Straight frontin'

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Some time ago I was fronting to my friends that my hair was long (low ponytail reaching bet. APL and BSL+). I remember the stylist who applied the hair said that my hair's length wasn't too far away from the length of the weave. In any case I pretended the hair was mine and people/friends believed it. But when they wanted to style my hair I was like :nono: all nervous LOL.

Now that I'm going to see them again during the Summer I want my hair to BE that length just in case they are less forgiving and dive into my hair to check for tracks. I am on a mission. Where is my MN!!!!

Has anyone else ever done this...come on, don't leave me here alone.
I've never done this and I don't mean to laugh but that is funny. I know people who do, but the messed up part is, it's obvious its a But if your's is believable...then do ya thang.

But, I would say, just start protective styling and get yourself some BT and keep those ends moisturized. If you are as close as you say you are, you should be there by the summer.
:ohwell: No, I tell someone if it's a weave, wig or yakyremyvelvet ponytail. But, ughhh I have been hiding my hair from my family so they don't know how long my hair really is mom keeps commenting that is should be down my back by now. The same goes for work because I haven't worn my real hair out and down since January of 2007. When I reach APL or BSL I'll give her free again...until then I'm in my trusted buns or braids.
Some time ago I was fronting to my friends that my hair was long (low ponytail reaching bet. APL and BSL+). I remember the stylist who applied the hair said that my hair's length wasn't too far away from the length of the weave. In any case I pretended the hair was mine and people/friends believed it. But when they wanted to style my hair I was like :nono: all nervous LOL.

Now that I'm going to see them again during the Summer I want my hair to BE that length just in case they are less forgiving and dive into my hair to check for tracks. I am on a mission. Where is my MN!!!!

Has anyone else ever done this...come on, don't leave me here alone.

I remember when I first found out about lfs, I didn't want anyone to know if it was one or not. I have two at home, one I messed up and one that is just sitting on my dresser because it is too much up keep for me anyway.

Well, some time has passed and my hair is a little below APL so now when I wear wigs, it doesn't even phase me if people know or not. I have a head full of thick, healthy, long hair under the wig so I could care less if someone is like, "Ha, ha. She's wearing a wig." Even though it looks like a quick weave.

My point is: When you get to the point in your hair care that you know that your hair is healthy, thick and you are inching closer and closer to your hair goals every months, then your friends will be an after thought. Having said that, it still doesn't mean I didn't use MN and pass some tubes and a good sulfur mixture my way too!:lachen:
I've only worn tracks once - and I had 3 sewn in for about 5 wks b/c I was going to Vegas for the first time and wanted to be extra glamorous. :lachen: Anyway- I was semi embarassed about the whole situation to be honest, and when all the yt people at work that didn't see me regularily were like "Your hair got soooo long"!" I didn't know what to say so I'd just mumble something and escape. So I guess it was a lie by omission....I don't think it's always necessary to go out of your way to let someone know it's not all you -- but I also agree that when you know your own hair is thick and healthy ( just perhaps not as long as you'd like ) it's much easier to tell people the weave isn't you.
:lachen:lol yeah I'm wit ya before I joined this forum I always had a weave and everybody thought it was mine and I always had hands in my head:look: but somehow I escaped the weave checks but now I don't have to front because I know my hair is growing and I am proud to show it off but good luck gurl I remember dem days
Oh helz to the nawl! lol No I won't lie about hair but I might lie to save my ***. No need for frontin it aint nothing but hair.
No but girl, your story is funny as heck!:lachen:
What she just said:lachen:

whole situation to be honest, and when all the yt people at work that didn't see me regularily were like "Your hair got soooo long"!" I didn't know what to say so I'd just mumble something and escape. So I guess it was a lie by omission....

They are soooo nosy when it comes to our hair!
I've only worn tracks once - and I had 3 sewn in for about 5 wks b/c I was going to Vegas for the first time and wanted to be extra glamorous. :lachen: Anyway- I was semi embarassed about the whole situation to be honest, and when all the yt people at work that didn't see me regularily were like "Your hair got soooo long"!" I didn't know what to say so I'd just mumble something and escape. So I guess it was a lie by omission....I don't think it's always necessary to go out of your way to let someone know it's not all you -- but I also agree that when you know your own hair is thick and healthy ( just perhaps not as long as you'd like ) it's much easier to tell people the weave isn't you.

:lachen:GOTZ TO BE MORE CAREFUL :lachen:

This was happening to me at work and at church for a good two weeks after I got some tracks sewn in for the All-Star game. I just felt so bad. I finally gave up and started telling people it wasn't me. One girl was like "your hair is getting so long...what do you do" and I just shook my head like :nono:.....:lachen:
I'm dying reading these responses :lachen:

I'm not sweating it much because I believe in my length now (I believe, I believe, I believe!). BUT with the weave it was also thicker I'm sure (this was years ago at least 3- but I've only been taking care of my hair since the end of 06). I had I think 3 tracks or so but in the back so it was a very low, low ponytail. I NEVER volunteered info about the hair but if they commented I just smiled LOL. I wish I could remember exactly the length though.

The first time I had a weave was in 2000 and it was da bomb! When I look at those pictures today I think I can take that weave now!

6 months to grow another 3 inches or more...

Thanks for the laugh ladies...
Wow I've never done that...

Why would you? Did you want them to think your hair grew fast?

Just take the weave out and say you got a haircut. Then when your hair grows it'll actually grow without having to fool anybody. Personally when I meet people in denial trying to convince me a weave is theirs it irritates me, like We both know its fake, so why are you playing the masquerade trying to convince me otherwise?

But hey, if it is convincing, and you don't have to convince people, and they automatically believe you, then they're none the wiser and you pulled it off. Just wait for your hair to catch up and take the weave out so nobody catches you in the long run. Cause one things for sure, girls are unforgiving when they find out about a secret weave that was lied about:lachen:
Well since you have been lying all this time...

Why stop now? :rolleyes:

Continue to lie and tell them you got your hair cut.

Make sure you don't forget your lies either.
****Raised Hand*****:lachen:

I've done it! Before I started taking care of my hair, I use to always hide behind weaves. Most people just assumed it was my hair, those that asked I told them "yup, its my hair"...thinking all the while "I paid for it, didnt I".

I wouldn't do that now though because I have put too much time and money into my hair and I'm proud of what I have. But that's the difference before I was spending my time in money on getting my weave tight, so it had better look real!:lachen: Now Im investing all of that into something that is REAL!

But, hey if you dont wanna come like the other ladies suggested and tell they you got a hair cut!
Personally when I meet people in denial trying to convince me a weave is theirs it irritates me,
It's irritating to me as well. It makes me think the person thinks I'm a idiot. I hate to have my intelligence insulted.
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i'm guilty!

I ain't gon lie....I've let the guy i currently like, believe my apl tracks are my real hair. He was just so in awe of my length, that I just couldn't tell him that my real hair looked like:clown:. lol

To this day i still front like it's my real hair to him. i'm always doing different styles with those tracks and he loves it.

him: so what are u doing to ur hair next week
me: "oh i don't know yet. maybe i'll curl it"
him: "oh next time i see u you're hair's gonna be flowing right"

ONLY to him tho. Everyone else i'll tell the truth to. :lachen:
i'm guilty!

I ain't gon lie....I've let the guy i currently like, believe my apl tracks are my real hair. He was just so in awe of my length, that I just couldn't tell him that my real hair looked like:clown:. lol

To this day i still front like it's my real hair to him. i'm always doing different styles with those tracks and he loves it.

him: so what are u doing to ur hair next week
me: "oh i don't know yet. maybe i'll curl it"
him: "oh next time i see u you're hair's gonna be flowing right"

ONLY to him tho. Everyone else i'll tell the truth to. :lachen:


I've done this too...but the jig was up when we got a little close:lachen::look:
i'm guilty!

I ain't gon lie....I've let the guy i currently like, believe my apl tracks are my real hair. He was just so in awe of my length, that I just couldn't tell him that my real hair looked like:clown:. lol

:lachen:That is hilarious! Girl you betta watch out, you know how touchy feely guys are. One day he might try running his hand all up in your hair, you don't want him feeling a track and then give you the screwface:look:.
you don't want him feeling a track and then give you the screwface:look:.

:lachen::lachen:...and then we both hear those crickets in the background.....:look:

yea i've been preparing myself for that day lol
Taino, I'm rooting for you! I can so relate. :yep: I never lied about a weave, but there was once a time when I lied about some tracks that I would wear on my head like a phony pony. MOST people thought it was real and it looked nice on me. It always just seemed to me that the people who wanted to bring up that it was fake were hating. :yep: Why did they feel the need to talk about it? They didn't want to copy it. They were just upset b/c it was like "common knowledge" to some that it was real. :lol:

I will admit that it was a little nerve racking at time, like when they wanted to bring it up in front of people or if they tried to rub their hands over my head to feel for tracks.

I think that I made a thread about this before. :yep: I will try to bump it if I can find it!

The next year, I found this site and today my hair is bra strap AND ALL MINE! I'm so proud of my real hair and I haven't worn fake hair since. :nono: I would be too afraid that someone would feel tracks or smthg and then they would NEVER believe that my hair was mine. :lol:

So, Taino, if you need any assistance or support I'm here for you.
I finally found the thread where I confessed! It took me a few hours b/c I originally posted it in the OT forum and I was looking in the Hair forum. Other people "came out" in the thread too. :lol:

You are not alone. Ladies who can't understand why someone would lie, you have to understand that some women are really vocal and try to call you out on it to bring you down to their level so to speak. They know that beautiful hair, beautiful body parts, etc. are power. :yep: If they can show that you bought it and that for 19.99 everyone else can have it too, you lose some of that power in their minds. I don't really know how to explain it. :ohwell:
i'm guilty!

I ain't gon lie....I've let the guy i currently like, believe my apl tracks are my real hair. He was just so in awe of my length, that I just couldn't tell him that my real hair looked like:clown:. lol

To this day i still front like it's my real hair to him. i'm always doing different styles with those tracks and he loves it.

him: so what are u doing to ur hair next week
me: "oh i don't know yet. maybe i'll curl it"
him: "oh next time i see u you're hair's gonna be flowing right"

ONLY to him tho. Everyone else i'll tell the truth to. :lachen:

LMao0o0o0o0o0o0o00o00o0o0o0! ROTFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL So funny:lachen::lachen: I damn near passed out Poochie
As someone once mentioned to me, perhaps it's because folks do not want to face their own hypocrisy or perpetrating?

I personally don't see the point in me wearing a weave for everyone else to KNOW it's a weave IMO. So while I never lied (because I was never asked), I never CORRECTED their assumption either LOL. The way I excuse the 'lying by omission' was to think that it was not my responsibility to correct their assumption.

Boy did I enjoy that hair!
As someone once mentioned to me, perhaps it's because folks do not want to face their own hypocrisy or perpetrating?

I personally don't see the point in me wearing a weave for everyone else to KNOW it's a weave IMO. So while I never lied (because I was never asked), I never CORRECTED their assumption either LOL. The way I excuse the 'lying by omission' was to think that it was not my responsibility to correct their assumption.

Boy did I enjoy that hair!

Totally agree w/the bolded.
As someone once mentioned to me, perhaps it's because folks do not want to face their own hypocrisy or perpetrating?

I personally don't see the point in me wearing a weave for everyone else to KNOW it's a weave IMO. So while I never lied (because I was never asked), I never CORRECTED their assumption either LOL. The way I excuse the 'lying by omission' was to think that it was not my responsibility to correct their assumption.

Boy did I enjoy that hair!

I agree.
If a close friend asked i would say aint mine, but anybody else its not their concern. If knobody asked then why anounce. and if you was feeling extra good about your hair , who cares, its not like people dont change their hair up. right?
I agree.
If a close friend asked i would say aint mine, but anybody else its not their concern. If knobody asked then why anounce. and if you was feeling extra good about your hair , who cares, its not like people dont change their hair up. right?

I agree w/this too! :yep: I've found that since my hair has reached armpit and now brastrap, I'm not so concerned about whether other people have weaves or not. :nono:
Very important. Goes to show when you feel good about YOU, HOW and WHAT other people do becomes really less and less important. Life.

However, let me throw this in, what about in the case where it's OBVIOUSLY a weave. One day you have twist and their necklength, stretched SL and the next day you have a long WL blonde weave. When it's that obvious people don't care either! Brings me back to the perpetrating and hypocrisy point. People don't like to be fooled or to be thought of as a fool :lachen:! Question is, why would you think I'm trying to fool you or think of you as a fool? Maybe I'm doing me and not even thinking about you.
after wearing my hair up for a year and never straightening it i decided to get a straight weave instead . my hair had grown almost to bsl in the back and apl at the sides and front but i had an incident and had to cut alot off. so when people saw my weave they thought it was all mine. and my weave was midback but i put it in a clip or bun. they were like dang girl i didnt know you had so much hair hidden in that bun and the likeness. i was like thanks.:pinocchio i felt so bad.