Summer Challenge Bi-Weekly Check #2

I have been on the bad and the good side for no apparent reason in the last two weeks. On a whim I cut off 1.5 inches of healthy hair and now I want it back...Do I know why I did it? Of course not. Well, since cutting off that hair, I decided to get serious about growing it back and then some. I have been washing my hair daily faithfully, but since I'm a natural and decided not to use heat for the summer, I don't know if it's growing fast or not. I have been more consistent with vits. This means I am taking them at least every other day which is great for me. Unfortunately I'm almost out and I don't forsee getting some more until two weeks from now because I'm broke and I'll be in Poland for a week starting Wednesday.

When I get back from Poland, I will be all about starting an excercise routine and becoming even more consistent with my vits!
I forgot to add that I had one more setback. I stayed the night over my boyfriends on Friday and of course I didn't take a scarf or anything. When I woke up I looked like who shot John and when I went to take a shower it took me over an hour to fix what had gotten tangled in the back of my head. I guess it doesn't help that I lost my favorite scarf over his place another time that I went and all my other scarves are cotton. Oh well, I'll get that together too.
I started my challenge on May 10th because that is when I finished my semester from college, and now I am home. I have been drinking my water consistently. I moisturize my hair 2x daily, once in the morning and the other time at night (Vitapointe and Designer Touch Oil Sheen). I did my first rollerset for the many that is to come this summer (this is my style of choice for the summer, since I don't have to comb it everyday when its curly, and my hair is on my neck, not long enough for buns, so i am doing this until it gets to the length that can hold buns) My shampoo and moisturizing deep conditioner this summer is Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo and Humecto Creme Conditioner. My reconstructors would be Joico K-pak and Keracare reconstructor. I honestly have been slacking on the vitamins, but I am going to get back on track this weekend. I have also been slacking on the exercising, but I am going to get on track this weekend also (4 days per a week-i'm serious about this hair growth). I also have to return to my hot oil treatments (jojoba). Well, happy hair growing everybody, and I can't wait to read everyone's progress on June 1st.
Shree, you got an inch of new growth in a week? Please explain!

As for me, I am STILL in an underprocessed nightmare. I thought that was over, until a week later after my touch-up, I washed my hair. My hair is straight when it's wet, but as it dried, my roots started curling up and I thought to myself, "OH NO!" It wasn't new growth. It was the same old hair that just won't straighten! I don't know what is going on. My hair isn't taking to any relaxer anymore. Why? I am seriously thinking about doing my own perm and leaving it on for like an hour. That's how frustrating this is for me. My hair is behaving very stubbornly, and I can't see the true length. It's not fair.

As far as other areas of concentration, I've got the shedding thing under control. No unusual breakage, besides that which the underprocessed hair has caused, and I am trying to limit that by combing my hair as gentle as possible, and moisturizing. I just need to drink more water, and exercise.

This underprocessed mess is so irritating, because now, I can't tell the u.p. hair from new growth! The only true way would be to measure it. I may do that tonight or so.
i have been doing well...mostly. i have been washing my hair about 2 times/per week (1 c/o and 1 CON). i've been moisturizing the heck out of my hair (mango butter, olive oil, emu oil) and it's really paying off. as for the water and supplements (pp biotin, multivit), i just can't seem to do it on the weekends. when i'm sitting here all day, i remember to take the vits and i force myself to drink the water. i slack on the weekends. i don't know why. i need to get on an exercise program and i need to find a leave-in (someone suggested the keracare but i couldn't find it...still searching). all that said, i am so happy with my hair right now. i used to be a "six-week-in-the-chair"-type sista...and i would need to be. you could count 6 weeks off on my head cuz i would look a mess. i am now 5 weeks from my last touch-up and my new growth is so soft and wavy!!!! yay! that lets me know that i'm doing something right!
I started my self-challenge in Feb. It's growing at a good rate. I had a minor set back (alot of shedding) in April because I dyed it back to back. But it's ok now. I've been moisturizing it like crazy

I'm about to get my touch-up this week (it's been 3 months).I have plenty of wave/thick new growth. I'm going to do an Aphogee treatment right afterwards.
I'm taking a pic at the end of each month to monitor my growth
Well so far sooooo good!!! I'm happy with my progress. I just got a touch up and am happy with my noticeable growth. Didn't measure but did take a pictures. When I get a little more computer savy, I'll post.

Continued good luck yall !!!!!!!!!
I've had my hair in braids since March 23, and my hair seems to of already had at least 2 inches of new growth in barely 2 months! I wash them with a mixture of 50% water and 50% creme of nature. I spray them with Motions Nourish afterwards. For daily care, I oil them with olive oil twice a week and spray the extension with Wet and Wavy spray.As for supplements, I've been taking a hair vitamin with the B vitamins, folic acid, and biotin, and I've also been taking evening primrose oil capsules. So far, so good! I'm taking the braids out in early June.
Still have my braids, i only got about 1/2 inch growth since i got them(4 weeks now), my hair grows slow.I have one more month to go , will take them out in July. I hope the MSM and biotin kick in and give me some more growth . I noticed after taking the MSM for 3 weeks, my hair line texture has changed .Its wavy and real soft.
Everything is going pretty good so far. I'm taking my vits faithfully and exercising regularly. I just had my relaxer put in two days ago, and I can really tell that my hair is growing. I have had two trims since I had my hair relaxed in Jan., and I still have about 2" of new growth. I'm staying consistant w/ spraying my hair w/ a mist during the day, and CO washes every other day. I might box braid my hair in about two weeks to give my hair an extra break. I have really been wearing my hair down alot lately. I need to get back into protective styling....
I have been doing better with taking my vitamins and I started to excercise in the morning, I am doing good with washing my hair, conditioning, moisturizing and doing the roller sets but I dont think I am getting much may be to soon to tell..but I am still optimistic...
Much the same as many of you here...

I haven't rollerset in almost a month which is unheard of for me. No money has meant no visits to the salon either so - curls have been the order of the day.

My hair feels awesome, although I find airdrying has meant that my leave ins are of paramount importance to me. I can really feel the difference when I use one over the other so I'm working on perfecting which gives the best ( hair that is soft, no crunch, not sticky or coated feeling) result.

But my challenge was to really try to limit heat, not do to much to my hair and not relax until I planned to as well as take my vits. Everything but the vits has been going well. The vits have (again! my vits always suffer!) fallen to the wayside because they got lost in my move. I've found them, but not unpacked them so they are still the prodigal portion of my regime.

Getting back to them right after finishing unpackeing over thelong weekend. I did find my shake again though, and my blender, and that's holding down the fort - for now.

I'll post pics when I get my relaxer in early June - coming soon....

I can't wait to see how much growth will be visible, because it's not time for a trim this time around and based on how my roots look after coloring my hair roughly 5 weeks ago I seem to have about 3/4 of an inch in most places
a record for me.

Good Luck to all!
I think everything is going ok. I got my ends trimmed and I can still see the growth from my touch-up. I've been working out and drinking 64 oz of water each day. I'm also keeping my hair moisturized and ends oiled. Protective Styles all the way, with maybe a single braid in the back with hair added for a little length every now and then.
I'm doing ok. Going thru a shedding phase right now but no breakage. I've started doing more moisture trtments via the ponytail covered with plastic to keep moisture in but I dont' have a phonytail so I only do it at home. already embarrased myself by forgetting I had it on and going to pick up my son at school! I'm pretty sure I've got at least 1/2 an inch of new growth so far (beginning of my 6th wk) but might be more, hard to tell cause of waviness and how my hair was "lightly relaxed" last time. Fell off my vites for about a week but back on. working on exercise and eating right and trying not to worry about the shedding which seems to be pill related.
Well this has been one hectic month for me thus far. No weekly hotoil treatments or deep conditioners. I have been exercising regularly, drinking about a gallon a water a day, and rinsing daily. My hair is growing alot, I know, but I can't really say how much. This is due to the fact that my previous hair is underprocessed and it all blends together. I will venture to say that I have gained at least .5in though. In the beginning of the month, my wet ponytails would be sleek and remain that way all day. Now my wet ponytails are much more bulky and harder to smooth down. YAY for growing hair.

As far as my vitamins, I've been slacking because of my hectic work schedule. I'm usually on it, but have slipped to about 4-5 days a week. I plan on getting back on track starting NOW, cause everything is starting to slow down now.

Daily rinsing and conditioning has been helping my hair tremendously. I am now CONVINCED that I will be able to gain about 1in per month this summer using this method. The trick however is keeping the length I've gained. We'll see. Good luck ladies and continued success.
Joining this board three weeks ago was the best thing I ever did for my hair. Im still experimenting with products because Im new at this but I went through my collection and tossed all of the products with lousy ingredients that never did a dang thing for my hair anyhoo. I dropped a hot ton of dough at the beauty supply but it was worth it. Ive been washing weekly (used to go two weeks)and doing hot oil treatments before each wash. I oil my new growth, moisturize my hair, oil my ends, and roller set. During the week, when the roller set gets old, i do a braid out in the back and wear the front straight. I moisturized and oiled my ends daily. I take vitamins daily too. Thursday (5/22) I got a touch up and for the first time, I stressed the importance of no overlapping. I can honestly see about an inch of new growth! I will be keeping up with this regimen until my next touch up in July. Then I will try the daily rinsing/condit washes. God Bless all of you for your help.
It must be too soon to tell... but I had my touch-up four weeks ago and my hair still feels like it is newly relaxed. This even with washing my hair twice a week. I started my whole hair regimine four weeks ago too. It must be the Evening Primrose Oil (I heard that the MSM also softens new growth too, so I will be buying that soon). I would love to stretch out my relaxers. Let's see how I am feeling four weeks from now...

Hey Ladies,
I started on the 11th of May. I usually wash every day with braidouts or wear it curly. I roller set Sometimes but I do not have the art of it yet, but when I want it straight I just wrap it and when its dry I either use my curler on 2 to smooth the roots(today was my very first time in two weeks using thE curlers)-Proud of my self. I prefer the braidouts or just curly.

I wash twice a week, once with Pantene and the other with Motions Neutralizing to clean my hair from the daily conditioners. My conditioners vary depending on what my hair is screaming for. Oh yeah, I just recently started pre shampoo with pure coconut oil but usually do it with a hot oil treatment. My deep conditioner is Pantene Pro V deep fortifying conditioner and Olive oil. My proteins are Motions Silk, Aphogee Keratin, and sometimes the pro pac. Leave ins- honestly I have to many- Motions, Infusium 23, Aphogee, Parnevu Scalp Therapy, Nexxus Headress, oh and this one from Aussie that contains Tea Tree Oil. Oils I use Kemi, Parnevu-when my scalp is really itchy, smooth and shine, and coconut oil.

I am currently on a vitamin regime consisting of Nourishair, biotin, MSM, B5, B12, an a Multi all from GNC.

My hair was 10 inches in the back and 7 in the front on 11th of May. I will measure on the 11th of June to see the growth.
