Successful "The Rules" stories :)


Well-Known Member
I thought it would be inspiring to post stories of ladies here who have been successful following the rules. :D

It doesn't count if it happened by accident :lol:
I need a new copy. I got a copy of this book when it first came out. I am sure that they have updated it due to modern technology.
Well, I just went on a sixth date with a guy. He set up Date 7 already.

We've seen each other once a week for the past few weeks, and he asks me for the next date at the end of the one we just finished.

I'll keep y'all posted. :)
Well, I just went on a sixth date with a guy. He set up Date 7 already.

We've seen each other once a week for the past few weeks, and he asks me for the next date at the end of the one we just finished.

I'll keep y'all posted. :)

That sounds promising Bunny. Looking forward to your updates.
One thing from The Rules that I definitely believe in is always getting off the phone first and not being the last one to text. It sounds silly, but little things like that are cliffhangers and make the man want to know what's going on in your world.
Well, I just went on a sixth date with a guy. He set up Date 7 already.

We've seen each other once a week for the past few weeks, and he asks me for the next date at the end of the one we just finished.

I'll keep y'all posted. :)

that's great Bunny! Please keep up updated :D
We'll have date #3 this weekend. We've been talking about 2 weeks now (still new I know) and I'm yet to call him. He always calls me. He keeps telling me that I'm welcome to call him ANY time..gave me the house and cell numbers, but I'm yet to use either number.
And it's hard for me too, but I feel for now (in the beginning) it's best that I don't call. I'm sure I'll start calling him a few times, but for the most part I'll leave that up to him.
We'll have date #3 this weekend. We've been talking about 2 weeks now (still new I know) and I'm yet to call him. He always calls me. He keeps telling me that I'm welcome to call him ANY time..gave me the house and cell numbers, but I'm yet to use either number.

Yep, he does the majority of the calling too.

I've started to call a little more, but I think I've only called him on the phone unprompted like, three times since we met on April 18.

(I'm not counting the times I returned his phone call or me calling because I got lost on the way to the date site and needed directions, etc.)
Follwing "The Rules" to a "T" b/c I am starting to see a man's intentions b/f anything else transpires. Also, it helps when I am not wasting my time on men who are not interested sometimes.
Thanks for this thread Jewell... :)

My old "Rules Thread" is pretty big!! lol*

I would like to know more about whether or not people have found success with "The Rules" too because lately I'm torn. :confused:

On the one hand I KNOW that guys like the hunt/chase, and they need to feel like THEY were the ones who chose you...not the other way around. But the LONGER and longer I stay single, and the older I get, the more and more I wonder if perhaps I'm being a little TOO "rules girl". You know??

Like, most guys end up being my "friends". It's very rare that guys have the gall to actually step up to me. And the ones that actually DO give signs of interest, I'm not interested in them in the least! I've given a couple of guys a "chance", but in the end I just didn't feel fulfilled. :( I always felt like I was living a lie. :nono: That's no fun.

Maybe I'm too much of a hopeless romantic. Now that the guy friend that I was in love with is now dating someone else, I feel like I just want a brand new fresh start with a NEW guy, but I don't want just ANYBODY. I want to feel about him the way I felt with my guy friend! You know, your heart skips a beat whenever they're near, you feel the attraction between you two, you're actually EXCITED to be with them and talk to them...etc. You know what I mean??

Most of the guys that have liked me in the past have done NOTHING for me. Sorry! :nono: Am I doomed to end up with a guy that I'm not interested in, or only feel lukewarm about?? *sigh*

Sorry this wasn't a "success story" :lol: Lol...but I figured I needed to let this out.

I think I'm going to give guys a break at least until August like I promised. *sigh*
Thanks for this thread Jewell... :)

My old "Rules Thread" is pretty big!! lol*

I would like to know more about whether or not people have found success with "The Rules" too because lately I'm torn. :confused:

On the one hand I KNOW that guys like the hunt/chase, and they need to feel like THEY were the ones who chose you...not the other way around. But the LONGER and longer I stay single, and the older I get, the more and more I wonder if perhaps I'm being a little TOO "rules girl". You know??

Like, most guys end up being my "friends". It's very rare that guys have the gall to actually step up to me. And the ones that actually DO give signs of interest, I'm not interested in them in the least! I've given a couple of guys a "chance", but in the end I just didn't feel fulfilled. :( I always felt like I was living a lie. :nono: That's no fun.

Maybe I'm too much of a hopeless romantic. Now that the guy friend that I was in love with is now dating someone else, I feel like I just want a brand new fresh start with a NEW guy, but I don't want just ANYBODY. I want to feel about him the way I felt with my guy friend! You know, your heart skips a beat whenever they're near, you feel the attraction between you two, you're actually EXCITED to be with them and talk to them...etc. You know what I mean??

Most of the guys that have liked me in the past have done NOTHING for me. Sorry! :nono: Am I doomed to end up with a guy that I'm not interested in, or only feel lukewarm about?? *sigh*

Sorry this wasn't a "success story" :lol: Lol...but I figured I needed to let this out.

I think I'm going to give guys a break at least until August like I promised. *sigh*
Don't give up, girl! Have you read All The Rules, or just The Rules I? You gotta remember not to play therapist with these guys...that's how you end up in the "friend zone", lol. You must always be mysterious and elusive! Put on your cute outfit, go out, and be HAPPY!

At the same time, you have to realize that not every guy is Mr. Right and move on if he's not that interested. A Rules girl does not wait around!
Thanks for this thread Jewell... :)

My old "Rules Thread" is pretty big!! lol*

I would like to know more about whether or not people have found success with "The Rules" too because lately I'm torn. :confused:

On the one hand I KNOW that guys like the hunt/chase, and they need to feel like THEY were the ones who chose you...not the other way around. But the LONGER and longer I stay single, and the older I get, the more and more I wonder if perhaps I'm being a little TOO "rules girl". You know??

Like, most guys end up being my "friends". It's very rare that guys have the gall to actually step up to me. And the ones that actually DO give signs of interest, I'm not interested in them in the least! I've given a couple of guys a "chance", but in the end I just didn't feel fulfilled. :( I always felt like I was living a lie. :nono: That's no fun.

Maybe I'm too much of a hopeless romantic. Now that the guy friend that I was in love with is now dating someone else, I feel like I just want a brand new fresh start with a NEW guy, but I don't want just ANYBODY. I want to feel about him the way I felt with my guy friend! You know, your heart skips a beat whenever they're near, you feel the attraction between you two, you're actually EXCITED to be with them and talk to them...etc. You know what I mean??

Most of the guys that have liked me in the past have done NOTHING for me. Sorry! :nono: Am I doomed to end up with a guy that I'm not interested in, or only feel lukewarm about?? *sigh*

Sorry this wasn't a "success story" :lol: Lol...but I figured I needed to let this out.

I think I'm going to give guys a break at least until August like I promised. *sigh*

Hmmm... this is indeed a dilemma that I think many of us can relate to.

I like that you're giving the guys a chance, so that's good. :)

I guess the question is, are skipped heartbeats and butterflies the foundation in which to build a successful relationship?

One of my married female "advisors" said that the best relationships she sees are ones in which the man is smitten from the beginning and the woman has neutral-to-warm feelings. If the woman has a negative feeling after the first date or possibly more, then she should move on, but if it's neutral, she suggests sticking around for a little longer just to see. A man should work to win you over if he is truly interested, and a woman's heart is to be won by continued effort on the man's part.

Now when the woman is smitten and the guy is like, "she's cool," that's probably not a good sign, because the woman's emotions are going to take over her rational thinking. If both are smitten, that could be good, but it could cause a flameout of epic proportions because the couple will probably move way too fast and then eventually hit a brick wall.

So these guys who approach you... are they actively pursuing you? Also, I don't think it's a good idea to have guy friends that you're crushing on. I mean, it's normal to have a crush, but you probably need to distance yourself from them if your feelings are starting to go to a different level... then it will burn when you see them pursuing someone else.

All this to say simply that I guess you have to ask yourself what you are looking for in a relationship. I'm trying to look at the very long term -- like, is this guy husband material. Obviously, I WILL choose a man that I am attracted to and be in a situation where there are romantic feelings, but I don't expect that early on. I used to just drop a guy if that "chemistry" wasn't there early on, but I think I was judging men all wrong... focusing too much on romance and not enough on long-term compatibility.

Anyway, those are just my thoughts for now. :) Venting is okay! :)
Don't give up, girl! Have you read All The Rules, or just The Rules I? You gotta remember not to play therapist with these guys...that's how you end up in the "friend zone", lol. You must always be mysterious and elusive! Put on your cute outfit, go out, and be HAPPY!

At the same time, you have to realize that not every guy is Mr. Right and move on if he's not that interested. A Rules girl does not wait around!

Thanks Jade. :)

In answer to your questions...

Yep! I have "ALL the Rules"! :yep: I have read that book cover to cover at least twice. I skim over it some days when I need a "refresher course".

Lol @ "playing therapist". :lol: Actually, to tell you the truth, I think someone is playing a cruel joke on me. Because my scenario usually goes like this:

Scenario 1:
-I meet a guy
-I'm not attracted, but he's nice and seems cool
-He ends up calling me...we talk and talk and talk
-I tell him about my guy problems, he tells me about girl problems
-5 months or so down the road... the guy starts liking ME!!
-Meanwhile...I'm STILL not interested in him because (duh!) I've just spilled my guts to him like he's a little "girl friend" of mine! :shocked:

Scenario 2:
-I meet a guy
-I'm definitely attracted to him, but he seems lukewarm about me
-Sometimes he calls, sometimes I call just to get the ball rolling
-We never end up talking like "girl friends" on the phone, so that element of mystery and sexiness still remains in my eyes
-8 months down the line... I'm STILL attracted to him, but unsure as to where I stand with him! It drives me nuts, I end up getting jealous of other girls he's seeing, and meanwhile...he's probably just thinking: "we're friends". :barf:

Scenario 3:
-I meet a guy
-Guy is completely SMITTEN with me...meanwhile I'm either turned off by his personality, his OVER-eagerness, OR I just need more time to get to know him
-He drops little hints and pursues me, and I'm trying to "give him a chance".
-He moves too fast, and I try to slow him down
-He doesn't take the slowing down thing too well, so he eventually ends up acting like a pain in the butt, and meanwhile I'm getting more and more LESS interested in him in a romantic sense :-/

So...there you go!! It's really annoying. :(

It's funny, because the guys that I usually play "therapist" with end up liking me! But the guys that I actually like (the ones I would NEVER play "therapist" with) don't have this close "bond" with me from playing "therapist", so they don't end up liking me more down the line like the other guys.

:cry3: Oh...where am I going wrong??
Hmmm... this is indeed a dilemma that I think many of us can relate to.

I like that you're giving the guys a chance, so that's good. :)

I guess the question is, are skipped heartbeats and butterflies the foundation in which to build a successful relationship?

One of my married female "advisors" said that the best relationships she sees are ones in which the man is smitten from the beginning and the woman has neutral-to-warm feelings. If the woman has a negative feeling after the first date or possibly more, then she should move on, but if it's neutral, she suggests sticking around for a little longer just to see. A man should work to win you over if he is truly interested, and a woman's heart is to be won by continued effort on the man's part.

I completely agree with the bolded. :yep: My problem is, I very rarely find a guy that I have "neutral-warm" feelings about. It's either: I'm feeling you, or I'm not. You'r either in the "FRIEND" category, or you're in the "Potential bf" category. There's usually no guy for me that's just up in the air. :( Oh sorry...let me re-phrase that... there's usually no guy that's "SMITTEN" with me, but yet up in the air for me.

Now when the woman is smitten and the guy is like, "she's cool," that's probably not a good sign, because the woman's emotions are going to take over her rational thinking.

I whole-heartedly agree with this. :yep: This is where I made the mistake with my "guy friend". :nono: I was "smitten" with him when I thought he was interested in me. Maybe at some point in time he was kind of interested too, but since he already sensed that I was "smitten" with him, he didn't have to really lift a finger. I became "too easy". :nono: I vow never to be "smitten" with a guy again before he's "smitten" with me. OR...if I AM smitten, I surely won't show it until he proves to me that he's also smitten.

So these guys who approach you... are they actively pursuing you?

Yep...some are! To the point where it's actually annoying since I don't feel the same way. :(

Also, I don't think it's a good idea to have guy friends that you're crushing on. I mean, it's normal to have a crush, but you probably need to distance yourself from them if your feelings are starting to go to a different level... then it will burn when you see them pursuing someone else.
Well, to be honest...I've only had a major crush on ONE guy friend of mine. He's the one I talk about on this board (I'm sure) ad nauseum. He's the one I've learned a lot from. He is like my first "true love". :rolleyes: Other guys that are my guy friends are strictly "FRIENDS" on my end. But they always end up liking me because I just treat them like my "girl friends" and am completely myself with them. I talk to them about things I would NEVER tell a guy that I'm actually interested in! :shocked:

All this to say simply that I guess you have to ask yourself what you are looking for in a relationship. I'm trying to look at the very long term -- like, is this guy husband material. Obviously, I WILL choose a man that I am attracted to and be in a situation where there are romantic feelings, but I don't expect that early on.'re right. These are things I'm thinking about right now, because if I'm dating a guy seriously...then you best better believe that I have thought about marriage somewhere down the line. I don't just date any old guy. He has to be someone I could see myself bringing home to my family. Someone who makes me happy. Honestly, my guy friend (yes...the one I was head over heels for) DOES have a lot of the qualities I would like in a husband. He is hard-working, honest, strong and manly , yet also sensitive to my feelings, adventurous, musically-talented (like me!), smart, laid back, and handsome. :lick: But he also had some not-so-good qualities too, so he's not perfect. But I think this is why it's been so hard to get over him...he had a lot of qualities that I would like in a life-long partner. But I know it's possible to find this in another guy. I'll just have to be patient. :D

I used to just drop a guy if that "chemistry" wasn't there early on, but I think I was judging men all wrong... focusing too much on romance and not enough on long-term compatibility.
Hahah!! :rofl: Well...yea I have to admit I used to be this way, and I'm still kind of this way to this day. If the chemistry isn't there, I'm sorry...but there's very little a guy can do to make me see him as more than a friend. I'm not even just talking about good looks (even though, that helps!), but if he can't engage me in a good conversation, be witty AND quick on his feet, then I'm sorry...but he just won't do it for me.

But lately I've been giving guys chances that I wouldn't give ordinarily. Like for example, their looks didn't do anything for me, but they seemed nice. Well, I did that with two guys, and one guy I realized that his personality wasn't one I could deal with. And the other guy...well...I TRIED to make it work, but I just didn't feel anything for him in "that way". I always felt like I was living a lie. I didn't feel it was fair to him (or me) to continue seeing him when I knew that I was in love with someone else...AND didn't find him too appealing. :( Call me a bad person, but that was just how I felt at the moment!! We broke up in February. :-/
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I completely agree with the bolded. :yep: My problem is, I very rarely find a guy that I have "neutral-warm" feelings about. It's either: I'm feeling you, or I'm not. You'r either in the "FRIEND" category, or you're in the "Potential bf" category. There's usually no guy for me that's just up in the air. :( Oh sorry...let me re-phrase that... there's usually no guy that's "SMITTEN" with me, but yet up in the air for me.
I feel ya... this has really only started to happen for me VERY recently -- like in the last six months. I had to start meeting more people and some of these new people have been of the "smitten" persuasion.

I whole-heartedly agree with this. :yep: This is where I made the mistake with my "guy friend". :nono: I was "smitten" with him when I thought he was interested in me. Maybe at some point in time he was kind of interested too, but since he already sensed that I was "smitten" with him, he didn't have to really lift a finger. I became "too easy". :nono: I vow never to be "smitten" with a guy again before he's "smitten" with me. OR...if I AM smitten, I surely won't show it until he proves to me that he's also smitten.
Easier said than done! :lol: If you are smitten with a guy, keeping some distance would be VERY good... cause it's so easy to slip in his presence, ya know? Oh, and I know how it feels to be overly pursued by someone you aren't into. They get annoying, but you KNOW if it was the crush doing that, you'd just love it, ya know? :lol:

As for the guy friends, you definitely have a different experience from me! The "closer" we get in terms of conversation, the more stuck in the friend zone that I get! That's why I kinda separate my male friends/companions into A. Dudes I would neva eva eva get with in life and who probably aren't trying to get with me and B. Possibilities. I'll say whatever to the guys in group A, but I'm kinda mysterious and not-so-forthcoming with any men I think might have a chance.

Oh wait... thinking back, my first boyfriend was a "friend" whom I told everything and then suddenly he was interested. So maybe you are on to something... :)

But lately I've been giving guys chances that I wouldn't give ordinarily. Like for example, their looks didn't do anything for me, but they seemed nice. Well, I did that with two guys, and one guy I realized that his personality wasn't one I could deal with. And the other guy...well...I TRIED to make it work, but I just didn't feel anything for him in "that way". I always felt like I was living a lie. I didn't feel it was fair to him (or me) to continue seeing him when I knew that I was in love with someone else...AND didn't find him too appealing. :( Call me a bad person, but that was just how I felt at the moment!! We broke up in February. :-/

Well, with that first guy, I would have let him go too. I might be able to get past average looks, but if you can't hook me with the personality, then BYE! :wave: The second one sounds more vague, but my rule on that is as follows.

I ask myself after giving the dude a fair chance over a reasonable period of time, "How would I feel if So-and-So tried to kiss me?" If the answer is "EWWWWWWW!" then he has to go. If the answer is neutral, he could still have a chance...

Thanks so much for sharing! I think many of us can truly relate to what you're going through!
Thanks Jade. :)

In answer to your questions...

Yep! I have "ALL the Rules"! :yep: I have read that book cover to cover at least twice. I skim over it some days when I need a "refresher course".

Lol @ "playing therapist". :lol: Actually, to tell you the truth, I think someone is playing a cruel joke on me. Because my scenario usually goes like this:

Scenario 1:
-I meet a guy
-I'm not attracted, but he's nice and seems cool
-He ends up calling me...we talk and talk and talk
-I tell him about my guy problems, he tells me about girl problems
-5 months or so down the road... the guy starts liking ME!!
-Meanwhile...I'm STILL not interested in him because (duh!) I've just spilled my guts to him like he's a little "girl friend" of mine! :shocked:

Scenario 2:
-I meet a guy
-I'm definitely attracted to him, but he seems lukewarm about me
-Sometimes he calls, sometimes I call just to get the ball rolling
-We never end up talking like "girl friends" on the phone, so that element of mystery and sexiness still remains in my eyes
-8 months down the line... I'm STILL attracted to him, but unsure as to where I stand with him! It drives me nuts, I end up getting jealous of other girls he's seeing, and meanwhile...he's probably just thinking: "we're friends". :barf:

Scenario 3:
-I meet a guy
-Guy is completely SMITTEN with me...meanwhile I'm either turned off by his personality, his OVER-eagerness, OR I just need more time to get to know him
-He drops little hints and pursues me, and I'm trying to "give him a chance".
-He moves too fast, and I try to slow him down
-He doesn't take the slowing down thing too well, so he eventually ends up acting like a pain in the butt, and meanwhile I'm getting more and more LESS interested in him in a romantic sense :-/

So...there you go!! It's really annoying. :(

It's funny, because the guys that I usually play "therapist" with end up liking me! But the guys that I actually like (the ones I would NEVER play "therapist" with) don't have this close "bond" with me from playing "therapist", so they don't end up liking me more down the line like the other guys.

:cry3: Oh...where am I going wrong??
Girrrrrrrllll! LOLOL You haven't found Mr. Right yet!

Scenarios 1 and 3 just go to show you that it's easy to do The Rules with guys that you're not that interested in. And naturally they're crazy over you! Ellen and Sherrie warned us about this! Even though in Scenario 1 you "played therapist", you probably still gave off a slightly aloof, unavailable vibe, which made them want to pursue you. In scenario 3, what you considered "pain in the butt" behavior would probably have been absolutely adorable if you really DID like him!

Scenario 2 probably needs more detail for a better assessment, BUT...if he was lukewarm from the beginning, that's probably just what it is.
I've been wondering about the 'Rules' book. I think I'll get a copy. I've been chatting it up with this guy on match, and I'd love to start using the 'Rules' to see what happens. Thanks for starting this thread OP.
I'm glad someone else can relate! :) I was beginning to feel all alone in this. Like, is it ME?? Or... what is it?

I feel ya... this has really only started to happen for me VERY recently -- like in the last six months. I had to start meeting more people and some of these new people have been of the "smitten" persuasion.

Oh okay...whew!! So, there IS hope! :woot: LOL* Honestly, now that I'm moving on from my guy friend, and am trying to fall OUT of love with him, I've been noticing more and more guys. Before I would notice SOME guys that I found "appealing", but I always had the guy friend in the back of my mind. :look:

Easier said than done! :lol: If you are smitten with a guy, keeping some distance would be VERY good... cause it's so easy to slip in his presence, ya know? Oh, and I know how it feels to be overly pursued by someone you aren't into. They get annoying, but you KNOW if it was the crush doing that, you'd just love it, ya know? :lol:

OH me, this time I'm doing EVERYTHING differently! The next time I meet a guy that I'm REALLY attracted to, and has good qualities that I would want in a bf/husband, I'm going to play it cool. I was kind of elusive with the guy friend (I still am in some way) , but I would also do things that would "show my hand" too early. YOu know, it's hard to "fake it" when you're REALLY interested in someone. It usually ends up leaking out somehow...someway. lol! :giggle:

Oh wait... thinking back, my first boyfriend was a "friend" whom I told everything and then suddenly he was interested. So maybe you are on to something... :)
LOL!! Yep! :yep: I'm telling you, it almost never fails! See, the thing is...guys can't really be "friends" with a girl unless there is NO attraction whatsoever, or you're crazier than a loon. OR..unless he's gay. But if you're even half-way attractive, and have a measure of sanity, then he will always be thinking one thing deep down in the back of his mind. See, guys are really not that complicated. Even if (EVEN IF!) he didn't start out liking you "like that", eventually, the more and more a guy spends time with you, talks with you, helps you out with your problems, the more and more he will grow to like you. That's why a lot of women don't like their men spending TOO much off-time with female co-workers in the office, or so-called "female friends". :rolleyes: So, naturally...if you and a guy are always talking on the phone, and getting close, etc...there's only one way that relationship can go. Now, this may not be true in ALL cases, but this has usually been MY experience!

Well, with that first guy, I would have let him go too. I might be able to get past average looks, but if you can't hook me with the personality, then BYE! :wave: The second one sounds more vague, but my rule on that is as follows.

Yeah...the first guy...I'm not even sure why I gave him a chance. I didn't even like his personality. I couldn't even consider him a friend. Here he is getting mad at me for not going out with him the next night when we JUST got finished having a date. I'm thinking: "ummm...we're not even dating exclusively and you're showing your butt like this??" :nono:

I ask myself after giving the dude a fair chance over a reasonable period of time, "How would I feel if So-and-So tried to kiss me?" If the answer is "EWWWWWWW!" then he has to go. If the answer is neutral, he could still have a chance...

Haha!! Right! I do the same thing! :lol: The first guy...ewwww...I can't even imagine kissing him! :barf: The second guy (who I broke up with in Feb.) was alright. He just didn't have much going on up our conversations were MAJORLY boring!

I'm glad someone else understands what I've gone through.

I can see the future getting brighter though. :yep: :up: In fact, a friend of mine keeps swearing that this guy is interested in me. Now he is VERY fine :lick: , and I've always thought of him as nice-looking. But, even though someone is nice-looking, it doesn't mean that you will be automatically attracted to them. To be honest, anytime I've spoken with him he's always seemed to be getting by on his looks. Kind of ummmm....a himbo (lol!). Don't get me wrong...he IS fine!! But it just goes to show that sometimes looks aren't everything! But...who knows...I'll give him a chance. I won't be "smitten" like I was for my guy friend though. He was handsome, AND smart. ;) I was SO attracted to him. But maybe it will be best for me to be neutral/warm about a guy and see if HE has what it takes to impress ME! Because my days of trying to "impress" a guy are LONG since over! :lachen:
Girrrrrrrllll! LOLOL You haven't found Mr. Right yet!

Scenarios 1 and 3 just go to show you that it's easy to do The Rules with guys that you're not that interested in. And naturally they're crazy over you! Ellen and Sherrie warned us about this! Even though in Scenario 1 you "played therapist", you probably still gave off a slightly aloof, unavailable vibe, which made them want to pursue you. In scenario 3, what you considered "pain in the butt" behavior would probably have been absolutely adorable if you really DID like him!

Scenario 2 probably needs more detail for a better assessment, BUT...if he was lukewarm from the beginning, that's probably just what it is.

Yep! You're so right! Because if I actually LIKED the guy, his pursuing behavior would NOT be a pain in the butt you can guarantee that! :lol:

I just have to wait patiently for the "RIGHT" guy to come. One who not only likes me, but one who I also like as well. :yep: He's out there somewhere... I know I'll find him some day. ;)
Yep! You're so right! Because if I actually LIKED the guy, his pursuing behavior would NOT be a pain in the butt you can guarantee that! :lol:

I just have to wait patiently for the "RIGHT" guy to come. One who not only likes me, but one who I also like as well. :yep: He's out there somewhere... I know I'll find him some day. ;)
The law of attraction says you already found him!

It's been less than a week of applying TR and already they're working! I've been keeping my distance and already I'm getting the, "So, how have you been all this time?" questions.
Awesome! So, how's it going for you??
It's been going real well! Oh, I also read WMMB recently, so I've been kind of combining the two...I've been a 'Rules B***ch'! LOL

It's been great because I've been really occupying my time with other things and really keeping busy. I find that he's been contacting me more, and he's been acting MUCH nicer. So it's working!
One of my married female "advisors" said that the best relationships she sees are ones in which the man is smitten from the beginning and the woman has neutral-to-warm feelings. If the woman has a negative feeling after the first date or possibly more, then she should move on, but if it's neutral, she suggests sticking around for a little longer just to see. A man should work to win you over if he is truly interested, and a woman's heart is to be won by continued effort on the man's part.

Now when the woman is smitten and the guy is like, "she's cool," that's probably not a good sign, because the woman's emotions are going to take over her rational thinking. If both are smitten, that could be good, but it could cause a flameout of epic proportions because the couple will probably move way too fast and then eventually hit a brick wall.

I used to just drop a guy if that "chemistry" wasn't there early on, but I think I was judging men all wrong... focusing too much on romance and not enough on long-term compatibility.

ITA, especially with the bold. I could elaborate, but... Let's just say, I've seen evidence supporting these assertions. :giggle: