In a survey done by Today, which interviewed more than 7,000 moms from the United States, they found that on average, most moms would rate their stress levels at an 8.5 out of 10. According to the same study done by Today, almost half the mothers (46 percent) found that their husbands caused them more stress than their children did!
The study found that most mothers became stressed and irritated when they don’t have enough time in the day to perform all the tasks that needed to be done. Moreover, 75 percent of the participants stated that they did most of the parenting and household duties in the family.
And finally, researchers in that Today survey found that 1 in every 5 mothers said that a major source of daily stress was a lack of help from their significant other.
According to the University of Padova, these stress levels actually play a role later in life within the marriages as well as in health and longevity.
These researchers found that later in life when the wife passes away, the husband’s health tends to deteriorate while when a wife loses her husband she tends to become healthier and shows improvement in dealing with stress and depression.
While the researchers at the University of Padova were unable to come up with a deciding factor as to why this was the case, they speculated that the cause was because male partners relied more heavily on their female partners than vice versa.
An article done by Healthy Holistic Living revealed several tips that can bring partners closer together. If both spouses work full-time jobs, make sure there is a list of responsibilities that must be abided by. Simple congregation of duties such as splitting up who does what can relieve a lot of stress and get a lot more work done.
For instance, fathers can organize play dates, doctor appointments and deal with pick-up and drop off, while mothers can deal with homework duties and disciplining and reward. Nowdays with smartphones and tablets, couples can use a shared calendar app in order to keep one another accountable and up to date.