Straighten hair the natural way!


Active Member
Hey Guys, I came across this tip on one of the websites Mahaliee suggested from the paging hennaphiliac users forum. What do you think? I think this might be the natural relaxer that some Brazilian women use on their hair. (I read somewhere that some Brazilians use relaxers on their hair that they make themselves from homemade products)

I am defenitely going to order the lotus powder and try that on me. I will buy a doll that has afro textured hair and apply it to her hair and see how it works.I don't want my hair to be straight but I do wish more of my natural length would show. My hair shrinks about 50-60? percent, that's about half of it real length.

Anyhow this is the tip:
Straighten hair the natural way:

Squeeze matured coconut until the milk fills up a glass. Mix with lime juice. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator until the top becomes creamy. Use the cream to massage on scalp and hair, then wrap with a hot towel for 1 hour before rinsing. Repeat 3x a week. Your hair will gradually straighten

If anyone knows more about this, please let me know.
Wow! That sound so interesting, and CHEAP! I'm not really one for experimenting like that, but I'd really like toknow what the results are for my mom, she is natural. Is this change permanent??
HEy Camille,

I don't know if the reults are permanent but I am figuring you would need to do a retouch just like a relaxer since your roots would be growing. I don't think it would be harsh like a relaxer though since these are not chemicals.

I think lemon juice would burn though. By the way what is mutured coconut?...hmmmm. I am going to e-mail or call the website people and see if I can get more info in this natural relaxer. I will keep you posted.

I am planning on buying a doll with afro textured hair (if I can find one) and conducting this experiment on it first before I do any human beings, lol.
I order you to keep us posted on how this works!!!
I hate putting relaxers in my hair and I would love a natural solution so I hope this works! good looking out!
Hi, Janice she posted several websites...which one was this on? I'm ordering the Lotus powder...but this sounds interesting too. I wouldn't worry about testing it on 'humans'...none of the ingredients are chemicals, so there shouldn't be a problem. Could you re-post the link here? Thanks!
Hey Sweetcocoa, if you copy and paste this link it should take you exactly to that page.

On that page are like alot of hair tips. Scroll down till you where it says straighten hair the natural way.

You are right by the way these aren't chemicals so maybe I will try it. But I am going to defenitly try HennaJoy's lotus powder.
Hey Luvhair and Lucia,

Well right now my hair is currently in extensions so I guess I won't be trying it till another month.

I e-mailed HennaJoy regarding this conoction to straightening hair and she said the doll idea wouldn't work since the hair on the doll might be matted with some flame retardent chemical and I might not get the same results.

But she also said that if I did decide to do it that I could just use coconut milk that is sold in cans.

Besides I used to use cocunut milk in the past to mosturize my hair and would sit under a dryer or leave on overnight and my hair would come out extremely soft and shiny. If anyone trys this before me, please let me know how it goes.
Note: It is coconut milk and LIME juice. (not lemon in that recipe) LIME JUICE according to Indian ladies is supposed to stimulate growth as well as get rid of dandruff. It is also supposed to loosen the hair curl. I use lime essential oil and grapefruit essential oil in my homemade wildgrowth and it smells yummy. It covers the smell of all the other oils, even olive oil, castor oil or hemp oil. It feels so good on the scalp.
i think i might try this but i was wondering does anyone know the exact portions? like how much lime juice and what is a glass? also can i wash my hair after i use this mixture? or do i have to leave it in? and how long does it take before it straightens the hair, especially on 4a/b. Sorry so many questions but i wanna give it a try and I don't want to mess up.
All I'm really looking for is to keep the frizz under control. If nothing else I'll get very moisturized hair ...
and if my hair is really moisturized maybe it won't frizz....
Besides I heard coconut milk is very good for the hair...
I'm off to the store to buy my lime juice and coconut milk. I'm really loving these all natural remedies
Thanks Janice and Mahalialee for posting these links.
Where do they tell us exactly how much coconut milk and lime juice to use? 1 cup? 1/2 cup? I didn't see it anywhere...
No problem Seamist.

Jazzygirl- Look at the ling Jazz Angel posted that gives a differnet kind of recipie and gives measurements. But the main ingredient seems to be milk.And this one says that it is supposed to last until your last washing. Sure beats the heat from a hotcomb. It says it will leave it straight and silky.

Hmmmmm, looks like I might be on to something new. Apparently my curosity led me to do a search engine on straightening hair with milk, and interesting enough I found a whole bunch of sites regardijng this. Man if I only knew this a long time ago. I need to do more research on this and see if it works for all hair types.
I think it has to do with the acid that is found in milk, specifically lactic acid. I know Mahalialee was discussing on the henna thread about adding papain? to her regimen to try and stretch her curl pattern some more. It has an acid in it also. Lime juice is acidic. So it seems that any product with acid in it is also used in conjunction with a moisturizing product to balance the too harsh acidic effect.

I also believe that it is the protein that is in milk as well. Do you plan on trying it?
On the Phyto website they claim that egg and soy protein can relax hair naturally. This is a natural hair relaxer they are marketing. Here is the link: Egg and Soy Natural Relaxer The price is over $43.00
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I also believe that it is the protein that is in milk as well. Do you plan on trying it?

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Yes I am. I believe protein has a relaxer effect as well. Henna is a milder form of protein and it does loosen the hairs pattern
In notice that alot of those natural relaxers that comes in kits tend to contain no-lye even though they claim not to contain any lye. I believe Naturalexer,Bodiphier, alike(don't quote me though). That's why I tend to stay away from anything natural in a kit.
Seamist please let me know how your results go. I am a 4a so I want to know if it would have the same effects. Too bad my hair is in extensions though. I just put in an order for HennaJoy's Lots powder.
I agree with you totally. I posted that link because I thougt it was interesting that they included soy protein and eggs in their product. We just finished saying that protein has a relaxer effect, and milk, soy and eggs are definately protein products
I wonder if the milk has the potential to straighten permanantly?

It would be nice to know that you can get a looser effect temporarily but I am not sure I want to loose my curl. I like poofy hair.

Plus somehow I don't think the coconut milk has alot of protein. Does anyone have any right now? If anything this should be more moisturising.

I wonder if the Coconut Cream in the can is as good?
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JazzAngel said:
Plus somehow I don't think the coconut milk has alot of protein. Does anyone have any right now? If anything this should be more moisturising.

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One 8oz can of coconut milk has 4.5g of protein. It derive most of its calories from fat-48g

Please don't ask how I know...I am just sick like that
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carrie said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
JazzAngel said:
Plus somehow I don't think the coconut milk has alot of protein. Does anyone have any right now? If anything this should be more moisturising.

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One 8oz can of coconut milk has 4.5g of protein. It derive most of its calories from fat-48g

Please don't ask how I know...I am just sick like that

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Kool! So my next question is: Is that sufficent protein to make a drastic change in either conditioning or even straightening?

Where are the LHC chemists?
I'm gonna try this also....
You can get both(lime juice and coconut milk...creme if I can find it) at the supermarket...