Summer Bun Challenge

I will join you ladies and bun until October. I will go hard at the gold level and bun daily. I plan to take it down nightly and moisturize. Sent from my iPad using LHCF
I didn't wear a bun today because I did a curl former set last night. It didn't really work though and I ended up with a Lisa McDowell look (not that she wasn't gorgeous)

Since there were thunderstorms today, and I exercised and sweat a lot, I gave up on the curls and cowashed, and it's back to bunning tomorrow.
[USER=364529]Dilettante[/USER];20315683 said:
Are you ladies redoing your buns everyday?

I've been wearing buns 5 days a week for the past month or so, but I always take them down at night and sleep in braids or something. I'm just now realizing how much manipulation this is (still better than my 24 hour wash and goes though).

I take my bun down everyday and redo it.

I like the look of a low bun better, but it's not comfortable to sleep in, so I reposition it at night to the top of my head.

Plus my hair is so fine that it seriously can't hold a style. It looks messy by the morning anyway.
After my cowash last night, I finger combed, moisturized and sealed with Carol's Daughter and put in one braid.

This morning I'm back in my bun. There's a family reunion this weekend, and I already finished my mandatory 3 days so it could be a wash and go weekend for me.
I'm still rocking my braided bun, this week will make 4wks and I have to admit I look a hot mess. The plan was to take my hair down do a deep treatment and bun. But I'm feeling lazy after spending 9 days on beach, ha! Get it together Firstborn, get it together.
Im so not winning with the buns this week.

I did finger coils in my hair on sunday and its just getting bigger and fluffier each day.
every morning I just cant bare to put it up ... :cry2:
Im so not winning with the buns this week.

I did finger coils in my hair on sunday and its just getting bigger and fluffier each day.
every morning I just cant bare to put it up ... :cry2:

I bet it looks cute. There's no problem to taking a break.
Rozlewis is ghe Green House Effect? What is that? I see it mentioned here but I've never actually learned what it is & how it helps hair.


Yes, GHE = Green House Effect. Since I am so far in my stretch it helps for me to keep my new growth moisturized and the GHE helps me to do that.

Here is some information that describes what it is:

The GHE creates a nice warm, steamy, tropical environment for your hair to grow in. It helps to produce more Sebum on your scalp which is your body’s natural oil, which will help nourish your hair and help it grow. The focus of the GHE is to allow the natural oil (sebum) to help grow our hair and just let nature take it’s course. It is known to help with growth and moisture retention.

I massage my scalp with an oil such as olive, coconut, avocado, etc. I moisturize and seal my ends, put mohair in a loose pony and then I place a plastic cap on my head and go to sleep. In the morning my hair will be moist. I will seal in the moisture with a little oil and style my hair.

I hope that helps.
I take my bun down everyday and redo it.

I like the look of a low bun better, but it's not comfortable to sleep in, so I reposition it at night to the top of my head.

Plus my hair is so fine that it seriously can't hold a style. It looks messy by the morning anyway.

My hair is fine too. That's what made me worry about the manipulation. But I'm also style challenged so my buns never last very long!
Just washed my hair and redoing my twists. Going to wear a bun made with only an elastic cloth headband and a small banana clip. I'm going to tuck my ends within the banana clip, so no need for bobby pins.
back to the bunnaroo

I decided to wrap my bun in some marley hair so that I can go like 2 days without having to pull it down entirely. I have it in twists but I leave the front out so I can do different pompadours each day.

when I get home I'll just un pin the marley hair and baggy overnight (maybe re add some leave in if needed) but Im thinking my ends will be totally tucked away and moisturized .... Im excited.

Im only tracking progress on my bangs and got a little less than 0.5 inch between june and july :yay:
Checking in. I skipped the weekend, but washed yesterday and flat ironed today. My hair isn't really cooperating for some reason, but I managed to get a decent top bun going. Will re-do tomorrow.
When I started the challenge, I planned on going to the Dominicans next week for a wash and set and a trim. But I decided to skip this trim, skip this straighten, and skip the $25 because my hair is growing, and another stylist told me that my ends look great.

She also said the single strand knots are not a big deal, and to keep using leave in conditioner to prevent them. When my ends start feeling dry, that's when it's time to trim.

Looking at Terri LaFlesh's blog and seeing that she hasn't had a trim in 11 years, and you get a new head of hair every 6 years anyway, there's no need to cut if you don't do anything damaging.
I finally took my hair down after 5weeks in a bun. so far I've only finger detangled and the amount of shedded hair I've lost is scary, it's literally a fist full of hair. I'm wondering should I be concerned? Also, I took my time and carefully separated the hair before I finger detangling. I guess I feel like it was entirely to much lost hair.:sad:

ETA: But I can tell it's growing...Just wish I wasn't such a heavy shedder
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Another full week of bunning. I'm on track to continue through the summer. I feel like there has been some growth, but I won't really know until next month when I relax. My problem isn't really growth, but retention.
I finally took my hair down after 5weeks in a bun. so far I've only finger detangled and the amount of shedded hair I've lost is scary, it's literally a fist full of hair. I'm wondering should I be concerned? Also, I took my time and carefully separated the hair before I finger detangling. I guess I feel like it was entirely to much lost hair.:sad:

ETA: But I can tell it's growing...Just wish I wasn't such a heavy shedder

You did say it was 5 weeks. 100 strands a day for 7 days 5x is 3500.
That's what I kept telling myself but it still freaked me out, lol. I'm going to start black tea rinses again to see if that will at least slow it down some.
I have been alternating between buns and half-wigs for protection. I have fallen in love with high buns. They are improving more and more
Checking in. Been in buns mostly since the start of this challenge. Some weeks my 5 day buns turn into 7 days, but hey I get a little more bun benefits right. My hair is down for the weekend. Back to buns tomorrow
Checking in! Still bunning away at least 5 days/week (although lately it's been 6 days a week). I'm getting the itch to do a big high Marley bun...think I'm going to give it a try soon.
Checking in. Slacked a little last week, but will be back to at least 5 days this week, starting with today.
I know its too late to join but I've been bunning may hair every day since the end of April. I've mostly been doing the top knot bun with the occasional low bun. I will be monitoring this thread closely.
[USER=138341]NowIAmNappy[/USER];20364051 said:
I know its too late to join but I've been bunning may hair every day since the end of April. I've mostly been doing the top knot bun with the occasional low bun. I will be monitoring this thread closely.

It's never too late to join. You've been bunning all summer. Do you want me to put you on the challenge list?