I've been keeping up with my MSM. My nails have been growing long (an unexpected benefit) so I guess this is working for my hair as well. I'm DCing now; will apply Bee Mine to my scalp after I rinse. Also, still taking the chlorella, 4mg a day.
I'd like to join as well. I just started taking UNH and might add a few more supplements. My current length is in my siggy.
So I'm in. Took all my stuff today. here comes the weekend and I'm traveling and doing a million things but I will take these pills!!
Getting ready to relax in a few weeks. June 1st to be exact. After being consistent with GA's (actually stopped using in the last few weeks because the rate of growth under my tree braids)

I will have updates in a few weeks.
I've been using my MT/OCT mix just about everyday as well as my EO growth mix for this small slow growing area on the right hair line. I also take MSM 3xday (helps with my joints too), Vitamin E 2xday, Biotin 5mg 1xday, and a MultiVitamin. I stopped taking garlic pills when I ran out and haven't seen any increase in shedding so I'll just eat garlic in my normal meals and get it that way. I am thinking of starting a hair vitamin.

Question: Has anyone had ill effects from MSM or Biotin (other than the norm)?
My nails have been growing faster but it seems that by the time they get down to the last of part of the nail bed they start getting little lines in them and are weak and break easily. I wasn't sure if it was a result of the vitamins (seemed to be a correlation) or that it was the winter and I was washing my hands more especially when I was doing surgery and that was weakening my nails. Any suggestions? Sorry for going OT.
I took (and am taking) Biotin literally Years and never knew their were any preceived side effects, as I didn't have any. I also take Chlorella and Spirulina.

I apply MSM Powder Topically in a Coconut Mixture I created. I use Mega-Tek (scalp only). And I've also incorporated Groganics DHT Blocker. So far, I have totally stepped it up on the Growth Aids.
Still taking supplements and drinking as much water as possible...mostly.

Currently experimenting with making a sulfur oil mix filled with hair goodies (horsetail, cayenne extract, burdock root, sage, etc.) that does NOT stink after application. I'm not allergic to sulfur, but I am very sensitive to the smell. I'll let you know how it turns out. :rolleyes:
Way to go ladies!!!!
Can't wait to see updates soon.

I am keeping up with my vits. I can always do with more water:perplexed
Just finished taking my supplements and will try to up my water intake gradually each day.

ETA: finished taking my second dose of supplements with dinner and am now headed to bed. Good night ladies.
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I was using WGO every other night while my hair was cornrowed but, I took them out Monday. Right now, I'm trying to deal w/ my shedding issue!
I was using WGO every other night while my hair was cornrowed but, I took them out Monday. Right now, I'm trying to deal w/ my shedding issue!
Are you using any products with garlic to help with the shedding? I hope everything works out for you!
Still taking supplements, massaging with shikkai and amla. Had to stop drinking the tea due to headaches and just started BM
I'm still using supplements and alternating between BM & MT every other day. I think that I may have a little growth. :look:


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Just finished taking my morning dose of supplements. For the past couple of days, I have been getting 128 oz. of water in and must say that I am feeling the 'scalp itches' hopefully that a sign that it's growing. I am working on my water intake for today though(sleep in a little this morning and got started with everything a bit late).

I don't believe so.

I took my morning dose of supplements and will be taking my nightly dose with dinner. For the past couple of days, I have been drinking 128 oz. or more of water daily. Now if I can keep this up I will be doing great.
Hey Ladies: Reporting In. Really Maximizing My Water Intake. Am still taking Biotin, Spirulina & Chlorella.

I just picked up this Mane 'N Tail Olive Oil Complex Leave-In Creme Therapy that I have been using in the Baggying Challenge. I am loving this especially for Baggying. Nice & Moisturizing and Creamy.:lick:

I am still applying Mega-Tek daily to scalp. But not this week, since I plan on Self-Relaxing this Weekend. I usually stop applying MT a week before and a week after Relaxing.

I am also still using my Homemade Mixture of EVOO, EVCO & Avacado Oil to penetrate.
Checking in...I have been alternating between Bee Mine and AfroVeda growth elixir. Last night I applied Bee Mine and gave myself a 20 min head massage and scritching. Today after my DC I'm gonna use my WGO (trying to use up the last of it).
PS I am 3 weeks and 2 days post relaxer and I have NG. About 1/4 of an inch.
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Glad to see everyone is doing okay. I was using MT with my tree braids but I kept having them done every three weeks instead of six because of growth.

Now I just took them down last night and did a F*(&^% up job relaxing, but no length progress to report :(

My hair got thicker but not longer. After a stupid 13 week stretch. I'm about ready to give in.
I'd like to join in.

I'm a natural 4A with SL hair (I'm not sure what the length is when its stretched - check my avatar). I have the WGO and am very interested in getting some Mega Tek and that Hair Cocktail found in this thread: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=288413 http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=288413. I take Shen Min HSN vitamins, chlorophyll and have started experimenting with Henna, Ayurvedic oils and powders. I'd like to be MBL by the end of 2010. Is this goal feasible?
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