash or SM Hipo shampoo
b. (when appropriate): DC with a NaturalleGrow DC or with SM's Hipo Masque or something with protein (Komaza, Framesi, etc.)
c. Condition: steam in (with shower steam) and leave in DevaCurl Decadence One Condition
d. Leave-in: Camille Rose Naturals Curl Love Milk or Kinky Curly Knot Today or Oyin Hair Dew
e. Style: Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker on soaking wet hair, applied with praying hands method
f. Diffuse . . . or air dry with Afro Weightz (large sized) by Sprangz . . . or band and air dry over night
g. Chunky twist dry hair at night and wear under a processing cap and bonnet​

I'm going to try to purge my stash of most products I have, except for my treatments (DCs, etc.), gels, and holy grails. Will donate all the other products to a women's shelter. Reflecting with hubby last night, I'm spending too much time and energy worried about my hair. With the products and techniques above, I can just hone in on being consistent and getting quicker, instead of constantly trialing all sorts of combos. I can hone in on determining whether my hair grows despite the SSKs, instead of researching and buying and trialing all the time. The Soultanicals haul will arrive shortly. I'll play around with that, but otherwise, I think I've honed in on what I'll do for my regimen for the rest of the year. :yep:

If I wash my hair, condition it, apply mixture of CRN Curl Maker + Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie to sections, and then put my hair in a low-hanging ponytail (puff) with bangs out . . . let dry 70% then let out ponytail to finish drying . . . then I looooooooove my hair!

  • I finally ordered the Komaza hair strengthener (protein treatment). Will try soon! Have been wondering about this product for MONTHS.
  • I also have a sample of the Komaza Aloe vera gel. Excited to try it. Smells divine. Product is crazily priced, IMHO, though.
  • I'm going to retry the MHM to see if it will reduce my hair's tangling and webbing. Before when I tried it, I was trying it with TerraVeda's MHM products. I've been advised to give the MHM a chance with the recommended products. Will do. It's definitely worth trying before I relax my natural hair (appointment scheduled for December 16, 2016). If the MHM significantly reduces my tangles and webbing, I may not "have" to relax! We'll see!

If I wash my hair, condition it, apply mixture of CRN Curl Maker + Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie to sections, and then put my hair in a low-hanging ponytail (puff) with bangs out . . . let dry 70% then let out ponytail to finish drying . . . then I looooooooove my hair!

  • I finally ordered the Komaza hair strengthener (protein treatment). Will try soon! Have been wondering about this product for MONTHS.
  • I also have a sample of the Komaza Aloe vera gel. Excited to try it. Smells divine. Product is crazily priced, IMHO, though.
  • I'm going to retry the MHM to see if it will reduce my hair's tangling and webbing. Before when I tried it, I was trying it with TerraVeda's MHM products. I've been advised to give the MHM a chance with the recommended products. Will do. It's definitely worth trying before I relax my natural hair (appointment scheduled for December 16, 2016). If the MHM significantly reduces my tangles and webbing, I may not "have" to relax! We'll see!
Get rhassoul clay if you try regular mhm.
Get rhassoul clay if you try regular mhm.

Up until last week, I'd only EVER used rhassoul clay. I looooooove it. I've never used bentonite. Rhassoul is so amazing for my hair that I have never been tempted to try bentonite.

Last week I tried an Indian clay mask for the first time. Loved it.

I do wonder if the Naturalicious rhassoul clay wash is acceptable (it doesn't say on that main MHM site). These are the ingredients:

Moroccan Lava Rhassoul Clay, Deionized Water,Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Vegetable Glycerin, Cetearyl Alcohol (Coconut Derived) and Polysorbate 60, Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Olea europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Vitis Vinfera (Grape) Seed Oil, Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil, Phenoxyethanol

Does the vegetable glycerin disqualify it? TIA!
Up until last week, I'd only EVER used rhassoul clay. I looooooove it. I've never used bentonite. Rhassoul is so amazing for my hair that I have never been tempted to try bentonite.

Last week I tried an Indian clay mask for the first time. Loved it.

I do wonder if the Naturalicious rhassoul clay wash is acceptable (it doesn't say on that main MHM site). These are the ingredients:

Moroccan Lava Rhassoul Clay, Deionized Water,Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Vegetable Glycerin, Cetearyl Alcohol (Coconut Derived) and Polysorbate 60, Theobroma cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Olea europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Vitis Vinfera (Grape) Seed Oil, Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil, Phenoxyethanol

Does the vegetable glycerin disqualify it? TIA!
Originally they would have said yes. I think initially you should make your own so you can truly understand what's going on with your hair. Once you get there use whatever you like.

Glycerin in my mud would make my hair poof. Some people experience dry hair.

Have you verified you don't have midshaft splits causing your tangling?
Originally they would have said yes. I think initially you should make your own so you can truly understand what's going on with your hair. Once you get there use whatever you like.

Glycerin in my mud would make my hair poof. Some people experience dry hair.

Have you verified you don't have midshaft splits causing your tangling?

Thanks for the helpful information.

No, I haven't verified that. How would I do that? Examine shed hair under magnifying glass? I could get a stylist to look at it.

I will try to get a GoosePrints analysis before going through with relaxing. Important point! Many thanks!
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Thanks for the helpful information.

No, I haven't verified that. How would I do that? Examine shed hair under magnifying glass? I could get a stylist to look at it. TIA!
I know how to do it on my hair but every head is different. When you reach a tangle or webbing how are you separating it? With a comb or with your fingers? Next time you find one just take your time and separate slowly and see if you can separate as many hair's as possible. See if you can see where the hair is sticking together. Usually I can get it down to 2 hairs. When I rub my fingers along those final two hair's I can feel they aren't smooth if you can find the one that isn't smooth clip right above the uneven area.

Many times you can see the split with just your eyes. If you have splits higher up your strands or hair that is various lengths with splits in them they. An cause both tangles and webbing because the split hair's grab on to other hair's and pull them.

I wouldn't go to a stylist. They will just want to. UT your hair.and they will have to cut inches to get to the midshaft sllits. If you do have them you can start with a trim but you will have to d9 some search and destroys and regular clipping of splits to eliminate them.
I know how to do it on my hair but every head is different. When you reach a tangle or webbing how are you separating it? With a comb or with your fingers? Next time you find one just take your time and separate slowly and see if you can separate as many hair's as possible. See if you can see where the hair is sticking together. Usually I can get it down to 2 hairs. When I rub my fingers along those final two hair's I can feel they aren't smooth if you can find the one that isn't smooth clip right above the uneven area.

Many times you can see the split with just your eyes. If you have splits higher up your strands or hair that is various lengths with splits in them they. An cause both tangles and webbing because the split hair's grab on to other hair's and pull them.

I wouldn't go to a stylist. They will just want to. UT your hair.and they will have to cut inches to get to the midshaft sllits. If you do have them you can start with a trim but you will have to d9 some search and destroys and regular clipping of splits to eliminate them.


You are so wonderful. You are great for LHCF.

While you were replying, I was editing my post to indicate my intentions to get a hair analysis. I need one. :yep:

You are so wonderful. You are great for LHCF.

While you were replying, I was editing my post to indicate my intentions to get a hair analysis. I need one. :yep:
I definitely believe in one for people struggling with their hair. I know you are struggling right now. If you can hold on until you get your analysis done that would be great. But I understand if you cant.
I definitely believe in one for people struggling with their hair. I know you are struggling right now. If you can hold on until you get your analysis done that would be great. But I understand if you cant.

Oh, I definitely can wait. I'd forgotten about the Goose Footprints (???) analysis option.

The December date for the relaxer is just so I can stop driving myself crazy. I feel like my hair issues are started to take up to much real estate in my heart, life, thoughts, pocketbook, etc. The date is not set in stone.

I realize I could lose a significant amount of hair in the process (just from detangling to get it blown out and from the trim that might be needed after the relaxer). So I'm in a place where I'm okay with come-what-may, including adding a little extra time in to get the hair analysis.

Thank you for these posts: They've reminded me about the hair analysis option, and that is a good, good deal. Peace-inducing regarding the decision to relax or not.

1. Komaza Protein Hair Strengthener. Whoooooooooooah! Changes EVERYTHING for my hair. It's like I have a new head of hair. It's a must-have, must-use product for me as of last week. I hope to get 3 bottles soon so that I can just keep it in stock.

I think it is changing the way EVERYTHING performs on my hair. :crazy:

So now I feel like I need to retrial so much . . .

2. I now detangle with 2 Soultanicals products on dry hair using the Funnel Method (see YouTube), and THAT part of my regimen is now AWESOME!!!

I shared about it in fine detail at the Detangling 2016 thread.
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My order of Netwurks spray and custard arrived today.

I typed up a biweekly Netwuks-centric regimen to follow for a month before diving into the MHM if I still feel it's needed. I'll try to remember to post it, my starting length-check pic, and my post length-check pic here.
Hair regimen NAILED!!!

Since there is no electric slide emoticon, this combo will just HAVE to do! :yahoo::pulpdance::clapping::woot::cup::happydance::headspin:

  • Harp Detangling Method
  • Funnel Detangling Method
  • Max Hydration Method
  • Curly Girl Method
  • the Wet Brush
  • Kent 16t seamless course-toothed and wide-toothed comb
Main Hair Styles:

Preferred Products:
  • Hair health/growth aide: Netwurks Revitalizing spray
  • Detangler: Soultanicals Slip-N-Slide Knot-Proof Hair Glide . . . even better mixed with Soultanicals Knot Dressing Oil Rinse
  • Clarifying cleanser: Shea Moisture Professional Line Clear Start Shampoo (being discontinued, and ORS Creamy Aloe or Jakeala ACV Shampoo work well, too)
  • Clay containing mask/cowash: Jakeala Honey Hair Thang
  • Protein treatment: Komaza Care Protein Hair Strengthener
  • Deep conditioner: Shea Moisture Fruit Fusion Coconut Water Weightless Masque
  • Rinse-out conditioner: Jakeala Beer Conditioner
  • Curl definer (for my hair, though is actually a RO conditioner): DevaCurl Decadence One Condition
  • Styler: mixture of Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel (or CRN Curl Maker)
  • Sealant: jojoba oil
  • Follow the max hydration method's schedule of washing and styling
  • Protein treatment every two weeks
  • Moisturizing deep conditioning every week
I will be logging back in on December 1 and may have an update and/or more details then. In the meanwhile, I'll be posting my reflections and any improvements as I go at my blog, The Blossoming, Fit Natural at

Blessings, all, and godspeed on your nailing your regimens, whether it happens this year or flowing into next year. It will be WORTH THE WAIT no matter when it happens! I'm so glad to have had your company as I was making my way. Phew! There was definitely a bit of a learning curve to going natural, but I'm so glad I got through it. I love my hair, and it's healthy and thriving. Woot! :)
Hi, @faithVA and @snoop.

Will there be a Nail/Improve Your Regimen 2017 Challenge?

There are SO many challenges. Maybe instead this one could just simply be a thread for documentation, inspiration, and helping folks?

Here's a possible thread-starting post:

Hi, all! Let's keep the regimen-improvement going in 2017! This is not a challenge, but instead a space for documentation, reflection, inspiration, and tip-giving. Please post as OFTEN as is helpful! And, of course, pictures are great documentation, so please share your pics!

1. What is your hair like?
(Natural/texlaxed/relaxed? Healthy/damage? Fine or course strands? Densely dispersed strands? Length? Curl pattern? Color/colored/hennaed? Etc.)

2. What do you feel your hair's needs are?

3. What are the steps in your current regimen, if you have one, and what products do you use in each step?

4. What do you want from your nailed/improved regimen?
(Fewer steps? Your improved consistency? Better styling? More protective styling? Less manipulation? Improved detangling? Improved setting/twisting/braiding? Better/different products? Greater thickness? Greater length? Less damage? Less time? Lower cost? Etc.)

5. What videos, posts, tips, ideas, etc. are you using in part or whole to design your new/improved regimen?

6. What do you feel you need to LEARN or LEARN ABOUT in order to nail/improve your regimen?

7. What are the steps in the first new/improved regimen you plan to try? Please do note the product(s) you will use in each step.

8. How long will you trial your new/improved regimen (for two weeks? four weeks?), and how often will you post an update to this thread (weekly? biweekly? monthly?)?

9. What LHCF challenges have you joined that support your regimen goals?

10. Anything else you would like to share?

Feel free to post as OFTEN as is helpful! Happy regimen nailing, ladies and gentlemen!
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@YvetteWithJoy I wasn't planning on starting the challenge this year.

I like the idea of a compilation thread where people talk about their regimens and what they found works and doesn't work. I think if it can be in 5 or 6 questions or less, people will be more willing to participate.
@YvetteWithJoy I wasn't planning on starting the challenge this year.

I like the idea of a compilation thread where people talk about their regimens and what they found works and doesn't work. I think if it can be in 5 or 6 questions or less, people will be more willing to participate.

Makes sense! List is a bit much, for sure. ;)

Questions 5, 7, 8, and 9 can go. What others would you strike?

What title? "Discuss Your Hair Regimen 2017" ???
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