Steve Harvey goes back to the Oprah show!!


Well-Known Member
If you want a mans perspective then ask Steve. I love his advice. You can submitt your questions pretaining to men and relationships at click on Steve Harvey. The show will be taped on March 12th Thursday.
Darn it I missed the first show with Steve on there... :sad:.. I am gonna try to remember to watch this when it comes on at 11pm....

If you want a mans perspective then ask Steve. I love his advice. You can submitt your questions pretaining to men and relationships at click on Steve Harvey. The show will be taped on March 12th Thursday.
Darn it I missed the first show with Steve on there... :sad:.. I am gonna try to remember to watch this when it comes on at 11pm....

Since you missed the first show---you can watch it here at this link!

One of our local radio stations, which airs the Steve Harvey Show added a video link to the interview with Oprah.

Scan about halfway down---to where it says..'Did you See Steve Harvey on Oprah'.

It's not that long---between 15 and 20 minutes!
Yes she does! That was awesome. I will be sure to watch the next time he is on Oprah.
He is fun to watch, but I aint buying no book. This is just common sense.

I will tape the show cause it looks as if it will be fun TV.

I'm :rolleyes: at Oprah and Gayle pretending that they aren't in a relationship with each other....
Ok, I know I sound shallow but I don't watch or listen to Steve Harvey because I don't like the way he looks, his mannerisms, or the way he talks. But it sounds like a lot of women are benefiting from what he says. But as a sexless/manless wonder, I'm somewhat indifferent.

I'm :rolleyes: at Oprah and Gayle pretending that they aren't in a relationship with each other....
Is that rumor about Oprah and Gayle still going around? They never gave off the gay vibe to me. They just seem like really good friends. Remind me of me and my bestie.

But I like watching him. I love how he tells women to use their intuition and set standards for themselves. There's a difference between intuition and paranoia and a lot of guys will try to act like its the same thing.... make you feel like you're being crazy when you're not.

His advice is wonderful for younger women like me! Love it!
He is fun to watch, but I aint buying no book. This is just common sense.

I will tape the show cause it looks as if it will be fun TV.

I'm :rolleyes: at Oprah and Gayle pretending that they aren't in a relationship with each other....

I can't bring myself to buy the book either. I wish it was common sense though for most women. Gayle looked like this :look: at the 90 day rule and the woman on the satellite wanted to know if her relationship was doomed because she had sex on the first date. Tons of women are in relationships with men who text them every other day, never take them out to the movies or dinner, and the women think they have a bf. So I really wish it was common sense but for a lot of women it's the fatherly advice they never got because they didn't have a father present or their father was a drunk/abuser/irresponsible, etc. The only problem I "think" I have with him is this 90 day cookie rule like that is such a looong time to wait. I don't think we should be encouraging young women to drop it like it's hot in 90 days, especially in light of the AIDs situation etc. And I can't imagine many good daddies telling their daughters to wait 90 days then go for it. Nothing wrong with encouraging women to wait for marriage or at least for a very serious relationship. But that's jmho:grin:.

Oh and lol @ Oprah and Gayle being a couple, I never got that feeling about them either. I think they are just two silly women who adore each other as friends.
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The only problem I "think" I have with him is this 90 day cookie rule like that is such a looong time to wait. I don't think we should be encouraging young women to drop it like it's hot in 90 days, especially in light of the AIDs situation etc. And I can't imagine many good daddies telling their daughters to wait 90 days then go for it. Nothing wrong with encouraging women to wait for marriage or at least for a very serious relationship. But that's jmho:grin:.

I have this issue with the 90 day rule also.

I don't people really "get" the meaning of this.

Some folks I've encountered seem to think that once you hit day 91 and dude is still around, then it's on and poppin'. There are men who will wait you out, and 90 days should be considered as a mininum, not as the cutoff point before sex is "okay."

What have you all been doing over the 90 day period? Were you doing everything but? Were you really getting to know each other, or did you only talk by phone/text for the first 30 days and then you saw each other once a week?

One couple's 90 days can be a whole lot different from another couple's 90 days. If you decide that you are going to wait for a while before becoming physical, don't look at the 90 days as a countdown, but as a mere minimum, I think you'll really benefit from the true purpose of that "rule."
^^^Yes, it should truly be the bare minimum. And while you will get rid of some riff raff over a 90 day period, I agree that a lot of men can wait for 90 days to get the cookie:yep: with no problem. I actually think 6 months should be the bare minimum. People need to focus on really getting to know each other and enjoy each other's company. And folks gotta be sure these men don't have any diseases. We would both have to go to the doctor together to have ourselves checked out. So ya'll gotta be real serious and communicating well to be like lets find a doctor so we can prove to each other that we are disease-free. I'm just sayin' and women really need to be more careful and love their bodies and health more.

ETA: I did want to reiterate that most of his advice is on point and very helpful. I loved on Oprah where he said that a man always has a plan for you and you better find out what it is. Also, again, I didn't read the book so uhm yeah I may be missing some of his points too :giggle:.
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^^^Yes, it should truly be the bare minimum. And while you will get rid of some riff raff over a 90 day period, I agree that a lot of men can wait for 90 days to get the cookie:yep: with no problem. I actually think 6 months should be the bare minimum. People need to focus on really getting to know each other and enjoy each other's company. And folks gotta be sure these men don't have any diseases. We would both have to go to the doctor together to have ourselves checked out. So ya'll gotta be real serious and communicating well to be like lets find a doctor so we can prove to each other that we are disease-free. I'm just sayin' and women really need to be more careful and love their bodies and health more.

ETA: I did want to reiterate that most of his advice is on point and very helpful. I loved on Oprah where he said that a man always has a plan for you and you better find out what it is. Also, again, I didn't read the book so uhm yeah I may be missing some of his points too :giggle:.

ITA with you and Bunny. To me I automatically thought "a minimum of" but I'm more than sure many women will see that as a countdown to d*ckdown :blush:.


@ the bolded- ITA again. I'm baffled when I hear women say they don't feel "comfortable" asking or demanding a man to get tested with them and share the results. What? Are you comfortable sharing a communicable disease? Are you comfortable reproducing with this man, and possibly spreading said diseases to your offspring? Yeah okay. :rolleyes:

If you're not at that stage of comfort with a guy, you should not be engaging. The stats are dire and real. And you'd be surprised how many ppl take birth control and therefore decide to forego condoms. I guess preventing pregnancy is all they care about.

Alright, but mess around with some of these STD's and you may never be able to get pregnant. No more worries about "accidents" and you can throw away the BC for life. SMH :nono:.
Ok, I'm going to play the devil's advocate here:

Aside from giving it up to a dude on the first or second date - why do WE as women act like the only reason a man is coming around is the prospect of possibly being awarded some nookie?

Steve says "men always have a plan for you - figure out what the plan is" and it makes sense. We have plans for them, why shouldn't they have plans for us? I've always believed that guys, like us, have buckets. They meet a girl and immediately (I'm saying within 5-7 minutes), she's placed in a bucket:
  • Long Term Relationship Material
  • Short Term Relationship Material ("My Buddy")
  • Hit It and Quit It Material (Closet Relationship)

Is it possible, with time, to move from Short Term to Long Term relationship material? Sure. And is it possible to move from Long Term to Short Term relationship material? Yea - although, personally, I think if a man can see himself marrying you, it'll take a LOT for you to change that perception (and they figure this out VERY early - reconciling the idea that they're ready to BE married is what takes time). And if you're in the right place, in most cases, the timing of if/when you sleep with him isn't going to change that.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you're dating a dude, and early on you sleep with him, and he disappears - it wasn't the timing of the sex that caused him to step. You just weren't in his long term plan - not now, not ever.

Disclaimer: And before folks start, no I'm NOT advocating that women sleep with men early on in relationships. Don't get it twisted.
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Did they really have him back on March 12th??
I thought on that day Oprah had Tyra on discussing Domestic Violence...
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