Stories of finding love later in life?


Active Member
I am 33 and with no prospects - not one - at present & I am wondering if I will be one of those who finds love later. I have not got kids either and really want them so get a bit down at times.

Anybody got any stories - your own personal ones or of women you know who found love later to cheer up us single women over 30 who want to be in a relationship!
Well, while I was home in Cleveland for a short visit, I had lunch with a couple of long time girlfriends. When I inquired about another mutual friend I was told that she had just remarried, moved to Texas and had another baby. This girl has always been brilliant and beautiful but her first husband was abusive and disgusting. I know you are probably thinking that this is not the same thing but it is. You see, she found LOVE in her second marriage and is finally living the life she deserves and that we all hope to see our girlfriends have.

BTW, my mommy married for the first time at 51.
There are a few ladies in my office who got married this year...both in their mid-forties. One.. I believe she met her DH when he delivered FedEx to the office. They started talking, then dating. They dated 4 years and got married in March.

The other lady... I can't remember how they met, but they dated about 2 years, he proposed on Christmas and they got married in February.

There's always hope!

As a mid-thirties single woman, I've got to believe love exists out there for all of the us. My advice continue to smile at the world with a good heart. He'll come.
I am in the same boat but i am still happy. i think sometimes when your life is cluttered with stuff its not a good time to bring someone in. i am now decluttering to make room for that special man. just about done the process.

i am in my late 30's and feel good. he's coming....yours is too!
I just got engaged on Saturday!! I'm 36 and have been dating a wonderful man for 7 months! We were strictly friends for 2 years before we started dating and now we're getting married! I always believed I would be married and never went out looking or searching. As a matter of fact I was single for the 2 years that we were friends I had no interest in him or anyone else. I stayed focused on school and my daughter then one day we both just realized how much we cared for each other and that it was deeper than platonic friends. This will be my first marriage and his 2nd.
33 is how old I was when I met my fiance. A little over a year later, we're getting married in October.
Well, while I was home in Cleveland for a short visit, I had lunch with a couple of long time girlfriends. When I inquired about another mutual friend I was told that she had just remarried, moved to Texas and had another baby. This girl has always been brilliant and beautiful but her first husband was abusive and disgusting. I know you are probably thinking that this is not the same thing but it is. You see, she found LOVE in her second marriage and is finally living the life she deserves and that we all hope to see our girlfriends have.

BTW, my mommy married for the first time at 51.

What a lovely story! And, I am happy for your Mommy too. :yep:
I just got engaged on Saturday!! I'm 36 and have been dating a wonderful man for 7 months! We were strictly friends for 2 years before we started dating and now we're getting married! I always believed I would be married and never went out looking or searching. As a matter of fact I was single for the 2 years that we were friends I had no interest in him or anyone else. I stayed focused on school and my daughter then one day we both just realized how much we cared for each other and that it was deeper than platonic friends. This will be my first marriage and his 2nd.

Congratulations. That is great news. It's wonderful to hear about men stepping up to the plate to let their real intentions known. I am coming to the conclusion that it doesn't take a man years to know if he wants to marry you or not. Most do know if you are the one in one year or less at times.
Congratulations. That is great news. It's wonderful to hear about men stepping up to the plate to let their real intentions known. I am coming to the conclusion that it doesn't take a man years to know if he wants to marry you or not. Most do know if you are the one in one year or less at times.

I'm hoping that by this time next year, I'll be telling the same story! :)

But I made it clear to myself when I started dating differently over the last year that I wasn't going to wait much longer than a year for a proposal. I made that clear to my current guy and he said that he is on the same page. He said he believes in a serious discussion in six months about the particulars of us getting married, so a proposal a few months after that would not be a surprise.

When men know, they KNOW!
I have a couple of friends who recently got married in their mid thirties. They seriously dated for about 1 to 1.5 years and now they are married. HTH.

Not trying to be funny, but I was at a convention and came across a woman who was proud to say she got married for the first time at the age of 80...Now make of that what you will, but it was definitley news you don't hear everday...
I just got engaged on Saturday!! I'm 36 and have been dating a wonderful man for 7 months! We were strictly friends for 2 years before we started dating and now we're getting married! I always believed I would be married and never went out looking or searching. As a matter of fact I was single for the 2 years that we were friends I had no interest in him or anyone else. I stayed focused on school and my daughter then one day we both just realized how much we cared for each other and that it was deeper than platonic friends. This will be my first marriage and his 2nd.

That's a nice story - where did you meet?
33 is how old I was when I met my fiance. A little over a year later, we're getting married in October.

My age! So where did you guys meet? I always want to know this because I never seem to meet them anywhere other than clubs.:ohwell:
Getting married next year at 34 (Like Miss HairDiva). Met him when I was about 29. I wasn't looking for him AT ALL. I was just out of an unhealthy relationship and was reveling in my freedom and feeling so proud that I got out. When my now fiancee showed up, I gave him a hard time, but he was persistent.
My age! So where did you guys meet? I always want to know this because I never seem to meet them anywhere other than clubs.:ohwell:

We met online. Myspace, actually (never would have thought!). It was tough for me meeting guys in real life too, because I work in a small, mostly female workplace. I'd sometimes meet someone in a coffee shop, but it was a little random--and I hated meeting guys at clubs and parties.
That's a nice story - where did you meet?
We were stationed at the same base. So I would see him around, we would joke and laugh all the time and hang out occasionally. He moved first and we kept in touch and then I moved and he visited me and my daughter.
A co-worker of mine 38 never been married and looking for love was set-up by another co-worker. They dated for about 7 or 8 months, she got married in March and is expecting her first child in December. He was married previously and have two or three kids.

I'm 34 and I found love again with my high school sweetheart. Who knew that the past can sometimes be your future. OP my advice to you is try and stay positive, keep an open mind and love yourself wholeheartedly.
A family friend met her now fiance at the age of 60! She wasn't looking for a husband and was not interested in the man at first. But he was persisent and after getting to know him she really loves and respects him. This is her second marriage but her husband left her years ago.
I just got engaged on Saturday!! I'm 36 and have been dating a wonderful man for 7 months! We were strictly friends for 2 years before we started dating and now we're getting married! I always believed I would be married and never went out looking or searching. As a matter of fact I was single for the 2 years that we were friends I had no interest in him or anyone else. I stayed focused on school and my daughter then one day we both just realized how much we cared for each other and that it was deeper than platonic friends. This will be my first marriage and his 2nd.

Just wanted to say congrats!!! Such a nice story.
My mother has two coworkers (both in their 40's) who got married this year. I don't know the details of their relationships, but just know there is hope!
My friend Shannon in her mid 30's decided to finally participate in Single's group at church. When she walked in and Sat down. The man sitting next to her said that she was to be his wife. He never married and had no kids, I guess this was the sign he prayed for from God. They were married about 2 years ago.

A guy named Tony in his 40's moved back here from the Military and started participating in various church activities. There was a lady that was also in her 40's never been married and they hit it off and got married. It was beautiful. She stayed home to be a housewife for a while but they are wonderful together.

Last one, A lady named Bertha at our church was also in her 40's and met a man that moved to the church and got married quickly.

There is hope... I'd say stay out of the clubs to get a marrying guy. Church, community, online is great. My sister met her man there. The men that are serious will not date you more than 6 months - 1 year without a commitment. Your relatives and friends can also hook you up. I just got off the phone with a friend who is 37, she told me that one of the people she use to work with remembered her and hooked her up with his friend because she was nice. So far it's looking good!
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Mswoman, those are nice stories. I agree with every bit of your advice 100%, especially the part about not looking to find the marrying type in a club. :yep: Hey, anything could happen, but other methods usually produce better results!