count me in! I'm at collarbone, I think, and my goal is APL by the end of 09. I am using pure Aloe Vera juice on my scalp every other night. So excited! Let's do this!
While I was sitting w/ the NN on my scalp, I thought to myself, "Maybe I can kick this growth aid thing up a notch. I've got all those essential oils in my cabinet" So, I did a quick inventory of what I had and got to mixin'. I ended up formulating a concoction of emu oil, rosemary oil, tea tree oil, ylang, ylang, cinnamon leaf oil peppermint oil w/ a splash of black pepper oil. I put the container in the freezer and in the morning I had a very nice hair "grease".

I applied it to my scalp and followed it up w/ a five minute scalp massage, which really got the blood flowing. So far scalp and hair feeling happy.:grin:

I love your creativity :dance7: am going to create my own hair grease too :D
Add me! Add me! I'm currentlyusing BM and MT. I just ordered some MTG for my hairline. I get amazing growth from BM alone:grin: but MTG did wonders for my hairline last year and due to wigs, I'm in need of it again:wallbash:
Hey Ladies, our group is getting bigger yay!!!

I am taking my vits faithfully.
I am in the no buy challenge, so I have to hold out before getting any growth aids, but the vits are working for now.

I need to add more water to my routine.I think it will be helpful.
Count me in please...I just did the BC. I have some BT that I'm finishing up and I have an order of MegaTek on the way. When my BT is done, I may order some BM and give it a try. I'm taking the Dollar Store (DG) Hair & Nail Vitamins
Well I love my MT but it is horrible on my tree braids. I just got them done over three weeks than I anticipated because my hair grew so much, the braids started coming loose. I love my MT but I'm trying to make these hair styles last. I'll apply 2x a week and see what happens.
My hair is currently in cornrows and my length is between neck and shoulder. I will be using WGO in scalp daily in the morning and MT/OCT mix 3 days/ week overnight and rinse in the morning. Also, I started taking Hair Growth Vitamin (Vitol). I'm patiently waiting for GREAT results!
Hi ladies. How's everything going? I plan on applying my WGO to my scalp tonight. Im going to mix it with some Vatika oil to tone down the smell a little. HHG
I really like this Bee Mine stuff. I got good growth from BT but the smell was just too much. Bee Mine mango scent is much less intense.
I am currently grazing sl and will start using my oct again and continue with my gnc hair nail vits and amla scalp massages. Will add BM or gro aut oil in a couple weeks. Trying to get to APL ASAP!
So far so good as far as applying grease. I just cant seem to get my vitamin/water act together. Vits make me sick for some reason. Maybe i will try them before bed
I have been doing ok with taking my supplements, but not so good with water:wallbash:
Ok...*breath* I can do this!
I'm in. I take a multi vitamin plus msm, flaxeed oil, garlic, omega 3s and b complex for my hair. Plus 2 liters of water/day. I'm great during the week, but I fall off almost every weekend so I'm joining!
I'm still on amla oil and my pills. My nails are super growing and strong, my hair is smooth and the growth is speeding too, am so close to my BC :p
Just finished taking my supplements. I ran into a little problem with my sulfur mix(too much sulfur I believe) and noticed a small bald area in my head. I am going to hold off on using the sulfur mix and just stick with the supplements for the time being.
Doing good! Been scritching my scalp with oils every am and oct every pm. A cup of biotin tea daily and my vits daily!