This is a very interesting thread. Thought I'd add my two cents. I've dated men across a very broad spectrum in terms of class, wealth, education etc. And I've found my attitude in my dealings with them to be different based on our relationship dynamics. I've had low hourly wage earners happily spend their whole check on me and I've had 6 figure earners suggest we go Dutch.
My experiences tell me that a man's attitude towards ME matters more than his attitude towards women in general. My guy friends will brag to me about being able to get away with certain things from one chick that they wouldn't DARE with another. So I think how a man treats women is more about the women than the man.
I also grew up technically middle class. Some might say poor. I never ever felt poor. Both my parents instilled the importance and pride in being able to get my own. I never felt a lack. I asked for computers and telescopes and microscopes for Christmas and that's what I got. Idk if that's because my parents value education and wanted to foster my intellect or if they were just giving parents. As an adult, I learned of the extra shifts and seasonal second jobs which were acquired to fund my merry christmases. But I just thought my parents were hardworking genies as a kid.
Things my parents didn't value and wouldn't get me (like Barbie's dream house) they encouraged me to find a way to pay for myself. So I would collect cans and sell stuff and do odd jobs for money, save up, and buy things I wanted.
I think this gave me a very balanced attitude about money. I appreciate gifts. To some degree, I expect them. But whatever isn't given freely, I'm confident I can get myself.
In my adult relationships, this expresses itself in reciprocity. Men who feel comfortable asking me to go Dutch I feel equally comfortable asking him to take me to a place he can afford to treat me.
More often than not, I don't get attached to such men, because they can't match my lifestyle.
It's not a matter of I earn more therefore I'm out of his league, but rather it's a clear mismatch of personalities and values and why cause ourselves unnecessary trouble? More often than not I hear of the incessant headaches that earning more than a man sprouts. And I honestly feel women who are high earners tend to be more educated, more ambitious, and more appreciative of the finer things of life. A man who doesn't work for those things doesn't value them enough to. There's usually a fundamental mismatch.
All that being said, I see what OP said in many of my close acquaintances and it baffles me. I expect a lot of others because I expect a lot from myself. I am ambitious and get along best with other ambitious people. I have nothing to prove to anyone. And I am not ever a burden. Well, maybe I am but I'd be hard pressed to believe it.
I am a blessing to everyone who has the pleasure to share my air and I tend to attract people who are profound blessings to me. I expect the best out of life and overwhelmingly get it. Why the heck would I settle for or be attracted to someone who does not or cannot offer me the very best???
**rant over** lol