Summer Challenge Bi weekly Check #3

LOL @ CH....

Way to go on those pounds chica! I know you can do it.

NOW BREAK OU THE VITS! I will if you will....
Well, I've been doing good..I'm glad you post these checks to remind me..

I've been washing once a week (that's all I can do right now), but deep conditioning and using hot oil treatments faithfully, as I always do..I will try to add a conditioner wash in there soon and start airdrying..I will do that next week.

I've skipped my vitamins a few days, but I've been taking the iron pills that I desperately need. But I'll be picking back up on that..(I take GNC ultra mega for women and GNC nourishair in addition to the iron).

I've finally gotten into the habit of wearing protective styles 90% of the time..I'm doing them every day (a bun with chopsticks) that I don't even think about it anymore. I'm only going to wear my hair out on Saturday (because I'm going out with a group), but I have been a really good girl. I'm getting over the vanity of wearing my hair out. I am so proud of myself (can't you tell? LOL).

I'm still trying out the conditioners that I got from swapping. And I planned to purchase Lanza PP (I hope to be able to) but my PC is on the ruts, so I may not be able to as I have to pay for that..I guess in another two weeks, if not, oh well..It was a good shampoo tho')

I forgot to add that I have discovered the miracle that is S-Curl spray..
..This stuff is great. It keeps my buns looking so sleek and smooth and the hair so moisturized. It's great. Thanks Adrienne for this tip. I feel silly for being reluctant to try it. I was using the Pantene light conditioning spray and thought it was a good substitute..I see I was wrong..
Carmenrose... Last night i revisited the miracles in Scurl and i'm hooked (took me a while to learn how to use it)

Unfortunately i'm unable to exrecise any discipline when it comes to proetctive styling
So far, so good. I've been taking my vits religiously. I'm waiting for my PP Amino 1500 to arrive in the mail. One of the local & high end beauty supply stores in my area ordered the Micro Hair Cap for me so I can deep condition without having to "sit" under a dryer....I'm thrilled. Gonna deep condition once a week now starting today! I sold my Nordic Track stepper on ebay, so I can FINALLY pull my treadmill out and utilize it daily without gym hour restrictions. With the rain, I haven't been able to go to the track and park as much to run. There is room now for my ab bench as well. And, I just got a touch up after six months of new growth. I used Bantu mild this time. I need to measure my hair now. No complaints at the moment. My sister will be flat-twisting my hair tomorrow. I'm going to wear this style until I decide if I'm going to weave this summer or not. Thinking about braiding/flat-twisting instead this summer.
I am not sure about my challenge, somedays I think things are working great and other days I am discouraged...
I continue to wash at least two times a week, deep conditioning and keeping the hair moisturized. I have been doing rollersets mostly. One day I did a braid out and it came out pretty good.

Overall I think I am doing okay I just have to be patient.
Patience is a huge part of this challenge, and I need to develop some! I forgot to mention that since january I have consistently done conditioner washes 2x wk, shampoos every 1-2 wks and just worn my curly hair pinned-up and out the door. The other thing i'm going to change is washing once a week and go back to alternating between deep conditioning and protein conditioning every other week. i think i did it in jan & feb, then stopped. I have my Micro Cap Now! I've also gained 5 lbs since march leaving me at 122. It hasn't affected how my clothes fit in any way, but it's time to lose it and get my stomach back to washboard flat.
I need a hairbuddy so i'll have someone to stay on my case every few days and vice versa!!!!!!!! anyone down with that? i think it would work wonders for those of us who get discouraged easily or are just plain
What a wonderful idea Ebony

Oooo, I wanna "hair buddy" toooo
..... Sumbody wanna be my hair buddy?

(I love that lil weird lady graelin... she makes me laugh everytime I see her
Well tonight was revealing....

I washed and set my hair tonight to prepare for a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon touch up....

I've had the "I need a re-touch" blues. That much is clear to me. So rather than mope I used the bumps and reprints I got of my regime (thanks cuties!
) and jumped back on the wagon. Tonight I had a GREAT wash and set experience. Really really good. I did a pre oil treatment which I've re-added to my regime for good. I used a mix of oils and took a nap for 2-3 hours with oil in my hair. Then I washed once with Herbal Essences Clarifying Shampoo and once with Home Health Oliva Shampoo. I then applied Jherri Redding's Protein Pac Conditioner (a nice mildish protein conditioner) and let it sit with heat for 20 minutes. I let it sit another 10 without heat. Then I rinsed and followed with Pantene DMR. I used a new serum I found for the rollerset along with the Pantene daily strengthening leave in. I LOVED my results. My roots are definitely off the chain
but my hair is smooth and soft and really buttery - if I do say so myself.

This combo was written on an index card and will be used frequently for my rollersets. I am still going to airdry a lot this summer, but when I do rollersets THIS is a winning combo. I will test it to see if the results are consistent to make sure the products don't go hinky on me, but I really do feel that this was a little old mine I bumped into!

I like my hair again! Yay! The ups and downs a week can bring, eh?

P.S. I took my vits today. But no shake. My tummy's been upset this week.
Not from the shakes tho.
Well I do not know how much growth I ahve gotten becuase I ahve not worn my hair straight in about 3 or 4 weeks now. I have been doing conditioner washed ever 2 days and washing w/ shampoo once a week. I have been wearong braid outs but currently I am back in cornrows...I am eager to see how much growth I have when I relaxe in late July or early august!!!!
I started back with my vitamins this moring. I ave not beenr elaly consistant with them but I am gonna start back with them as of today.
I know I'm Late posting but here goes. I have not been consistent with any part of my plans but my hair hasn't seemed to notice. I can tell that my hair is seriously gaining some legnth. I am so excited. I am pretty certain I will get my 4 inches this summer. I have been somewhat more consistent with my daughters' regimines and their hair is really healthy and growing very well. People who haven't seen us in 3 or 4 months are looking at us like what's going on. They just can not get over our hair growth. Thank you ladies so much and I hope every one reaches their hair goals.
That sounds great Ginn! Now, I'm curious to know what you're doing to your daughter's hair to get those reactions.
I would love to get that reaction when I start school again in late August.
Well tonight was revealing....

I washed and set my hair tonight to prepare for a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon touch up....

I've had the "I need a re-touch" blues. That much is clear to me. So rather than mope I used the bumps and reprints I got of my regime (thanks cuties!
) and jumped back on the wagon. Tonight I had a GREAT wash and set experience. Really really good. I did a pre oil treatment which I've re-added to my regime for good. I used a mix of oils and took a nap for 2-3 hours with oil in my hair. Then I washed once with Herbal Essences Clarifying Shampoo and once with Home Health Oliva Shampoo. I then applied Jherri Redding's Protein Pac Conditioner (a nice mildish protein conditioner) and let it sit with heat for 20 minutes. I let it sit another 10 without heat. Then I rinsed and followed with Pantene DMR. I used a new serum I found for the rollerset along with the Pantene daily strengthening leave in. I LOVED my results. My roots are definitely off the chain
but my hair is smooth and soft and really buttery - if I do say so myself.

This combo was written on an index card and will be used frequently for my rollersets. I am still going to airdry a lot this summer, but when I do rollersets THIS is a winning combo. I will test it to see if the results are consistent to make sure the products don't go hinky on me, but I really do feel that this was a little old mine I bumped into!

I like my hair again! Yay! The ups and downs a week can bring, eh?

P.S. I took my vits today. But no shake. My tummy's been upset this week.
Not from the shakes tho.

[/ QUOTE ] question, when you do a pre treatment doesn't the shampoo just wash it out? it seems kind of counter productive. could you explain?
The oil is washed out, but no IMO it's not counterprodcutive. You retain the benefits of the oil treatment by using a mild shampoo (mine are mild and I dilute them) and washing only once or twice.

It adds pliability even tho the oil doesn't stay hanging out on the hair. The time it's left on (for me 2 hours to overnight) allows the hair to soak up as much oil as it wants and then you wash off what it's didn't absorb. It's pretty common practice. Great for imroving elasticity.

Try it!
What a wonderful idea Ebony

Oooo, I wanna "hair buddy" toooo
..... Sumbody wanna be my hair buddy?

(I love that lil weird lady graelin... she makes me laugh everytime I see her

[/ QUOTE ]

i'll be your hair buddy, peachtree!!! as if you need any help!!!

as for me, my hair is doing well. i have been able to stretch out my touch-up time ( i used to be a 6-week fanatic, thinking that my hair was "unmanageable"). right now, i'm at week 8 or 9. but my hair (new growth included) is soft and silky. i think i've got about 1 inch or so of new growth. everyone is noticing that my hair is longer.

as for my regimine, i still don't seem to take my vits or drink my water on the weekends...only at my desk. i only have time to wash once per week, but i have incorporated the olive oil/honey pretreatment faithfullly. it's done wonders. i blowdryed once (i know, i know
) but other than that no heat (except if i need to use my bonnet dryer in the morning to finish off my flexirods). no exercising, but i'm gonna start soon. i still haven't found a leave-in ( the local bss didn't have the keracare one. did someone say they sell it at walmart?). all in all, a pretty good month...with room for improvement. i will be trying to schedule a touch-up next week.
i'll be your hair buddy, peachtree!!! as if you need any help!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

thannnnnx D
. I'm happy that you're my buddy
... girl, we gotta keep eachother encouraged, ok? BTW, yes, I "DO" need help...PLENTY!!! It's really easy for me to slap on tons of S-Curl + my Smooth N' Shine (non alcoholic) get, put my hair in a bun, &
leave it in that same bun for 10 days
. (every few days I do re-moisturize the length portion tho
...) BUT....when I take it down to wash, it's sooooo soft & moisturized. THIS IS A GREAT "LAZY" TECHNIQUE
Well, the last few weeks have been really discouraging for me. I'm going thru some strange shedding phase and I leave hair everywhere! I have to clean out my comb about 3 times when I do my hair and rinse the shower walls and floor after each shampoo cause it looks like someone tried to wash thier dog in it afterwards! I really keep expecting to find bald spots but thankfullly none. I've been told that the likely suspect was my newest birth control so I'm not happy about that. thankfull, it seems to be lightening up. growth rate wise, I was concerned at first cause I couldnt tell if I was getting a good amount after my touch up but I think that was because she really "texturized" it and I couldnt tell the new growth barely from the relaxed cause it's all wavy. its only now that its been 7 wks that I can tell from the fatter waves. I'm wondering if I'm going to make it to 12-13 wks like last time cause its thick! then again...I said that last time also! I've encorporated aloe vera into my spray mix and I love it! (thanks Sherrylove!) I also have been using profectiv root health more cause my roots are so thick and out of curiosity I recently added my oils to a separated amount of root health (a little of healthier hair in a bottle, castor oil, and hemp seed oil) mixed it up and put it on my roots then massaged my scalp. I've begun adding oils to everything!
i'll be your hair buddy, peachtree!!! as if you need any help!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

thannnnnx D
. I'm happy that you're my buddy
... girl, we gotta keep eachother encouraged, ok? BTW, yes, I "DO" need help...PLENTY!!! It's really easy for me to slap on tons of S-Curl + my Smooth N' Shine (non alcoholic) gel, put my hair in a bun, &
leave it in that same bun for 10 days
. (every few days I do re-moisturize the length portion tho
...) BUT....when I take it down to wash, it's sooooo soft & moisturized. THIS IS A GREAT "LAZY" TECHNIQUE

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